This mage is feeling trapped by Covenants

Not for arcane due to how spark works.

Yep. 100% withh you buddy.

Yeah, this. I think a lot of people are discounting just how powerful RS is. Which is not that surprising given how many of the other covenant abilities are meh. But RS is the linchpin of the Kyrian Harmony build. It’s what defines the build really. The Harmony lego in of itself isn’t even that good (which is why you can’t do this build with any other covenant), it’s the fact that it synergizes so well with RS and that RS in turn synergizes with RoP and TotM.

That’s a lot of stacked damage multipliers especially if you add a nice on use trinket into the mix and as long as all of them continue to interact well with each other and nothing in the chain gets nerfed Arcane is gonna pull ahead. Problem is not a lot of people are willing to play it because it is kinda gimmicky and are instead desperately itching to stick with Fire or Frost. I blame the BfA Fire bloat and years of neglecting Arcane for that.

I had a 133k barrage on Sylvanus last night. I felt like Goku :joy:

I will say I actually enjoy the harmony build. I prefer having the burst window every 45 seconds. It reminds me of legion and prophecy of fear.

I do wish they would remove covenant swapping penalty though. Let people swap covenants.

I saw a really good idea in GD. Basically you pick a covenant each major patch to attune yourself with and you can swap freely.

I noticed that radiant spark stacks with other damage increase abilities. Something to consider right now before it changes.

TBH. I’m not sure this is intended. An arcane mage literally solo’d 1 phased the 1st boss on a MoT dungeon I ran (lvl 18 mists). They trippled the dps of the other classes who also saved cool downs for that damage increase phase.

Does RS also stack on the damage increase phase of 3rd boss of SoA? Seems like that would be the place to hero if you have an arcane mage, over the last boss imo.

That’s always been the case. Both Fire and Arcane have always scaled insanely well with multipliers and stats on their burst. Spark is just more icing on that cake. Also that Arcane mage 100% critted on their spells and barrage and touch to just solo the boss. It happens just it’s not a hard guarantee to happen and the numbers are ridiculous when it does

My higherst barrage crit so far is 137

They’ll eventually “fix” this because more than likely this is not how they want people playing arcane. And they DO want you playing it THEIR way.

They would have fixed it by now IF it is a big problem for them. If not then even they probably don’t know how to change without the noticeable decrease in dps for everyone.

Not necessarily, Quickening lingered on quite a while before they fixed it. Who knows though? Trying to second guess Blizzard developers is an exercise in futility.

On Ingra that number gets buffed immensely. My friend who recently went arcane has hit a 287k barrage on Ingra. Last season it was going as high as 348k but…they nerfed the damage multiplier on Ingra so not sure what the current high would be for it

Nice. I was talking about in raid. I do t recall what I have hit for on Ingra.

I just know on more than one occasion we will have a priority add and I just delete it with a phat barrage crit and the raid leader or someone in the key just goes “who did that”

Then I’ll go “barrrage go brrrr”

I absolutely love doing that. The best place for it too is ToP. There’s a few packs with one dangerous mob that needs to die. Watching it kerplop in seconds is pretty great lol


I have been saying this about mage from day one. Picking a spec is such a HUGE commitment. It is touched on in a thread I started here:

But yes, mages can only really be one covenant and it is actually infuriating. Especially considering they keep flipflopping with the better performing spec.

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Honestly you literally crushed this 100%. I have said this as well, grinding and farming rep or content should not affect player power. The only thing that should increase player power for a respective content is DOING THAT CONTENT. Grinding NEVER affected player power prior to Legion (if you consider farming the RnG legendaries ‘grinding’). They need to stop this, I have not done WoW chores in over three weeks because it just feels bad logging in. It is to the point that I do not even want to raid anymore (mythic CE guild). The game just feels like a giant chore and responsibility to log in. It is no longer fun.

The sad truth is, if you got a cool mount or transmog from Korthia instead of player power, I would probably gradually do it. But making it ‘mandatory’ for competitive players. Yeah, I’ll pass and play a game that is actually a damn game and not a job.


Venthyr fire is about 20% weaker than fae fire in any situation with more than one target.

Yes but I’d rather have the higher st for priority damage. If it’s sustained cleave I can swap to frost.

Yeah, its been a brutal expansion for mages. Hopefully they buff us soon. Wish we weren’t soo covenant dependent.

Watch they’ll buff necro next and we’ll all have to regrind necro :((( THE PAIN. LOL.