This just makes me want to quit

You really thing farming currencies to buy random legendaries until you get one specific legendary because it is locked behind a 4 week rotation world boss from the original expansion patch that drops irrelevant loot is a good alternative? Give me a break.

What? Isn’t using google and wowhead the definition of figuring things out themselves??

I just did a handful of searches about a legendary from a world boss. Unless you already know there are mechanics to get random legendaries, it is not as easy as you think to find.

I waited 3 weeks for a legendary on my monk. When I first found out it was from a world boss, I searched it on wowhead to try and find out if there was another way to obtain it. Nothing mentioned in the world boss articles. Nothing mentioned in the article about the legendary itself. Nothing mentioned in the “all legendary drop locations” article. I remembered something about korthia random legendaries, but this was on a fresh character and I didn’t feel like grinding korthia. I didn’t know (and didn’t find out until this thread) that there was another way to buy random legendaries besides catalog research. And I have been keeping up with the game pretty well the entire xpac. Thus it isn’t surprising if anyone who doesn’t devote their lives to this game doesn’t know that there is a different way to obtain world boss legendaries. But even with that option, it is still a stupid way to gate legendaries. If buying up random legendaries was a good alternative, they wouldn’t have added a vendor for the nathria ones.

I mean we know that you DON’T form your opinion from actually playing the game, which gives an idea of how you must be forming your opinion…

Having bis legendaries on rotation bosses is stupid and absurd design and absolutely hope we dont see massive game impacting items and powers on a rotation again in dragonflight if they’re necessary in pvp

It was an annoyance in season 1, it was redundant in season 2, it is absolutely unnecessary and poor game design in season 3

Putting them on rng vendors that require timegated currencies earned from pve and trivial content is also absurd. These Legendaries can be used in pvp, therefor the currencies to buy them should also be earnable from pvp. No reason there can’t be a cosmic flux vendor that sells them or better yet a BoA item that learns all legendaries when you send it to your alts that your mains can unlock if they have collected all legendaries for their class already

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This right here. This…

Yes. This is an mmorpg, you earn your gear. Lets not forget this is for a lego… quit acting like everything should be super fast and easy to get. It should not be.

You complaining about them being random is silly as well… there’s not that many memories. Even if you got your target memory last and you hadn’t collected any memories at all… it’s not a big deal. OP literally got their memory not long after making this thread with that method.

No? Op is free to explore the game and vendors. Not everyone needs a guide to tell them where everything comes from, but they are helpful to read if you need them.

We all did if you played from the beginning of the expac. If someone is just returning or starting they should do the same. You get stronger over time, that’s part of the game and player power.

Maybe pay more attention to the world around you then. I never needed to look up a guide for this bc I saw myself the vendors had the item that lets you learn one at random. Slow down and read, explore.

Learning to read will greatly increase your experience in WoW.

It was a nice out for people that did’t want to earn their lego memories. People will always take a handout though, doesn’t mean it’s good for the game. What they should have done was put those memories in the new raid, not put them on a vendor.

The ONLY thing they MIGHT respond to is a massive unsubbing again or folks just not purchasing DF.

So if you despise this predatory game design do not prepurchase.


Simply disagree here. Old content gates should be loosened/removed over the course of the xpac. I agree with current content, but not old.

If you want stuff to be a grind or obnoxious to get this late in the expansion then whatever I can’t really argue with that. My argument is that they are not consistent: they’ve mad every other legendary fairly easy to get except these ones, so there is no reason to keep the gate on these as it just makes it feel terrible if they happen to be the bis legendaries for your spec.

There are 28 memories on a death knight. I wouldn’t call that “not that many”.

There’s no structure in the game to lead you to this tho. They have an adventure guide with the memories and their sources, and it only mentions the source as the world boss. Any new player would have no clue there was a vendor for it, and saying “they could click on every vendor npc and just figure it out 5head” is ridiculous because any sane player is going to look at provided in-game guide, finding the vendor by just “exploring” would just be dumb luck.

Ah yes I suppose they should also have to clear Nathria and then Sanctum in order to get gear to be viable for Sepulcher, because that’s how it should work, right? We had to do it, so they should to?

Read what? Ongoing wowhead and blue updates when you aren’t actively playing the game so that if you do return you will know there is a vendor with random legendaries? Instead of reading the in-game guide that only mentions the 1 source? Or reading the numerous wowhead articles about the world-boss legendaries that mention nowhere that there are alternative ways to obtain those specific legendaries besides waiting?

Since waiting in hours of queue for LFR is “earning” it. Since waiting up to 3 weeks for a world boss from 2 patches ago is “earning” it. So much hard work being done to earn that loot!

Look, you guys are fried if you think anyone should have to wait weeks for a world boss rotation to get their legendaries. This was a problem even at the start of the expansion when some classes had their BiS leggo drop from a boss that was the last one in the rotation, much less 1.5 years after launch even with the random leggo generators we have now.

Legendary recipes shouldn’t have been in the world boss loot table when they are on a rotation to begin with.


It would have been (and would be) much better if every world boss dropped the “world boss legendaries” instead of them dropping off specific ones.

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With all of these “catch-up” mechanics they’ve implemented recently, it seems like they forgot about the 4 zone world bosses. Worst case, a player would have to wait 3 weeks just to get their BiS leggo.

And before anyone says “1 leggo shouldn’t stop you from playing” or “it’s just 3 weeks” don’t play a class/spec that needs this one leggo to be viable (especially in PVP).

Plus waiting 3 weeks is almost an entire month’s subscription of not being optimal. It just doesn’t feel good; especially because it’s a matter of waiting and not working towards anything, you’re just legit time-gated from a 9.0 content patch.

If devs actually read these forums, I think it’s important for us to let them know when their GAME makes us feel like crap. Blizzard seems to create things that feel bad ON PURPOSE.

So, while people may call it crying or ranting, I think it’s important for these frustrations to be heard, and i personally find it infuriating when people defend game design that is built to purposefully hold us back for no good reason other than ‘this is how we want you to play our game’ which feels terrible.

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