This is why you don't want LFD

Current classic content dungeons/heroics/10mans
I’m talking really simple things like ‘please CC this mob’ or ‘please heal me when i get x debuff’ or ‘please attack skull first’. I’m not saying the content is absolutely difficult because it’s not, it’s very simple for people, especially the kind that go out of their way to visit and contribute to an english language forum dedicated to the game.

However, it’s definitely difficult relative to the capabilities of some of the people you’ll get in un-screened LFG pugs.

Im not taking a piss when I say this but I dont even remenber the last time I asked for a CC in heroics

And having a hard time trying to remenber about CCs in wrath. hummmm fire caster in the ramp of forge of souls maybe ??


Can we kick the tank he’s not pulling 7 packs at a time?

This will be how the standard heroic is treated rofl.

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The ‘toxic gatekeeping’ that some people are shrieking about will just be re-positioned to inside the dungeon, where it is vastly more frustrating to deal with and difficult to recover from (kick → 3/4 man while you wait around for a fill → repeat as neccesary?).

I am glad they don’t have LFD. It is basically for bad players forcing others to play with them.

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Then having it should be win win, they can use LFD and you can make your own groups and you both don’t have to deal with each other.


Or… Or… hear me out here. Good players that might not have the time or desire to spam LFM in chat over, and over, and over.

Are you pro spam?

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The vast majority of T6 geared players ive grouped with, were trash players who GDKP. The true talent players in T6 dont pug and raid log.

If you see people advertising T6 geared group, prepare for a hard time and if you are tank or healer ask for gold lol. Their bank account has more cash in it than their brain has cells.


Weird that seems to be the exact argument people are using for why people should be forced to play with them instead of using LFD.

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These are the same people who’s mom paid the neighborhood kids to play with them.

If nobody is forced to group up with these sad sacks they won’t have anybody to talk to all day long.


But but but I thought they all had massive friend lists and active guilds who helped them whenever they wanted?


Every. Single. One.


Yet they need the system to stay in place to funnel unsuspecting souls into their spiderweb of social harmony. Just like that guy who limps around the office dying for you to ask what happened.


My guild as we ran the new mini dungeon ‘wow, haven’t ran a dungeon in months, anyone have water, I never play without a mage in the raid.’

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Classic devs, please read posts like that. That is the insanity that removing lfd supports.


What insanity? New players are incapable of making their own groups? What exactly do you disapparove of here?

less ad hominem (ree gatekeeping ree elistist ree boosting) and more actual discussion please.

anti lfd group are reporting the OP for “life threatening” i don’t know how can they see my main post as life threatening, they must be so mad xD
maybe dungeon finder is truly life threatening to them if they’re doing real money trade via boost selling / gold selling.


Do you even realize what you’ve been saying? That the scrubs should all play together and you elite chads should all play together and never the two groups intertwine. What amazing community-building design.

How are those scrubs supposed to get better, gear better, improve? They don’t deserve to play the game…unless they pay to join your dungeon group of course. By the way, this is Wrath dungeons we’re talking about. Players were far worse back in 2009 and the content was still cake.

Look, I’m going to throw you on my Ignore list. I’m pretty sure you’re trolling, but there’s a chance you actually believe this ridiculous nonsense. However, I strongly encourage you to keep posting. Maybe if the devs see the kind of toxic, elitist gatekeeping that removing dungeon finder encourages they’ll rethink their position.


I am really hurt by your alts harsh words about my skill as a 1 button spec.

How are those scrubs supposed to get better, gear better, improve?

By playing the game, same way everyone else did? Again you are implying that new players are unable to clear content unless they’re being carried by “elite chads” despite the content also simultaneously being “super easy”. So which is it?

LFD is only a boon to the game. Especially in classic settings. To be frank, we aren’t getting “New” people in the classic games, it’s mostly catering to people whom have already played and are returning.

Some people might be rusty, but I highly doubt RFD would have the same growing pains it did when it was first introduced. :woman_shrugging: