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Decided to make my own guild with some friends. Thank you all!

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Here’s a link to our recruitment post, but you can also message me on discord at mmoargynn

Hey Koharu, we are looking to add a healer to our family. We raid 7-9est on Tuesday and Thursday. Take a look at our guild information and if you are interested hit me up for a chat.
Good luck in your search.

Tom Sellecks Mustache a Normal/Heroic Raiding Guild on Thrall (Since 2015) is looking for a more to join us as we move into The War Within.

At Tom Sellecks Mustache we value the player above all, so we recruit the person behind the mask not the toon. We look for people that want to be part of a family, people that enjoy logging on to be part of a community, and people that remember that this is “a Game”, and it’s supposed to be fun.

TSM is made up of mature adults and we have no time for drama or elitist players, we play the game for what it is “A Game”. We laugh and carry on in Discord while we raid, but we try not to take ourselves too seriously, so we just run back and try again when we die. With a little effort and some encouragement, we get the job done and are able to sit back and laugh about our mistakes but celebrate and enjoy our success.


As a mustachioed person in this guild, I would like to add the following. Mature means that we cut up and have a good time, all the while being respectful, not hurtful. We taunt, cajole, exhort, and tease each other, but never losing an undertone of kindness and a regard for our fellow mustachers.
PS. If you are on the heal team, none of this may apply. :wink:

Currently Seeking:

Full Time tank spot open
DPS/Tank Off-spec to fill in and run Mythic +

Full Time spot open
Heals/DPS off spec to fill in as needed



Raid Schedule:

Tues./Thur. 7:00pm - 9pm EST

TSM is a Normal/Heroic AoTC raiding guild, Mythic raiding isn’t our goal.

What we are looking for from You:
We are an Adult guild, most of us have careers/families etc., and understand that sometimes Real Life happens. That being said our time is valuable and we are looking for players that can consistently make it to the raids. We aren’t looking to be server firsts, but we don’t want to be last either. AoTC is our goal with every expansion.

If you are looking for a positive raiding experience without all the Min-Max Elitist, then we may be the right guild for you. Come talk to us you will not be disappointed.

Contact: Battlenet - Zuul#1119 for more information.

Firehawk - Proudmoore is a raiding guild that was formed 15 years ago. Our goal is to continue to be a great guild with diversity offering raid experience for all levels of raiders. We field three raid teams, Vira our CE team, Corpse Run Mythic progression and Twilight Fenix, AOTC casual team. The leadership of Firehawk has been around since Vanilla and has high end leadership experience.

We have 3 teams to fit every level of play.

What you can expect from us as a guild:

  • Strong/passionate/driven leadership that doesn’t give up.
  • A sense of community and direction.
  • Communication.

VIRA - CE Team

6 hr/wk Raid Schedule:
Friday: 8:00PM-11:00PM EST
Saturday: 8:00PM-11:00PM EST

Corpse Run – Mythic Progression

6 hr/wk Raid Schedule:
Tuesday: 9:00PM-12:00PM EST
Wed: 9:00PM-12:00PM EST

Twilight Fenix – AOTC Casual

6 hr/wk Raid Schedule:
Friday: 9:00PM-12:00PM EST
Sunday: 9:00PM-12:00PM EST

Please reach out to me via BattleTag: Guild Master Tèren – Shadowdancer#1115 or on Discord at _teren.

We appreciate your time and interest. Best of luck with your search!

Good morning Koharu,

We are a small drama free guild/raid group of experienced players looking for a few more players to join us, I will say we do already have a Monk Healer, so if you are comfortable playing on one of the other healers you mentioned during raid that would be great. We mostly raid, but there are a good handful of us that do M+, mount/tmog runs as well.

We raid Sat/Sun from 6 pm to 8:30 pm (PST). We do ask that people have previous AOTC experience.

Feel free to add me on discord (Username: Lewpha) if you think we may be a good fit for you.

Hey Koharu,

If Fri, Sat 9pm eastern works for you, we have a family friendly guild looking for healers. Good fit maybe,

Discord - Enthalpy7033

Eclipsed on Stormrage is a multi-team guild looking for a MW Monk for one of our AOTC raid teams…

Celestial (AOTC Only)
8/8H VOTI, 9/9H ATSC, 9/9H ATDH Season 4
Wednesday’s 9:00pm-12:00am EST

If this interests you, please contact me at my Discord: nakkita76 or my BTAG: britt2376#1776

Hi Koharu!

The Dignified, Blade’s Edge is an active, fun, cross faction, cross realm guild. We are home to around 325 different accounts and many alts. Our scheduled events are:
*Casual RBG’s for all guildies with a set of any pvp gear at 8pm central time 4 nights a week. We currently have one RBG push team, 2 nights a week.
*Casual N/H raids for all guildies meeting min ilvl Friday and Saturday 6-8pm central time.
*Mythic Monday nights for all guildies so they have a vault if they want one. Otherwise, just watch guild chat for people running them and needing others.
*Every Thursday at 7:30pm central we have old raids and dungeons for mounts and mogs. Open to all guildies meeting character level requirement.
*Progression AOTC+ raid team runs Tuesday Wednesday 8-10pm central. Trial and previous logs required.
*We have monthly gold raffles, *guild parties twice a year, yearly *mog contest, and other fun things.
Anything you’d want in a guild really. Our PvP events will resume with TWW.
Members decide what they want to do. There’s no pressure to do anything (unless on push or prog teams of course). Just enjoy the game.

Bnet: Stormy#1445
Discord: stormy1445

Hey there! We may be what you’re looking for. We’re a “life first” guild, raid one day a week. Please check us out!