This M+ season is a horrendous mess

yes 2’s are beyond easy. Its more that you can time +2, +4… whatever now its 7… now scaling so high you just get murdered on next key. There no smooth progression anymore.

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Should be similar scaling as it has always been though

2 is a 12, 5 is a 15, 10 is a 20

I think A BIG part of this is massively inconsistent hit boxes. You have some mobs you can be 5 yards away from the ground target circle you get when selecting it. While others you have to be so far inside the mob you can’t see your toon.

Basic stuff. But… Naw.

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Having timed some 10s by now, or completed at least, i can say that Dawnbreaker, Ara’kara and Mists are fine. That said:
The Dawnbreaker:

  • Bugs aside, the dawnbreaker is alright. Second boss damage is a tad high but my guess is that you need a competent healer and dps must melt the blobs fast.
  • The hitbox of last boss needs to be addressed. If you use an ability that puts you in the hitbox of last boss, you’ll fall off the ship and die.
  • Not too difficult overall, but the Maze trash was pretty hard-hitting in some spots. Mostly a tank concern but otherwise not bad.
  • Damage from the minis before first boss on fort can be a bit high. Not much of a concern on a 10, but when you go above 10, it could become a real problem.

As for the rest, we will see. Some datamined nerfs happened, but im not sure if those will be enough to even the difficulty curve between dungeons of same level.

God awful season. Riddled full of bugs and unfair bs that have been in these dungeons for literal years. Swimming in the fountain in Boralus, pets getting stuck everywhere in every dungeon. Watched a 620 tank drop dead instantly on some of the trash in stonevault today too, that was awful.

Mobs instantly casting out of stuns is also causing tons of problems, especially since some classes can’t avoid stunning mobs as part of their rotation.


Umm Grim Batol is insanely buggy? Wtf? People having the mark on them from Valiona adds even though all the adds are dead.

I got mind controlled like 3 times in a row, then after that I couldn’t use abilities, I had to log out and back in.

This is so buggy bro, omg. Wtf. The bugs are just endless, no matter where I am, the world gathering, in Delves gathering, in dungeons, seriously the only thing that hasn’t bugged out yet is the raid… Smh. :face_vomiting:

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Yeah double defender packs in a group of 5 can murder tanks with their bleed. I’ve been wondering what the range is for the count and if I can time kiting them away from the other mobs to decrease the damage for that attack.

So far I save incarn and SI for it but I think its going to be an issue going forward in pugs if the healer isn’t aware that I’m going to need more healing there than anywhere else in the dungeon.

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I was also pretty unimpressed with the season, as someone that’s been doing keys on various characters since the first season in Legion, except for BFA when I took a break.

As a tank, I absolutely despised Maw of Souls and the Arcway with pugs, but this season absolutely taking the cake as the worst season I’ve ever participated in on any level.

I’ve healed and DPS’d so far this season, and it’s miserable on both ends. I usually love to meme-heal on my Shaman in like 18’s-20’s (8’s-10’s), but with the absolute ridiculous damage profiles of dungeons this season, I just do not want to walk in as a healer anymore.

As a DPS, the standard issues of grouping are only exacerbated by the terrible feeling of being one shot by pretty much any mechanic, and the changes to casting make interrupts basically impossible and incentivize abusing stops, as there is no physical way to interrupt 7 back-to-back casts on 4 mobs naturally.

It just feels entirely poorly thought out as far as tuning and design goes. They’re catering to the 1% “mythic” level players who complained to them directly, and it’s just doing harm to the 99% who just want to kick back and be able to stably progress in a way that feels good.

Condensing keys into 10 levels was also a huge mistake, especially with the force Tyrannical and Fort together. Everything just feels like a bloated slog by a 7, I can’t even imagine what 10’s are like at this point. I’d normally be pushing hard, but I don’t even feel motivated to touch keys in the state they’re in.

They took an avid keys player and made them hate keys. Great job.


I didn’t read the entire wall of text, but challenger’s peril need to go. It’s simply bad. Or add it to 10+ keys.

‘Casual’ players can probably do keys up tu 6 right now, after that it’s almost impossible for a pug group. I have 615 ilevel, I pump, I also have a good tank set. I simply cannot time anything above +7.

Most of the time, it’s just a random wipe, or a player dying 2-3 times and you miss the timers by 30-40 seconds.

