This M+ season is a horrendous mess

Was going to make a topic to list my grievances with this season, but found this well constructed feedback topic that notes the same grievances I had along some I haven’t yet experienced, so here it goes:

IMHO, if big changes aren’t coming soon, participation will jump off a cliff before the season is even 3 weeks old.

TLDR: tuning, bugs and dungeon design contribute to a huge mess that becomes more obvious and aggravating the higher you push. Between bugs, questionable affix design and behavior, bad tuning and dungeon design, and the whole thing feeling rough and miserable to do. We need real, serious changes to this season ASAP.


Couldn’t agree more. This season burned me so so much, and its just because its badly designed and buggy. Honestly, that’s a good topic and feedback thread that highlights the big picture regarding this season and its issues.

I just hope they go and fix it.


Nowdays im not that interested into raiding (outside doing heroic for AOTC ocasionally, or farming previous tier raids for goodies), so my bread and butter in this game is key push for the rewards, then work on alts and maybe some older achievemets.

Also as i noted in the other topic, I’ve done M+ since its inception, and this season is very easily a strong contender for one of the worst seasons of M+ i’ve seen. The dungeon picks are questionable, the tuning is horrible, the bugs are infuriating when they screw you over, and the fact we only got 2 minor fixes that still do not address the issues at hand is just infuriating.


What a legend this guy is. By far the worst M+ season I have ever been a part of.


I agree with everything


Yeah, this guy summed up the issues of this season really well. It’s a well constructed topic, and i 100% agree too.

We need fixes. REAL fixes, and soon. The participation rate is jumping off a cliff because its so inhertly unfun to do M+ compared to earlier seasons, and mind you: i did 20s(then 10s when they squished the levels) untimed for vault week 1, and even a few timed ones, as well as trying to push keys until i lost interest early in each season. I’m not a stranger to difficulty, but this season went far beyond that and straight into “frustrating as hell” and “artificial as hell difficulty”.

If the fact they looked at this season and said “yeah, its fit for release” doesn’t scream how out of touch the devs are, i don’t know what else does.


I feel like what happened is, like… With Delves, Blizzard said “We wanna do this” and then management was like “That’s cool, we’re not gonna let you hire anyone else to be able to do it”

So then Blizzard just split their m+ focused people into 2 halves, one for m+ and one for delves. Instead of making a dedicated team for both.


Removing Challenger’s Peril, if nothing else, would improve things by like 70%. I really don’t understand what the design intent is there.


Then they dropped the ball with delves lol.

It’s like they have easy and massive victories that benefits the game and its players, then they proceed to shoot themselves in the foot. Rinse and repeat.


I agree 100% with that post. I did manage to get KSM week one, but I am dreading 10s after getting the portals SL s4 and all seasons of Dragonflight.


Small indie company.

But seriously, i’m questioning the competence of the dev team and the higher ups for letting this s***show to happen and to not do anything about it 6 days in.

No, i’m not counting those minor nerfs done to Threads and to NW 3rd boss. The City of Thread nerf doesnt solve the fact the Slam mechanic can still 1shot people in higher key levels unless they have a personal (which is unreasonable to ask when most classes have personals on a 3 mins cd), along the fact the third boss is still a miserable experience to heal and survive.

The Necrotic Wake nerf to 3rd boss feels like its not big enough. The damage is still an issue, and the thing is healer is still likely going OOM in many cases unless boss dies before that, which is only realistically possible if all 3 spears are used and everyone lives, which is easier said than done in higher keys.

Of course this still doesn’t address the % trash count mess and extremely unforgiving timer of Necrotic Wake. I agree that the SL version being easily 2 chesteable wasn’t ideal, but this is so much worse. Either tweak the trash % further so we dont need to do so many pulls, or increase the timer by like 3 mins at least.


And we havent even had the bad affix yet. It’s crazy that they removed sanguine and afflicted because people hated them, then basically combined them, then when ALL of the feedback on it was “please just delete this, it cant be saved, take it back” they let it go through to the season.


This season is just full of bad design choices, which has the effect of making it potentially one of the worst M+ seasons to exist. As it is, people are gonna drop this season very, very fast with how it is right now. It’s so unfun to do, and if Shadowlands did anything, was to prove that making the game a chore to play is not how you keep players engaged.


I got my KSM yesterday. Glad I don’t have to deal with it again until next season.


Meh, seems like someone else’s problem, I got delves so I’m set.


All I’d add that the removal of melee range extenders makes melee so much more of an annoying run around the circle game.

Depending on where the tank or situation leaves mobs you get forced to DPS from the front a LOT. And super important interrupts, well sometimes you have to go on a suicide mission into the fire to get those in.

All in all, they’ve continued down the trajectory of making M+ more annoying than fun.


Don’t forget the fact that, as a short race, you’ll be swimming in shallow pools like 3rd boss of Boralus.

Are you having fun yet on this M+ season?


No, they mentioned what a bunch of TALLIST blizzard are.

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Yeah, this has to be the worst season I have witnessed…


this season sucks as caster