This is why we said NO CHANGES

And that’s fine by me. I’m the one arguing against changes.

How would the Korrak version of AV have fixed anything?

I think the entire idea that anything about AV is a “classic killer” is completely absurd. The PvP system is terrible, and everyone everywhere knew that long before launch. Most people don’t play classic to spam BGs ad infinitum.

I have never believed their “the dog ate my homework” excuse.


Eh. The overall point still stands, even if Retail isn’t suffering. Point taken though, perhaps I shouldn’t take what is repeated over and over in the Classic forums as gospel.

So yes, while I admit that my confirmation bias was showing in that statement, the point I was trying to make still stands. There is no good reason why Blizzard can’t put the previous version of AV in.

Yes they should have! I Agree.

Now look, bat soup got everyone ded in AV

That version can’t be beat in 7 mins. It’s got stronger guards and way more of them. It would have made the AV games longer and less farmable since you couldn’t just run to the end and solo pull to win therefore it wouldn’t have been as efficient as the current version.

This would have put people into wsg premades at launch since it would be more efficient Hph.

Most people play Classic to either relive their glory days of farming Living Essences for hours on end in Un’goro (and walking away with about three of them after several hours) or a curiosity for what it was like before.

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If only.


I agree. These more recent queue AV changes are garbage.

A lot of us only play WoW to progress the strength of our characters in order to PvP though.

PvP was my main focus, and still is. I don’t care about rank because its not a metric of skill. These changes are however nice because no one enjoys old game systems being abused to the point of harming a large portion of the playerbase.

I agree with #nochanges. I really do. If there are bugs and people are exploiting these bugs then they will, as they should, be punished for exploitation. Thing is, the exploit here isnt a bug. Its a modern well structured exploit that was affecting a LARGE portion of the playerbase.

They cant fix the faction imbalance problems its seems, but at least they are treating a symptom of it that is Player caused.

I’m for preserving the integrity of the “vanilla experience”, but this toxic player base needed to be reeled in a little and they were with this “change”.

  1. How long would it take a full 40-man premade to do “that version”?
  2. I played on northdale in the supposed patch 1.5 version where you had to kill all the guards before Drek/Vann, and we generally capped every tower, average game was like 13 minutes unless alliance hard-turtled. That was better honor than WSG even on WSG weekend.
  3. Would WSG being the meta be an improvement for the average player? Basically, do you think the average player likes 90% of games being against premades?

They really are terrible. Premades are the only way alliance have a shot at winning with this garbage version of the map. No objective person could play AV and think it’s remotely balanced. The change the que system, alliance stop playing AV, horde have 2 hour ques. Blizzard, you truly are a bad gaming company.

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You guys DO realize don’t you that the current crop of Devs have a strong financial, and even more importantly, ego driven reason to see classic fail, don’t you?

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Conspiracy theories… conspiracy theories everywhere!

You’re right. I too spend a lot of time, resources, and manpower on a passion project that everyone was excited for specifically to see it fail, and set it up as well with no additional cost to the user in spite of a large portion of the community I’m making a product for saying they’d be perfectly happy to pay for a separate subscription for. No problems there with that logic.

Agreed these devs are garbage at best. Never fix any problems just create more and sit for a paycheck if they dont get laid off :rofl:

I believe all the WoW CDs that were ‘Vanilla’ were v1.04; the ‘release version’.

It is plausible, because at the time they were a much smaller studio and would have lacked ‘procedures’ for archiving builds.

True. So true.

Legion was actually pretty damn good. It had it’s flaws, but nowhere near the level of classic, “or even Vanilla if i’m being honest.” Since then it has taken several significant steps back. Even issues that were fixed in legion are somehow back.

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