I’m not toxic at all. I’m sorry you feel telling people facts makes me toxic.
I’m stopping to play my mage for that reason.
Blizzard nerfs/buffs/does something silly and then you have to eat up a covenant swap, legendary swap, more time gated grind, etc.
With some classes, covenant is not that bad, but with mage? It really sucks. I am not changing to Kyrian for Arcane, I spent so much anima in overly expensive transmogs and sanctum upgrades to lose it all just because Blizz has 0 respect for the players’ time.
I had to do it with my Shadow Priest, not doing it again.
But when they change covenants again in 9.2 you’ll miss the fun of re-swapping.
This. I get that with each expansion they keep trying to boost their engagement metrics by making everything be grindier and just generally take longer (including the withholding of flying) but they really went overboard with SL. And I say this as a somewhat casual player this expansion.
If you are trying to be competitive or get edge/curve you literally can’t stop grinding whether it’s renown or currency for sockets/conduit upgrades and let’s not forget everyone’s favorite Choregast 24/7! Just getting 10 M+ runs in every week to maximize your odds at the Great Vault of Disappointment takes a solid 6 hours of playtime in the dungeons alone, that’s not accounting for the half hour you have to spend in the LFG to get a group to begin with.
No one has the time for all that. I certainly don’t and that’s why I am taking a walk.
Yeah, its ridiculous.
Mage is a total disaster at the moment. I refuse to regrind a new covenant. I like fire and want the option to play it at any time. But even then, the talent tree is a mess. I switch between conflg & flamepatch… and that’s it for the entire expansion (besides so far 2 raid bosses where I take fire starter). What a joke.
That’s 12 talents out of 21 I’ve just never used? And I have KSM / CE & will get them both again, so its not like I’m just a casual that won’t learn the class fully. There is no scenario to use them in.
I don’t think I’ve specced out of frenetic speed, flame on, or shimmer in YEARS
uhhhh, you are one of those mages that doesn’t use Ring of Frost in M+? Why would you trade a super stun for 30% mov speed?
uhhh guess so (and its not a stun, let alone a “super” stun).
I’ll edit to say probably useful in higher keys, but 15s are easy AOE fests so I haven’t felt the need for it. I have no interest in pushing higher than KSM, running the same dungeons yet more times isn’t all that interesting IMO. Its a means to get gear to do mythic raiding.
RoF is useful but in the highest keys it is almost never used. The mobility is favored way more and DB+frost nova do just fine if kiting help is needed at all. Usually they have other classes put down slows like binding shot from hunters or earthgrab totem if it comes to that.
It works like a stun that breaks with damage when it hits, baby. You can stop the lil mobs on hakkar corridor, can stop the PF spider when she casts her furtive lil spiders, you can use to stop golias, all the mobs in SD, etc etc etc. Basically everything that is not interruptable can be stopped with ROF
It’s not only a slow, the slow is the second element of Ring of Frost
“Summons a Ring of Frost for 10 sec at the target location. Enemies entering the ring are incapacitated for 10 sec.”
It does the same thing DB does.
A lot of people have this concern and blizzard is so stubborn with their ideas. It’s alt unfriendly and playing other specs. If they want people to play longer, they need to remove this crabs. All I can do now is to play one character only and no other spec. Also I’m not going to grind all these renowns again for my alts. It’s ridiculous on how Blizzard doesn’t want u to play alts and other spec to keep us interested. Very poor design from Blizzard. I’m glad they are firing some of their head stubborn management team. Hope it changes or I will quit soon.
They aren’t being fired because they are bad designers, they’re being fired because of harassment lawsuits. Why is this an important distinction? Because the odds are that nothing will change once they hire replacements. If they can release one crappy xp/system after another from WOD onward and keep their jobs, they aren’t likely to change what they are doing.
This is not Metzen’s WOW and hasn’t been for a decade.
Whatever it is, those nerd developers probably have no chance in women and this is the only way to get women. Once they are into women, they stop designing shlts.
As a Venthyr arcane mage I refuse to go Kyrian. It’s pissing me off seeing the numbers too. I hold my own but man do I have to slam my keyboard against a tree to produce some good numbers. Jesus Christ…
As a note, being necrolord and swapping to night fae, I now sim lower until I unlock all the soulbinds. Now it should only take me a few days to bump reknown back up. But with that said, I’m simming 600 lower just for swapping. Def makes you not wanna swap and experience the other covenants
It is so tempting to go necrolord for me.
It is fun. I’m 218 and barely parse green but the sustain dmg is better. Visually it’s fun to transform into a undead super mage.
Casting fireballs 3 for every 1 you cast is nice. (Only if there are 2-3 targets) if they would allow the 3 to hit a single target then it would reallly be pumping)
The shield is great. Another actual dmg reduction for the channel and then having a shield
With gearing it may overcome the others eventually because of the flat bonuses to intell and the boost to conflagration from casting 3 fireballs into aoe stuff.(if they keep buffing our single target).
The single target doesn’t benefit as much from deathborne(because a single target only gets one fireball)
Aoe is a little weaker than the other conduits because fireballs cast time is usually between 1.5-2 secs right now and the dmg is fairly weak. With low dmg from fireball and the percentage of conflagration to ‘’flare up” we can’t fully take advantage of the aoe bonus from conflagration and the bonus fireballs. But with some slight buffs and a little more gear….it may end up the go to down the line.
Honestly the current setup for necrolords being buffed and tuned here and there could bump the spec up easily the 2-4% that necrolord is behind
I know all about necrolord. I just don’t like that 3 minute cd.
Soooo, the cd needs reduced, the legendary needs buffed, and the other changes listed above
Yes. Make it 2 minutes and then I’m sold. 3 minutes is 1 minute too long. I already take issue with demon Hunters having a 4 minute cd which is absurd and was when I first saw the cd in Legion prepatch on my first demon hunter and the army cd for unholy dks is already a thorn in my side.
I just hate cds that’s just long for the sake of being long and cd reduction talents that, imo, should never exist.
Yeah I am not liking how covenants play a fairly big part in DPS. I am Night Fae also because I was originally Arcane and in the beginning people were saying it was the best Covenant for Arcane. Then 9.1 hits and now NF sucks and if you don’t play the FOTM covenant, your dps suffers. I really am not going to keep switching covenants and re-doing all my renown etc.
So now I am frost as NF which isn’t that good either due to my covenant and would be obviously doing a lot more damage if I was the correct covenant. I just wish they made all Covenants the same for dps/hps etc. and just make each one have the different cosmetics/pets/mounts. I know renown catch up isn’t too hard, but I just don’t really feel like starting over in that department especially if things change for 9.2 and then another covenant becomes the fotm.