This is why you don't want LFD

Oh, was this you? :rofl:

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Its WoW. People will show up with greys in some slots to basically troll groups and get kicked. Like they should be.

LFD is pointless in retail now but I would say in all my years I only did it a few times that did not deal with someone being afk.

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I cannot argue with this because I never found cause to use it that often. Whenever I needed to kick someone, I could do so. Except for that one jerk hunter in The Culling of Stratholme who had aspect of the Daze turned on and was able to stay in combat with at least one undead constantly. The worst part about that experience was we had hooked up with two players from other servers and were spamming Heroics with them up until that point. Since we couldn’t intiate a vote-kick or get a GM to respond while we were online we had to disband the group and couldn’t reform with those other two guys because thee feature just wasn’t there yet.


the famed catch 22, wow version.

Why are you here messing up my dungeon run?

Ummm…I need the gear.

Why don’t you have the gear?

its my first time in this dungeon or its my N th time and no drops. I can’t have the good say shoulders…if they never dropped for me.

So now you want me to carry you?

No…I really just want to run this dungeon and hope RNG gives me gear. I will press buttons so chill.


well, can people do this with LFD? ofc they can’t, lfd will not allow you to vote kick anyone for first 15min.

so this must be nice abuse in classic without lfd, where u invite someone & if u found a better class you kickpeople for that better class.

what a very nice social experience on daily bases which blizzard are trying to keep by not adding lfd into game.

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Each player could vote kick 3 times in 2 hours.

This means a group of 3 could kick 9 players each 3-5 runs. That’s more than enough to kick whoever you want and for it to never be an issue.

And those players get instantly replaced with a person who automatically zones in to the dungeon. There’s no reason to not kick the subtlety rogue or blood DK or whatever trash player shows up in greens.

it’s not 2kicks per each hour, it’s 2kicks within 1hour & your 3rd kick later in same daywill flag you as abuser preventing you from using or voting on any kick the during the whole day, Try kicking a 4th time next day & you will get disabled from being able to even use kick or even voting for the rest of the week which will no longer allow you to abuse it.

wasn’t you who said early…

No one can vote kick in the first 15min of the dungeon, will those kickers wait 15min just to kick someone? most of the dungeon will not take more than 15min to finish and you can’t kick people during the last boss, so you’re clueless anyway & u wasn’t even here in original wotlk! why do you even debate on what you have no idea about?


his boosting business or charging gold business is in the line.


The are original version had instant kicks. It looks like 3.3.5 would have the 15 min safety period and 1 min for afk/dc. They changed it so much during wrath and Cata that it’s hard to keep straight what was version was when exactly.

And no, the votekick was on a 2-hr lockout not daily.

Either way it’s a bad tool to have in the game. That just means ninjas have 15 min to roll need on everything, or tanks will ask you to leave or just quit themselves.

It’s easier to charge for queues than runs. I have never asked for gold to tank runs. I have taken gold one time when I saw the same person looking for a while. Told him I’d do it for free, he gave me the gold anyway.

Boosting won’t be affected at all and I’ve never charged for a boost. I have given out free Stocks boosts when running guildies or while I was maxing defense. Some people tipped, some didn’t.

I just wanted to highlight this attempt at being critical towards my analogy because it so clearly demonstrates how misguided you are…

Yes. Most health professionals would probably recommend that, if feasible, you give yourself this kind of excercise daily, and we’d probably all collectively be better for it, but obviously it’s a rudimentary and crude analogy either way because not everyone would need to walk the same distance.

there is no health professional on earth will tell you “spend hours in-front of your pc screen reading spam chat or posting spam message while just to get something done in a fantasy world” no way to call this good, this is dangerous in too many ways, it will stress your eyes, it will makes desperate of pointless waiting, it will waste your time without any physical healthy benefits.

indeed, and it’s hilarious how they’re trying to catch feather while Drowning, those anti lfd always bring false claims about future prediction such as “ninja items” which wasn’t happening in years during LFD in wotlk/cata/mop…etc except on very rare cases.

on the other hand, we don’t have lfd in tbcc currently but Ninja items are happening because there is no preventing for it, except that imaginary blacklist that doesn’t even exist in the game, lfd will add nothing to what’s already happening in current tbcc, infact LFD will solve a lot of issues such as “massive boosting/selfish reserves/pay to join”


Fact is the majority of people that are coming back for the Lich King are expecting Dungeon Finder and when it isn’t there they won’t play and Blizzard will lose subs. Effectively a small minority of original very vocal WOW Classic players are holding up what the majority of players want and that is the Dungeon Finder. If you took a poll 80% of people would say that want it, but they are not the ones wasting away their entire life on the forums fighting for it, instead they will just say F… this game, I’ll play something else.


I am worried for when they get on and ask what happened and someone says “Oh you wanted LFD? Are you even a true classic player?”

And a fight breaks out because of how divided the classic community is.


that’s true, however many of the current tbcc players will quit at wrath, for obvious reasons such as pay2join, Insane inflation & ugly changes done by blizzard.

so this game will not get new players but also will lose numbers from current players, eventually it will be dead world faster than anyone expecting.

i truly believe blizzard should make 2x type of servers, one with lfd & the other without and then people have the decision to go on what they wanna play on.


Irrelevant and completely off-topic to the actual point but OK…

Is anyone else finding it highly ironic that the anti LFD peeps keep saying that we refuse to be social in game… while socializing on the forums? I’d bet that any one of us have no issue talking to people in game.

I’m sure the big 4 trolls will quote me to say I’m wrong, but they really need to find a new angle.


If you see groups being formed but can’t join them, creating your own group is the solution!

Thanks for the compliment by the way. :slight_smile:

It depends on the tank. Have you tried this method? It works very well for me. I don’t stack classes or check for gear when I build groups and I’m sure many people are drawn to the lack of toxicity.

Why are you so concerned with the way toxic players run their groups? Form your own and you’ll never have to deal with them again!

It’s like you really want a sandwich, and there’s a store that’s selling sandwiches for $9,001 USD and instead of just making your own, you’re looking at it and saying “THIS IS AWFUL! How can I possible afford that sandwich?? I’ll never experience the joys of devouring meat slices pressed between two pieces of bread because this shop is gatekeeping who gets to have sandwiches!!”

People who reserve drops and demand BIS kits and ignore off-meta classes suck. Don’t play by their rules. They only have as much rule over you as you allow them to have.

LOL. I’m adding this to my wall of quotes.

I loved Wrath and I’ll play it whether they add Dungeon Finder or not. Because it’s the actual content I’m most interested in, not just a feature. Also, I think Wrath will be much better without ever implementing Dungeon Finder.

Yes it would. Dungeon Finder quickly became the primary way to find dungeon groups. Meaning most people will just click the queue button and completely ignore the LFG channel while they wait. Most of them will effectively be unavailable to group with through manual group creation. Much in the same way that it takes me half an hour to form a group for level 20-45 dungeons even though there are plenty of level-appropriate people online, just sitting AFK being boosted.

Also, Dungeon Finder is more convenient, so choosing not to use it would be a pointless disadvantage.

I haven’t witnessed a situation where someone both opposed Dungeon Finder but approved of paid dungeon carries… :thinking:

And you claim to be worried about community? People like you are what killed community.