Everyone makes mistakes. Why are we punished that way? If you want to punish people, do it for the elite, the one pushing keys above 10

Honestly, tanks feel super squishy this week with fortified. I mean, i’m 615, near BIS gear, 4 set, gems, enchants, flasks, runes etc. I am getting destroyed.

A simple tank death just ruin your entire key as usually everyone is dead once the tank dies.

Just add something fun for +7. Anything, i’ll even take Bursting or spiteful at this point.

TLDR: Challenger’s peril is bad.


This week affix is best desing yet, it has now already famous stairs bug where sometines on stairs it just doesnt spawn, what is it with blizz and stairs. Also its really nice on bosses like secound one in Ara-Kara where you get into the circle infront of the boss and orbs spawn behind boss and u cant get to them bcs ull be 1 shoted so he takes majority of orbs


Also last boss of boralus, the orbs loves to spawn on water where getting in can get you killed due to how the fight works. Also remember it’s a hard fight to heal and survive already, so the orbs here only aggravate the problem.

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About their hiring practices.

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The guy who wrote that book thing in particular is infamous for being part of a website(he’s editor in Kotaku) that famously called gamers all kind of ism and ists if they liked games like Black Myth Sun Wukong(which Kotaku personally attacked that game and its developers repeatedly), while defending Concord as a great game that deserved gamer’s attention and bigots/racists should not apply, and you are a terrible person for mocking that game (apparently, Wukong being mocked and criticized by them is okay).

And this website also defended poorly written and made garbage like Rings of Power while bashing anyone that dared to criticize it.

My take is: just because people don’t agree or have a different opinion doesn’t mean that you have to slap a ism/ist to them, especially when it makes no sense to do so.

The wowhead comments sums it up lol. Well, 90% of them.

WoW forums try not to make politics their personality challenge (impossible difficulty)

People do have a point sometimes, but honestly you have to look at the bigger picture overall.

What do we have this expac?

The Writing? Not really. Tyrande, despite having the least amount of screentime of the Warcraft 3 heroes in the campaign, left a much better and bigger impression on me than Faelin did. That’s what good writing does.

Also it feels like Thrall, Anduin and Khadgar are bags in the wind: they go where the plot needs them to do and I can’t recall one memorable moment they had (Atiesh being broken like it was meaningless WAS memorable, but for all the wrong reasons). I know its just the first patch, but when Warcraft 3 writers could in the same amount of time/story make their heroes far more memorable, you have a problem.

Gameplay? This season is a mess. They buffed delves 2 1/2 after release, splitting the fanbase, on top of already splitting them with the early access nonsense. Then M+ was designed piss poorly, with loads of issues that haven’t been addressed yet.

World Content? Okay at best, unremarkable at worst. And that’s not going into the issues with crafting orders or profession stuff.

It’s like the only part they really got right this expansion was raiding, and even then they designed Silken Court lol.

What a surprise, mythic+ players crying over a modicum of difficulty when their content has been fish price mode for 8 years straight.

The bigger picture tells me it’s usually the same people that gravitate every discussion back to who’s at fault and why they must be bad or wrong.

“Ultimately it’s all because of the left/right pollution”

Maybe you folks find it uncomfortable to admit we’re all people and there are certain fundamental values we necessarily share, like wanting to enjoy something. Maybe it’s that when things get granular, you assume anything that doesn’t align with you must be diametrically opposed, so it must be left/right if you’re right/left.

Regardless of the case, it’s worn. Banal. Tiring.

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This is, my friends, what ignorance looks like.

You can’t seriously tell me that the laundry list of issues listed is imaginary.

The bugs in Dawnbreaker for example.

The fact for a entire week, the 3rd boss of Stonevault was RGN based because sometimes the bosses could potentially use their abilities in such a way where you had no choice but to wipe and restart.

Please come back when you have a legit argument instead of cheap trolling.


M+ is a format that breeds cancer and toxicity, the game would benefit from it being retired entirely

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Whenever you are left or right, i don’t really mind. So long as you don’t reject or dismiss opinions with nonsensical arguments or labels, i’ll hear you out.

Now, if i tell you Rings of Power was boring, explain exactly why it was boring (and how), and then you come and tell me im a bigot or racist despite not mentioning AT ALL anything about race or gender, then you are a moron. Plain and simple.

The writer of that Play Nice book is, for a lack of better term, a Moron alongside the website he edits.

This is the kind of attitude that undermines your arguments instantly. I feel like the second you bring up nonsensical arguments or insults to the others, you instantly lost in my eyes.

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