This just makes me want to quit

I was trying to PvP on my windwalker right when I hit max level, was pretty rough without the world boss legendary. There are some specific specs in specific content that really do struggle without specific legendaries, and there is no good reason to keep a 2-patch-old time gate in the game at this point.

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He said he wants to PvP with his friends, so I’m guessing it’s not like when I gear for PvE.

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Why not the game treats you like a child?

Korthia. Bonesmith Heimir sells an item that gives a random legendary memory

Being viable in PvP, mostly. With the state of PvP right now certain specs pretty much need a specific legendary to capitalize on kill windows or survive enemy cooldowns, which ends up being the difference of winning and losing.


Yeah I missed the pvp part since it wasn’t in OP. The random vendor is probably a bad choice then since they wouldn’t do pve stuff to reduce the odds of getting a useless legendary anyway.

I still stick to it. They can still play and improve rating without the legendary unless it drastically changes rotation and few do that. Or play their main/other alt while waiting.

Edit : well all of that was meaningless cause they already got it with the random vendor. Good job.

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ok but has he paid for those 2 weeks? Every time I feel like that I have weeks left on my game time so it is pointless anyway.

Why stick to a bad, pointless, aged mechanic? They made Nathria legendaries purchasable for the exact same reason: it is an unnecessary old gate. What would it really hurt to make them easier to obtain so people could play their classes to their full potential earlier instead of waiting up to 3 weeks for no real reason?

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Nathria’s was a player gate. World Boss, while not ideal, is only a time gate that you’ll wait at most 3 weeks. And most players could use those 3 weeks to perfect rotation, get rating, get renown get more gear if you’re into m+, etc, etc.

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This was not my experience with the Korthia stuff. It was RNGed, but there was some kind of loot protection going on for the memories, as I didn’t start getting repeats until I was almost finished unlocking all of the memories.

You can’t get repeat. Until, as you pointed, you have them all. That’s why you do every power you can easily acquire before doing random.

Do twisted corridors if your wing isn’t available. Do normal/heroic dungeons to get those, they are 100% drop rate now. Get the rep ones on main. Etc.

After doing a little research, every max level player that has commented negatively, called OP a “whiner”, said to “just do other things in the meantime”, downplayed the importance of legendaries, etc has 0 ranked pvp games on their profile. Makes sense why they feel this way.

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Get off your high horse. There’s not a single mention of pvp in the OP.

really sounds like you haven’t enjoyed SL so far. If your patience is thin with a video game I’d recommend taking a break until it’s fun again. Thats what I do with wow, the moment I realize im not having fun or am more annoyed than happy to play I unsub for awhile

You can’t get repeat memories. That’s why I said if you have more of the memories before you use the RNG item, there’s less RNG, because there’s less memories for it to roll on.

So it’s ok for top end guilds to loot trade, pay for it and try to get 4 piece as quickly as possible when the patch comes out, but not ok for what it seems is a regular player trying to enjoy the game with content that is now technically ‘old.’

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They aren’t wanting to “work on other things” though. They want to pvp with their friends. The problem with the dev’s vision is that they think making people wait will force them into doing other things to fill their time. It doesn’t funnel people into the gamemode they want people to play. It just pisses people off.

I get that completely. But as for gating content or restricting it… I don’t think it’s going to go anywhere.

And yet I also see it as a way to allow players to play more by playing alts. Just like with this change coming up with progression tied to account not to individual toon.

I can only speak for myself but if I maxed out one tune in a relatively short amount of time and let’s say it’s my main I would continue to work on my other toons which I haven’t had a chance to do this expansion hardly at all.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

about 10k catalogue research will probably finish off your lego memories.

just buy them in Korthia until they stop working…

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OP doesn’t mention it in the original post but does a few comments later. It makes a lot more sense with that in mind. I agree that for PvE it isn’t that big of a deal (although it is still an old pointless gate) but for PvP it can actually make your spec completely unviable for weeks at a time for no reason.

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