This just makes me want to quit

Yes, I’m aware of that.

People can be upset at whatever they want to be upset about.

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damn, this sucks. Grateful Offerings are annoying to get for the random leggo too… If you go that route, maybe grab all the other leggos you easily can to increase your chances of getting the annoying one?
Feels bad because I’m gonna get my warlock going at some point, too, hope I don’t need the same one as OP lol (I’m only going to do m+ on my lock)

It’s not a time gate if there are other options though is it. OP would still be waiting but he isn’t, he went and got it with cinders already.
Waiting for the WB to be up is just the 100% drop easy/no grind option and therefore has a time gate.

Not buying that. Everyone has access to google and wowhead if they don’t want to figure things out themselves. Op could have found his answer in less time it took to make this thread.

You sound like you would be really hurt if someone else got access to this legendary instead of having to wait for the world boss. How would you be hurt?

Yeah I went through that myself with my Surging Shots leggo. It was like a week, but still not fun. I replaced it with Vigil two(ish?) weeks later too.
Hang in there, it’s almost over.

this doesn’t apply to getting a legendary in shadowlands. legendaries are simplies part of everybody they arent special or require any skill to acquire. he’s mad hes being timegated on world bosses that are soloable.

Just quit then lol. This game clearly isnt for you. You want to look for a game that gives you instant gratification. This game is for patient people who do not expect to be BiS in the week they started playing.

Its not blizzard’s fault you didnt gear up your lock when the world boss is available. Why would you think blizzard needs to cater to your specific needs and change the whole mechanic of rotating world bosses.

Its been like that since the release of shadowlands. You had a year worth of time to get the leggo when the world boss is up. Just because your too lazy to get it and waited until its not available before deciding that you want the leggo doesnt mean blizz should give in to your whim

I agree it is a really bad design to have to either
A) wait weeks until a world boss spawns and drops what you need


B) try your luck with the RNG wheel and spend tons of resources that you might not even have – hoping your luck is good.


Bless you on your patience.

Why did you not decide to play your lock 2 weeks ago when the Boss is up? Becoz you’re special and you want it whenever you want it? How about make your own game where Legendaries pop out according to your will? Or just quit since you’re not happy. Please ask Pacman to become square.

not everybody wants to get carried though

I mean there are multiple vendors that sell a item that you can use to learn a random power that you don’t have yet. Covenant class hall has one, korthia does, and haven does as well, pick your poison honestly and use the currencies to get it.

You either are trolling or are wildly out of touch

I came back for 9.2 and yes - it took me 3-4 weeks to realize what was even going on.

The game is incredibly confusing right now, but once you get the train on the rails is gets easier.

LOL, so you form your opinion of something by reading someone else’s opinion?

Way to play a game…

If that was your alt, chances are you already have all the base legendary, just do 2 Snoreghast using your loot spec to get some lego, then buy the random one, you probably get the one you need.

There’s also a lego vendor in ZM where you can buy specific legendary with whatever it is their newest currency is called.

Amen. They have never given more hoops to jump through for pvp than in this xpac… Just give us resilience and pvp power gear and make all pve gear useless in pvp. I dont want to do anything but pvp in this game.

No. You have no idea how I form my opinion so please don’t put words in my mouth.

I liked the legendary system they had in late-Legion, where you could buy it with ‘Wakening Essences’ — They should have a system like that, except you buy them with Valor & then as gear progresses have 3 items to be purchased with valor where when fused together create an item that upgrades the IL of legendaries.

It would -

  • Inspire people to run mythics / raids & content.
  • People could pick between what leggos they desire.
  • Not having to run the same type of instance (Like Torghast) to earn the format of required currency.
  • A progression system that isn’t singularly bound to a single encounter that may take weeks to appear.