I can’t seem to flex other specs for 1 covenant.
I am nigthfae. I use to play all 3 specs in BFA or legion. Now if I spec swop I have to worry about conduits, because oddly, the soul binds don’t remember when I respec. Even in legion when we swopped specs our artifact automatically equipped itself.
The worst part, is that the DPS loss in mythic plus not being venthyr for frost (or Kyrian for arcane) is MASSIVE.
I have the BIS legendaries crafted. But running Nightfae soul binds for arcane or frost is actually a bigger dps loss than the sims are showing.
That being said, if I go Kyrian, I’m not going to be able to flex fire or frost when I want.
I am feeling overwhelmed. I am being honest.
It almost makes me want to quit because I’m trapped playing 1 spec. I wish I had talent trees like the old days, at least then I could play any form of hybrid talents or spec I wanted. Covenant soul binds aren’t talent trees. They are soo different. They just look similar to them but they are restrictive and unforgiving for playing a spec that isn’t bis for that covenant.
^ This 1000%
This is exactly what we warned Blizzard about pre-launch: you never, ever want to tie dps to a gimmick. Yet they keep doing it over and over.
Sure you can swap covenants, but the penalty for doing so is extremely stiff. If you don’t care about anything but pure dps then it’s not that bad, but losing everything you worked for over the past 8-9 months is extremely unappealing to someone like me. There is no way I’m re-grinding 17 (or whatever) followers and even the “quick” renown catch-up still feels far more punitive than it should.
To top it off, I’m also not a fan of gimmicky playstyles that require you to play a spec with rotations that I’m pretty confident the devs never intended. “Quickening” in TOV anyone? And even if I was to learn the Kyrian-Arcane style, I refuse to live in fear for the day which will come where they make a different covenant superior, whether it’s 9.2 or sooner.
Covenants should have been cosmetic and story only and now we’re once again paying the price for Blizzard’s failure to plan ahead and balance.
Trust me you’re not alone.
Already got to that point myself, subscription is canceled and runs out in 2 weeks.
The part that pisses me off the most. None of this was a surprise because we told them is was going to happen and yet they chose to ignore us. If they’re just going to do what they want anyway why even have a test server or pretend to gather feedback?
Exactly why I refuse to switch to Kyrian even if I was somehow okay with all the other hassles of switching (which I am not, by a long shot). Radiant Spark is absolutely not working as intended and it’s plain for anyone to see if they only read the ability tooltip and then saw that it actually doesn’t behave the way it says it does.
On top of that the Harmony play style by itself (w/o Kyrian) is beyond brain dead and the legendary itself was designed without any amount of forethought put in. It was a copy and paste job from the Legion legendary belt but that lego buffed Mark of Aluneth not freaking Barrage. The play style of collecting stacks to buff a spell makes sense when you’re buffing a spell with a long cooldown that doesn’t otherwise interfere with your rotation but it’s absolutely ridiculous when you apply it to a rotational spell that serves a completely different purpose and turn it into a nuke. What purpose is ABarr supposed to serve exactly? Is it a charge reset? Is it a cleave spell? Oh no wait, is it a nuke now? Make up your minds, ffs, or better yet come up with another two spells instead of trying to shoehorn one spell to serve the purpose of three!
Lazy, lazy, LAZY. That sums up their entire approach with designing Arcane this expansion and frankly I am done.
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Cry cry cry like all your other posts. Missles spam is fun and a nice change of pace. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean everyone does.
I can’t wait till your sub expires.
Oooh man, sucks to be you. Guess you better buckle up for the next two week.
But also, in case you haven’t noticed you’re the only one on this thread (and on of the few on the forums) not “crying” as you so eloquently put it so you might want to revisit your previous statement.
Though that might require more brainpower than someone who thinks the hight of gameplay involves spamming Arcane Missiles for days has.
Not really. I just find your constant whining boring. It’s impossible to actually have any decent conversation.
Actually they aren’t crying. They are stating an obvious issue with the covenant system which I happen to agree with.
It’s just funny that you can’t go into any thread without writing a paragraph about how much you dislike the game.
I never said it was the height. I said it’s a nice change of pace.
