This PrePatch event does not respect player time

People just want to have fun and gear up alts for they are excited about the expansion launch. Why is this being turned into a grind? Why does time played metrics matter for a prepatch event? Why does something that should be an easy win and form good will be turned into a big fat loss? And what little goodwill there was from DF coming off the heels of systemlands we are seeing them revert to their old ways again of not respecting player time investment in the game for gear or transmog?

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Yeah this event is wildly out of touch. Why design alt unfriendly content alongside warbands. Mythic plus going to 6/6 myth track with no discounts for crests on alts is also another huge deterrent to playing alts. Warbands are pointless if you waste so much of our time and design everything to be “play one toon 80 hours a week”. zzzzzzzzzzz


WoW is a very alt driven game for many people and they just want to have fun to gear up for and be ready for the expansion launch.

Prepatches are supposed to be fun and not grinds.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Fun fact: Literally all of the world events in DF are awakened and awarding guaranteed 480 gear if they’re part of those “Last Hurrah…” activities.

If you want to “have fun and gear alts” then you’re free to spend the hour and a half between pre-patch events to bang out a few of those. With the added benefit that you can actually catalyze those drops into tier transmogs.


You can still do many parts of DF content and gain gear that is equivalent. But gating gear that will be replaced with the launch of the expansion makes no sense.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Can those items be put into your warbank for your remix character when they transfer over?

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My favourite part was when I foolishly killed the boss whilst in a raid group and so didn’t get quest completion. Now I have to wait another 90min for another boss. RIP. :headstone:




Sorry to hear that. Is that a bug?

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

No. But you’ve also got almost a month to collect whatever warbound items you want to save for those. These aren’t mutually exclusive activities…


Aren’t prepatch events supposed to be fun and an aid to gear up alts? The warband feature is about alts. So what gives???


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


All of what you are saying is true, but doesn’t change that the event is very poorly designed and feedback saying so is valid and useful for future events.


And it seems to make it harder on those that have a lot of alts too.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


they should remove the quest giving 1k5 currency and put 500/750 more currency for killing end boss and put the cycle timer to 20-30 min instead of 1h30


Or they should properly ramp up spawn rates so everyone has a chance to participate in a prepatch even that should be about fun.

I guess BlizZard activated the monkey paw on this one for a prepatch event of all things. Wow.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


if you want bliz to listen use the one post and comment under it, dont open new ones for pre patch event plz

the one with most comments is


I can multi task but yes thanks for sharing!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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It seems the best way to manipulate this event is to do the three dailies on multiple characters throughout the day. But still it doesn’t respect our time.


We shouldn’t have to do that when it supposed to be gear that will be replaced with the expansion launch soon.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Been having to do the events on multiple characters to try and gear up my new main, be there on the dot, every 90 minutes…. Kind of starting to feel a bit like a job when it’s supposed to be a game, and supposed to be an easy and fun event for catch up gear that will be disposed of with a few quests…