I can also look you up on WCL I suppose.
for ~20g on the AH you can get a crafted JC necklace that is drastically superior for your personal DPS to what you are wearing, and it will buff your entire party too.
try to get your rep up to improve your shoulder enchant – you’ll recoup the gold investment by saving on flasks anyway.
your meta gem is wrong (you want 3% crit dmg) and you don’t want that AP/stam gem in your shoulders either. you should get run speed from the enchant on your boots instead. (although if you were primarily PvP runspeed meta is OK with surefooted enchants on boots – somewhat comp dependent though, 3% crit dmg still probably better though if you play a lot with a priest or someone else to dispel/freedom)
you should have +6 stats enchant on your chest.
there is a crafted belt upgrade that you can get, it will make a big difference. I haven’t looked lately at prices but I assume they should have dropped a lot by now. you can throw some hit gems in that bad boy.
you have the budget enchant on your legs, which OK. the sockets are nice but it doesn’t have any agility on it. the purple gem there isn’t bad though because you get back the hit from the socket bonus.
Those boots will last you a very long time, but like I said please get the run speed + agi enchant.
Those bracers are also very nice for a blue, but orange gem there is pointless. You don’t need that 2 dodge rating socket bonus, just go full hit. And get the Assault enchant.
Agility enchant on the gloves, also. (Assassination 2set can be nice in your level of gear for dungeons, not bad there – I’m sure you’re trying to pick up that Wastewalker 2set as well… I feel your pain, mine took FOREVER to drop)
Rings are nice for your level of gear. Ditto trinkets.
Badge cloak should be a nice upgrade for ya when you have enough for it.
Latro’s would be a better OH but the real answer there is that you should be saving up arena points now so that you can get S3 swords in a couple weeks.
IDK whether you are starting the expansion late, swapping to an alt, or just very limited playtime.
But for sure, the biggest thing that would help your progression would be to make some friends.
It is a TOUGH, TOUGH battle for Rogues right now. I had outstanding parses when my original classic guild disbanded near the end of T4 and I still spent most of T5 guildless – despite the fact that I had DST, the current BiS weapons from arena, etc. When I did find a guild ultimately, it was one with a frankly lower quality of player than I was used to, but you’ve gotta start somewhere and helping them grow into a proper team can be rewarding.
It looks like you’re filling in a bit for T5 with a guild that is 1 night clearing BT/MH and getting ready for SWP, or who knows if that T5 run is an alt run or GDKP or w/e. If you can consistently get into those runs this is a fine strategy. But if you only get invited once in a while you might want to try to find a guild that is still progressing some older content. The advantage there would be finding other players who are in a more similar situation and need to run the dungeons together. Doing these as a guild is a lot more fun and rewarding than sifting through all the people in LFG.