<Maximum Effort> Recruiting for TWW Raiding Wed/Sun 7pm-10pm PST


My name is Steve, and I am the recruitment officer for < Maximum Effort >

We are a LGBTQIA+ friendly guild in search of exceptional players to fill our raid team going into TWW.

What we have to offer you:

  • A driven and motivated raid team that is progression minded for those interested in experiencing TWW with AOTC and Mythic difficulty in mind.
  • An active discord with active members available at all hours of the day and night.
  • Cute animal pictures (Need I say more on this?)
  • Experienced leadership of various walks of life on a similar journey, in which each individual has experienced the World of Warcraft for at least 15 years.
  • Class/Mechanical Coaching: We don’t expect you to be the best, we just expect the < Maximum Effort > to become the best.
  • A friendly, social environment for those interested in more casual play/leveling experience.

What we would like from a prospective raider:

  • A friendly, accepting player whom is willing to listen to feedback and work with others in an ALL INCLUSIVE environment to create one cohesive boss-killing unit.
  • The willingness to utilize discord.
  • Ability to respect all raid members time and IRL responsibilities. (IE. Don’t waste peoples time in raids: Be on time and ready to raid.)
  • Willingness to listen to constructive and respectful criticisms and work towards improvement in order to better the guild as a whole.
  • Drive to improve.
  • Initiative to ask for advice or ask questions.
  • Sharing cute animal pictures on discord also a plus. (Once again, who doesn’t like cute/silly animal pictures)

Raid Times: Wednesdays/Sundays 7PM PST-10PM PACIFIC STANDARD TIME

What we would like from a social/leveling player:
A friendly, accepting player whom is willing to be respectful of other guild mates in an ALL INCLUSIVE environment.

Plate Dps

We will take anyone who is interested in joining, whom can maintain themselves in a “non-toxic” manner.

INGAME: Brewersteve-Darkspear
BTAG: Pokey#11766
DISCORD: stevethecowman

<3 love this

Well i love you!

pay attention to us

Im just bumping so you see how good we look

bumping this

Bumping twice because its nice!

what server and faction is this? maybe I overlooked it. so I can start a character there I am interested for sure

They’re on Cho’gall, Horde. But since this past Tuesday it doesn’t matter. Faction and server are no longer relevant to guild membership. You can join on anyone, from anywhere!

I think you mean “The humility” and not “hubris”. Taking a peek after this was linked in my looking-for-guild thread. Thanks.

1 Like

I sent. Friend request I’ll be online for a bit today hope to talk soon

I appreciate it. I just crush rocks for a living so grammar and words never have been my greatest I edited it to initiative, as i feel it fits what i meant to say better anyways.

Good stuff good stuff

Bumping the post

Just another bump

Our guild leader can beat up your guild leader.

Bumparoni Jabroni

this post goes crazy ngl

Bumping this

I bump for you

I bumping this post we