This is why you don't want LFD

And it’s also false to say people don’t socialize when LFD is in the game.


No one said that.

Diminished, not neutered.

If people are resorting to discord to find groups maybe they ought to take the clue and add a more robust group builder system into the game. All of the goofyness going on in classic right now, Boosting, RMT, GDPK are all problems created by a lack of being able to communicate and outdated design.


Sure, we can all agree that more robust UI and social system would be a great addition to the game.

We just disagree on the automation of the process.

GDKP is not a new phenomenon, I was running in GDKPs back in original TBC/WOTLK, although I don’t remember it in original Vanilla but that could be because I was still a scrub in original Vanilla (although I did raid in AQ40 a bit).

Boosting is a lot more present but carrying and doing it for gold had also always been a thing.

RMT has definitely always been around since the very beginning. I have friends who got banned in original vanilla for buying gold.

Really the only thing that changed is the modern approach to being hyper efficient about everything, due to the game being mostly fully figured out.

And yet Blizz is removing the tool (dungeon finder) that would have severely diminished the dungeon buying/selling and given players another option.


Correlation is not causation.

You’ve yet to make any good connection between the availability of RDF and boosting.

There are more ways than one to skin a cat.

Are you also in favor of the WoW token to solve the gold selling crisis?

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The WoW token wasn’t in Wrath. Dungeon Finder was.


That doesn’t mean it couldn’t be added to WOTLK Classic if it solved a problem.

Good to see you’re ignoring every points I’m making.

Tell me you have never played FF14 without saying you haven’t.

MASSIVE shard based events, people legit throwing concerts in public areas that players sit and listen to. Treasure hunting, old content NEVER being left behind and kept fresh.
Sure it has a story to follow, but so did/does wow. socialization is about what happens in the middle and the cracks between game play.
“just a FF game with MMO aspects tacked on” is massively disingenuous and flat wrong.
FF has a strong community and a RDF equal
there is at will server hops which in no way have hurt individual server communities “cross realm”
Content stays 100% relevant throughout the game, a dungeon at level will still be worth doing past that level “scaling”
Old zones stay relevant through in game concepts like a hunting log and professions, as well as fates “WQ’s”
Events are community driven and servers have a strong sense of identity “Balmung” for instance is known.
If a system is bad or underused by the population it gets fixed, like really fixed. the new pvp overhaul worked well.

Maybe the issue isn’t RDF or the systems but Blizzard just doing it wrong. inb4 “go play FF” I can play and love two games, it’s not hard.
FF has these things that WoW implemented and it didnt destroy the game,
maybe the systems are harmless and its the players attitudes that have caused the break up of the community. though i am suspicious of you calling any player matched through RDF as an NPC?
Why wouldnt someone who is strongly supportive of community just decide to ignore it being increased? Can you not add a battle tag? Do you just figure Jeffshaman-windfury a real person?

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Make one and I’ll ignore it.

Dungeon Finder is that rare happenstance where the solution to a problem is also authentic. So the purists are happy, the casuals are happy. Everyone wins…except bots and boosters.


Which is also false, at best you could say modified.

I’m sure you did. I never encountered it on my server and I never saw anyone run one on my server. All of my server’s guilds worked together to fill voids and we always got our raid kills in for emblems.

They ran into the same issues in wrath where too many people wanted to run instances, but lacked the in-game resources to do it, so they added a random finder. It worked for what it was intended for. Now the same problem is coming back. Too many people spread out on too many servers. Deja-Vu.

We’ll have to agree to disagree.

The story-centric nature of FFXIV (and furthermore, the positive reception to the games narrative from expansion to expansion) allows for better community roleplaying motivation outside of explicitly multiplayer activities such as raiding or dungeons.

Wow, on other hand, is trailing a bit behind in that department.

Design is everything. The game was designed to need the duty finder to make any sense in the way it plays. It’s just…how it was made from the start.

WoW is not the same. It hamfisted things in to meet certain community desires that it is aiming to reverse with Classic in order for the game to possible pave a different future than the one we all know it hurdles towards if it simply repeats the same mistakes.

I sucked (still suck tbh) at gold, GDKP was literally my only way to stay in good financial standing with the expectations of raiding back then and even current Classic.

There are probably many others here who can attest to WOTLK GDKPs being a thing.

software got much better and so does bots, the gold lost it’s value and no one would bother farming if they can get thousands of gold with few $$, the numbers of gold sellers / gold buyers are 10000x more times than 16years ago because this era of gaming is all about pay to save time, and tons of people have no problems for using $$$$ in games this is why gaming industry getting insane money compared to 20years ago, and the culture of gamers changed alot, in the past you could just buy the game but right now you buy the game and buy tons of dlc’s or even buy tons of micro transaction.

you can clearly see that the only changes between original classic & current classic is “insane level of RMT”

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Wow Has made many, many, many mistakes over the years. I don’t think adding the ability for easy grouping was one of them.

I was making tons of gold back in wrath. I would have jumped at the chance to spend it on gear if it were available. It just… wasn’t an option.

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