This is why we said NO CHANGES

Semantic maneuvering at best. Classic is - was meant to be - Vanilla, warts and all

CRBG killed the PVP community

CRBG’s are also responsible for PVP community imbalance because “CRBG will fix it” was the attitude of the PVP community after they found out CRBG will be added.

What these people don’t seem to understand even now is that you cannot count on PVE oriented players to Q up for BG’s after they get their loot.

Q’s get longer and longer because faction stacking of the PVP community is the real issue.

While I do agree that the 1.12 AV is junk; CRBG would have busted the 1.5 version also; instead of 6 min clears they would have been 10 to 15 min clears.

The Horde Q’s would have been just as long.

But it’s not vanilla. Not even close. Words have meaning. I also like how you didn’t answer the point.

Here’s a point which those that read will have seen - I don’t PvP and don’t care about it. It’s a cancer that forced changes that ruined the game the first time.

Next time read yourself?

Except it’s not, and will never be Vanilla. The playerbase has changed too much for that to ever be possible.

Alliance won 60% of AV’s in real Vanilla. And they almost never got full premades like you guys did. Populations weren’t this skewed, and people weren’t as vicious against their OWN team mates (mass reporting people to get lead from them?) either. You guys brought this on yourself. The playerbase FORCED this change.

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Please go and watch the BlizzCon announcement video and do a bit of research on what Classic is and how it got here.

But as I said, the only fault for all this is Blizzard’s. You guys have never known anything.

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Fault for what?

I don’t give a damn how they advertised classic. It never was, and never CAN be Vanilla. And this is from someone who played and very much enjoyed Vanilla (check the tabard)

When i was leveling wee little level 42 Leafblight in Vanilla Felwood, i did that escort quest with the Paladin. And 2 50ish Alliance ganked me right at the end.
I swapped to my main, “a geared 60 hunter,” and killed them both, and camped them. They called in help, and wonder of wonders Alliance actually came to help them, and i ended up fighting against 7-8 Alliance by myself for nearly 4 hours. We had a blast.

The next day on the Dark Iron forums they actually called me out for putting up such a fight. I STILL remember that night 15 years later. Can you imagine anything like that happening today? I’d probably get reported for exploiting for not rolling over dead the moment they outnumbered me. Or there would be 15 threads about how they need to nerf hunters. Probably with a (edited) video where i never die and keep slaugtering them mercilessly.

Nochanges means no changes. That didn’t change until blizzard announced 1.12 then suddenly no changes meant no changes except these changes we arbitrarily decided are okay.

OMG this! Mega servers are a disaster! Sharding was a disaster! Not going with old AV (something people have been begging for over ten freaking years for!) is a complete and utter disaster! To top it all off they give it to the refail players just to rub it in our faces! What thee actual F$#@ is wrong with you blizzard!?


That’s just ignorant. Was 1.12 Vanilla? Then it and every other iteration of Vanilla meets the requirements of #nochanges. It never meant literally no changes or having phases would have been against it. It meant and means nothing that wasn’t in Vanilla. They reproduced bugs to be authentic to that FFS.

Again, just because you guys misunderstand ignorantly or willfully to push an agenda doesn’t change the fact that you’re wrong.

Believe me, that is very clearly understood already.

Whichever version had prolonged/pointless fights in Field of Strife that would go on for hours.

Man I loved that stuff

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I want you to stop and think for a while about everything blizzard has done from the start of 2018 to now. then ask yourself if you really think the blizzard of modern times is even remotely capable of doing something like classic+ properly.

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But they did release Korrak’s. Just not in Classic.

Sorry just because the no change crowd changed the goals posts(irony!!) after they heard it was 1.12 doesn’t mean you get to arbitrarily change 1.12 even if what you want was pre 1.12 and still pretend you are nochanges.

But hey you want to have a frankenpatch? Sure let’s have that discussion. How about you get your earlier version of AV and we also get the 2.0 honor system.

Dude, I don’t PvP. I don’t care about PvP. I’m not interested in any of the toxic self entitlement and pointless AV version arguing, and neverending crying that goes along with it. I care only that Classic remains Classic despite this community of ignorance that seems intent on turning it into Retail 2.0 with their arbitrary and ever-changing demands.

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Y’know, you keep on saying that you don’t care about PvP, yet you are so passionate about PvP remaining as it is on Classic in spite of your self-described lack of care about what actually happens.

Methinks you’re probably just an idiot.

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Fault for the recent non-Vanilla, Classic killing changes to AV. It’s the precedent that spells the end of the game that some of us fought for a decade to get here.

2.0 is not Vanilla, and not Classic. Classic is up to and including Naxx (the hint is in the version numbering), not a pre-patch that’s leads to TBC. I don’t care what version of PvP you guys get, as long as it’s authentic Vanilla.

Or I didn’t. That horse has bolted already.