Well then what are going on about? So am I (and also echoed what others said about the Harmony lego being lame). You don’t like that my replies are lengthier or you just have a personal dislike towards me? I don’t really care either way but if you’re agreeing then I don’t see why you feel the need to reply to every one of my posts and disparage them. You call it “crying” I call it in-depth criticism and I am going to keep doing it for as long as I have access to this platform for which I am still paying as part of my subscription.
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Same. I wanna swap between Frost and Fire but as NF there’s little reason to to do it. You can argue as Venthyr that some ST fights would be better as Fire and the rest Frost, but not worth the hassle imo. It feels pretty bad, especially when specs have the same BIS Soulbind (which is part of the problem with trying to do multispec with Frost, I think both would require Dreamweaver).
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Swapping covenants isn’t even that bad. I’m
Already 40 renown after swapping yesterday and still have loads of campaign quests left. Yeah you have to level followers again but who really cares about that because it barely does anything for your progression anyway. You can swap back to your old covenant anytime you want within 48 hours and all your buildings and followers and anima stored will still be there. Most people who bothered before 9.1 maxed all their covenants out for this exact reason.
I’m actually enjoying kyrian arcane it’s good to hit missiles other then just CC procs or fishing with arcane blast like you had to before. it’s nice to see arcane mages in mythic+. Havnt done much content but I just started playing again since quitting before 9.0.5 and catching up on everything. I only just crafted harmony because I always used bombardment as nf arcane before.
It’s a bit sad really. Every expansion they invest huge amounts of time and effort (and $) into these gimmick systems to “keep things fresh” only to be told countless times by players throughout alpha and beta that they’re terrible ideas, don’t work properly, make balance a nightmare and make the game considerably less fun. At the end of every expansion since Legion, they come out and say “maybe X system wasn’t a great idea” and then just go ahead and do it again in the next expansion.
Imagine if they invested that time, effort and money into actually making the classes amazing to play at a baseline level, and put a little effort into making talents more exciting and interactive (no, that doesn’t necessarily mean more buttons to push). Say what you will about the massive amounts of cut content in WoD, but the classes (and this applies to all classes, not just Mages) were amazing to play.
I guess that depends on how much you play. If you’re in the game every day for several hours, it’s probably not a big deal. If you have a set group to run dungeons etc, it’s quicker. If you’re a raid logger (and let’s be honest, there isn’t really much else to log on for) or only play a few hours a week then it will take a long time to get back to 55.
@Kerathras. I feel you man. I log in to raid night with friends, but with the awful loot drop rate even that is starting to feel bad. My motivation to do Heroic is waning (doesn’t help that 30% of our dps are carries). I’ll stay subbed for now, because I raid 2 nights TBC but honestly it would only take 1 good MMO to pull me away for a long time.
You skipped the part where they admit a problem, then double down on said problem before finally admitting it was bad near the end.
Umm what? Since when does it only take 48 hours to swap back to an old covenant? Unless you start it Monday night before reset the whole process is limited by a quest you have to do on 2 different resets, so it could take up to 1 week to swap depending on when you start the process.
Go Venthyr if you want to multi spec.
Fires second best cov is Venthyr
Arcane second best is Venthyr
Frost bis is venthyr
It really shouldn’t be this way
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I agree. It’s why I went lock over mage in 9.05 but then they gutted Aff so here I am on mage anyways
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Having the covenants being a cosmetic/visual attraction instead a BiS/Sim trap would have been the best way to go, but nope… can’t have that…
I agree. I would much rather be necrolord for both my casters and my warrior bexause their transmog looks sick.
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This mage would have been venthyr or night fae. My dk kyrian. And my pally would also have stayed night fae (obviously trash for pally and not as fun as I thought it would be). Right now, my warrior (night fae) and my demon hunter (venthyr) are the only ones that are in covenants that I originally intended for them to be in prior to the expansion launching.
Exactly, just swap before reset.
I’ve been NF since 9.0 but I’m really enjoying the changes to frost. I’m a casual player. Mostly get on a few times a week when life allows. How much time am I looking at to rebuild renown if I make the jump? I’m at renown 55 right now so not quite maxed out the tree yet.