This PrePatch event does not respect player time

As with all prepatches, the gear is more limited time FOMO transmog pieces. The catchup is a lesser feature. Also it is much MUCH easier to level chars in Remix right now.


Yes remix is the better option right now.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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So the repeatable quests in the 5 zones are weekly?

First I always hated that weeklies had the same symbol as regular quests. Now it’s the same as dailies which seem just as bad. How about 3 distinct symbols?

So they literally want you to line up an army of alts to make any headway, Can alts get completion on bosses, or is it only the only the one that hits it before death?

Why are all 5 portal active in Dalaran but the portal back is only there when memories are active? Some you realize that you only want to go through the one, but it’s lame when you ar just beginning the event


It is time gating to the max which feels bad.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Remix is great for leveling a new character.

Doesn’t help level an existing character and if you want everything out of it you have to make at least 3 characters and put in the time of a full time job for 3 whole months.


Prepatch is supposed to be about having fun, chill and gear up alts in anticipation of expansion launch.

Punishing players that want to play your game and are excited for the expansion launch makes no sense from a business perspective but also from a game play perspective.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


This event also sucks for people who are not into playing alts. There are mounts and pets, and just doing the weekly quests on one character is not enough.

I don’t want to play alts, but I have to play them if I want the cosmetics. Never thought I’d say this, but this is even less enjoyable than Plunderstorm. At least I didn’t need to set my alarm for that.


Some people had enjoyment with plunderstorm. I guess that is better than what this prepatch provides


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I am now doing all 3 dailies then cycling to another alt. During the downtime I am playing Vampire Hunters. Great game.


I guess that is adapting but I seriously doubt that was the intention behind prepatch event.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Because of the unplayable lag on the boss? I mean, if you’re gonna complain

If lag was the big concern most people would be posting that all over the forums.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

they need to make the weekly quest a daily quest


If you are waiting for Blizzard to care about what you have to say, don’t hold your breath. They need to suck up to the shareholders, and that means making graphs with lines going up that they can show to justify their bonuses. Metrics > us. Never forget that the game you are playing is not actually designed with your fun in mind.


Agreed. Overpriced rewards and a lack of respect for player time with the value of the event being restricted to the first few minutes. FOMO followed by a mad scramble - it’s tough to understand these kinds of choices.


There are three of them but I do agree.

FOMO doesn’t work if you punish the players wanting to play.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Yes but shadowlands time wasting lost them literally 60% of their playerbase, FF14 was on top for a while, and THEN they went into emergency make everything respect players time mode. Pulled the ripcord as they called it. They then bought back a lot of good will in dragonflight, but the cancer in their team that wants shadowlands level grind and inflexibility is clearly still working in their team. It will cost them 60% of their players within 12 months just like shadowlands did.

At this point is it really for the shareholders? The shareholders will abandon in droves as 60% of players quit, and then blizz will have to claw it all back again.

WOuld it not be better to just respect our time and keep the game popular and healthy, and thus a better shareholder return year round?

Edit: I know some of what i say here sounds Naive
 i know shareholders and companies only care about THIS quarterly earnings report at the expense of the next quarter’s report. Both the shareholders and the company alike don’t understand they are stealing from next quarter’s dividends by exploiting and abusing anything they can this quarter. And eventually the side effect is people quitting in droves because the product has been cutting corners and wasting their time every quarter.


Is there really no way they could make an exciting event that I could enjoy at my leisure and convenience, vs. at precise five minute intervals that require setting an alarm for?

I understand appointments and calendars are unavoidable for many aspects of modern life. I don’t understand why they are added into a video game.

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Truthfully the prepatch event should be something fun you can hop on and do within a reasonable time frame.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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