This is why we said NO CHANGES

dude your talking to a bunch of chimps. Doing the logic and reason thing really isn’t there forte. They are more into screaming, barking and hooting while throwing :poop: at anything or anyone that displeases them. just ignore them.


I was given to understand that they didn’t have a client before 1.12 for reference (likely meaning to scavenge data files from).

Ive still got my classic cds in a box they can have what ever av is on that.

That is what they said, yes. There’s a few bitter PvPers who claim it was spin and they had complete data from earlier, but I don’t believe it. If you watch the Blizzcon reveal video where they explain it all, it’s pretty convincing.

1.12 with an earlier version of AV is also no authentic vanilla. So at that point why not also just change to the 2.0 honor system? That would actually address a far more cancerous issue right now.

Because that is the exact Pandora’s Box everyone has been trying to avoid. You take Vanilla and only Vanilla or you may as well completely abandon Classic as an idea. I agree not having all the versions aligned as they were during retail isn’t ideal, but it sure is better than what you guys are continually pushing for. We’ve been down that road once already and you have the result in your Launcher.

But as I’ve said, the horse has already bolted with this latest patch containing non-authentic changes. I’m disgusted with whoever at Blizzard green lit it. It’s just the most brutal hubris on their part. They’ve betrayed the entire project. I’m betting there were some very heated arguments from the Classic devs against it. If I was on that team I’d be furious.

If someone from Blizz reads this and can make a throwaway on Reddit to talk about it, pls do!

Okay then, so take 1.12 as is and like it, stop asking for changes.

No we don’t.

I think you have me confused with someone else?

No we don’t, it’s not a binary choice between #nochanges and retail. Some people are actually capable of deciding for themselves what they do and do not like without just chanting #nochanges.

As much as i want to agree with this I can’t. I see way more people on retail than classic atm

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You were the one saying we should have gotten a different version of AV.

All that shows is you didn’t live through the process that led to Retail now, and you don’t understand why it works that way. Not understanding doesn’t stop it happening. Those of us who do understand understand it is binary. It’s a little thing called precedent - something legal systems all over the world recognise (and abuse) BTW. It’s the “Pandora’s Box” Ion spoke about at the reveal.

Show me where I ever said that.

Oh no I did, we have retail because blizzard stopped listening to feedback. Many of the major complaints about retail are things people didn’t want, said they didn’t want, and blizzard ignored.

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I can’t argue with that. It was an all round toxic, abusive process.

But the thing is blizzard did listen to player feedback during vanilla and make changes based on it.

Yes, and it broke the game for the most part. But either way it’s not relevant to Classic because it’s Classic (or is meant to be). We are playing what it was. That’s the entire point.

/shrug I would vastly disagree that launch vanilla was better than 1.12, or BC, or wrath.

And yes that’s fine, it is what it was, so stop claiming a frankenpatch is somehow authentic just because it only has vanilla stuff in it.

I’m claiming it’s better than the alternative, and is at least Vanilla and so is within the parameters of an authentic Classic - which it is. There is no possible way to perfectly reproduce Vanilla, for thousands of technical and logistical reasons. That isn’t a reason to abandon the whole reason for its existence.

If I had a say, the game would align with the Vanilla progression without deviation (or as close as possible) irrespective of what any of the players said. Since when do players know what the hell they want day to day? They can’t agree on anything clear and obvious, let alone really difficult technical nuances.

Which is fine, but ends up at 1.12 anyways.