<From Nothing> [H/A] [Any server] is recruiting! *Life First* AOTC guild, 1 day week - Tues 6-9PM PST

< From Nothing > is recruiting as we go into the War Within!

Hey everyone! We’re a guild that has gotten AOTC every tier since midway through Shadowlands, we’ve been around over 4 years now, and do our progression with a little different perspective!

We make an emphasis on being a “life first” guild. We understand that people have lives outside of WoW (as much as we all love to play!) whether that be jobs, family or just life obligations. We get it that not everyone has a ton of time to play. We’re an adult guild with folks from many places and various obligations, and do our absolute best to maintain that “life first” mentality when it comes to our schedule, expectations and understanding that life can get in the way sometimes.

Most of all, we also love to have fun! That’s what it’s all about in the end, right? With that though, because we only raid one day a week, we are also mindful to protect and respect people’s time, as you’re choosing to spend it with us on our raid night. So we are a group that enjoys the shenanigans but also knows to buckle down during progression and learning fights, while doing so in a productive and respectful way.

So some details on our raid:

  • Schedule: Tuesdays 6PM-9PM PST - one day a week
  • We progress normal first and then move to heroic.
  • We do not raid mythic. We’re a normal and heroic raid guild.
  • Because we raid only one day a week, and start with normal first, our progression is a little bit slower than what many would call “average” (but not too slow! Its really just a matter of our one day a week schedule).
  • We take everyone to normal raid. As we move into heroic, we do look at logs when it comes to things like deaths, learning mechanics and overall DPS. We’re quite lenient overall, but there are times where we may ask someone to sit if its just not working out. If that’s the case, we’re always willing to help others and guide them to learn and improve if that’s something you want to do!

Who we’re recruiting for raid:

  • DPS! We very much believe in bring the player not the class. So we don’t care what class or spec you play. We want you to enjoy what you play, no necessarily play what’s meta. If you enjoy it, bring it!
  • Healer: We have room for one potential healer with the understanding you may need to flex to DPS if and when the roster fluctuates.
  • Tanks: We do not have any availability for raid tanks. (if you’re willing to DPS raid but are a tank for m+, that totally works!)

We’re also a group that loves runs mythic plus throughout the week! With a very active discord, where you can ping the guild for the roles and keys you’re looking to run. We have a variety of people who run keys from just chill relaxing keys to getting Keystone Hero and all your portals. We definitely have folks who prefer m+ and many groups that get going throughout the week.

First of all, if you’ve read this far, wow thanks - I am not sure I would have myself! :smiley: But really, we would love to have you in our guild if you feel we may be a good fit for you with everything we’ve said. We look forward to talking to you soon! Happy to answer questions you may have.

Please reach out to us on Discord preferably or in-game with the contacts below if you’re interested, and we can talk to further!

Discord: _kawi in-game: Mawi/Kawii/Rocki
Discord: whiskeyfoo in-game: Whiskeymoo, Whiskeyroo
Discord: mooid in-game: Moo, Moomoofoo
Discord: malachite9142 in-game: Mâl, Mâlaise


Sent a request to discord. I’m a BC vet with high parses teaching my guy how to maximize in endgame content. We are flexible with the classes we bring and your raid time is perfect for us. Dex#1427 in game. Please reach out so we can discuss.

Hey Chantintatum - did you get ahold of someone? If not, you may use _kawi to reach out to me directly on discord. Looking forward to talking to you soon!

Bumpity bump! Join the chaos!

Bump, join us. Or don’t, I’m not your mom.

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Bumpy bumpity bumps, come and join the chumps! (not actually chumps, they’re pretty cool I guess <3 )

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Just a little update (bumpdate?): our raid roster is nearing being full! We’d still love to have you for other grouped content, or just as a place to hang!