This PvP gearing system

Yes, those two enchants really help you customize your stats. :sweat_smile::rofl:

Enchants had nothing to do with vendors either. If they put vendors in, there would be the same amount of enchants as there are now…

Vendor gear must have something to do with vendors. :thinking::thinking::thinking:

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So I should run around in levelling gear until I get a weekly upgrade? I am not sure many would choose to do that. I PVE to get the honour equivalent gear, whereas before I could do the this in BG’s, and I preferred that.


I want Hit,Expertise, Armour penetration, Spell Penetration,resilience ,Block Rating,Block Value,Resistances, Like bring back Weapon Skill or expertise small factor but it’s a stats that matters and diversifies you from everyone else AND THAT is what wow lacks CUSTOMIZATION. Yes ik we have Haste,mastery,crit and versatility as our main base line stats but really? That’s pathetically simplistic. All this in addition to adding gem sockets to all our gear again with 2 -3 slots + bonus socket slot and old meta gems for helms + shoulder,helm enchants from various reps or unlocks.
Separates people from casual and dedicated.


I have gotten 360+ gear after many random BG wins. Even the 385 wrist I’m wearing was after a BG win.

The gear you get from capping conquest is what you’d see on a vendor… enchants/reforging are two entirely different concepts.

So you’re saying if i had a vendor I’d usually buy a pair of boots, then buy the same pair again later, and if i get another pair of boots as a drop i’d buy that same pair a third time.

You’re a genius!


i don’t think mmorpg is about stat customization, its a part of wow’s design, but stat customization does not make something part of the rpg genre. Armored Core had stat customization, and its certainly not an rpg.

people picked the stats that they know are optimal for their spec or class. only an extremely small minority of players will deviate from the status quo to pick something like tank stuff or stacking haste. of those people, generally only those familiar with theorycrafting will make good choices and be able to leverage them.

I don’t think we necessarily need “vendors”, just some leeway with what we can choose. It looks like S2 has a bit more wiggle room, but looking through the list I think they should have offered more options.

What’s the harm in having this week be “Pick any Azerite slot: head, chest, or shoulders”? Would that have been a compromise in the spirit of good faith?

Also, I agree that having the overview and progression listing on a website not operated by Blizzard is bass ackwards. PVEer’s get a very specific set of lists and drops in the ingame Dungeon Journal.

And also: that dumb progress bar. Why does it still only show one item in a “choice week”? I’m sure some people look at the bar and decide it’s not worth bothering for since the item shown has bad stats for them, and the actual upgrade is hidden until they complete the quest? Why does shift-clicking the Azerite gear at the end of the bar not show the traits? :thinking:

Monkeys could have done a better job with the UI. They rely too much on crowdsourcing with addons, websites, etc.

If wow even lasts much longer it will eventually be STAM, PRIMARY STAT and that’s it. Can’t have mouthbreathers coming into an RPG game and expect them to learn what attributes do for your characters. Too hard man.

Fine, you had some random drops I only had one in 23 weeks that was an upgrade. I guess if I only did BG’s I might have seen more. This does not even come close to being able to buy a decent lower ilvl set of gear from the honour vendor though.

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You don’t get boots 3 weeks in a row from the conquest system…

Shocker, just like other expansions.

Well. This is both anecdotal evidence. For me, pretty much everyone I knew, my guild, my friends, etc stacked the stats they wanted regardless of what was ‘optimal’. Further more, the difference between optimal and the rest were more of a factor for pve .

You say that it was a small minority, but it wasn’t from my view. Unless either of us have evidence, let’s just leave it at that.

I also got a pvp trinket one time in 8 weeks of daily battlegrounds across 3 120’s. It’s a garbage system and the fanboys or blizzard employees posting on their toons to justify their crappy design aren’t helping anyone.


Have you heard of the pvp chest that gives rng gear? If you’re not familiar with the current system perhaps you shouldn’t chime in.

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I said from the conquest system, meaning you get 500 points and get your gear. Every week is a different piece of gear.

And if you got that piece of gear elsewhere you don’t have to wait until the week is over to get a piece of gear that you want because… dun dun dun … vendors.

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Yes but there’s multiple paths to gear, all laced with RNG lotteryforging. It could be argued that the current system punishes people who play all their content.

My guess is if they added vendors, RNG gear won’t be there half as much as we see.

Punished how? If you got that gear from elsewhere it’s one less piece you have to get, and it’s probably higher ilvl.