This is why we said NO CHANGES

Im only interested in the integrity of the game - the integrity of the game that doesnt involve the majority of players playing the game as it was not intended to be played when patch 1.12 was released.

Thing like mcing players outside of a bg - or having premades mass report players to get the rest of ther pm into their game. No one was running premade AV more often than wsg in patch 1.12 because av netted higher honor per hour - this is a private server behaviour. If premades AV was the case for how it was intended to be played in patch 1.12 - it would have had a q as group option. If the majority of players in 1.12 were forming their own cross server premades - im 100% certain a similar fix would have been looked at had TBC not been on the horizon,

This is Blizzards game - not ours.

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That’s irrelevant to the integrity of Classic - again, you are just showing your ignorance on the topic. Classic is filled with unevenness and imbalance. That was the whole point. Just go and watch the Blizzcon announcement video at least. I’m done with it all - not because of this conversation or any other, but because of Blizzard’s mishandling of the only good thing they had left (and which only exists despite Blizzard’s wall-of-no because by the passion of the original Classic community).

I’ll play as long as there are no non-Vanilla changes to PvE. As soon as they make the first one (which is inevitable now), I’m out. And honestly, I can’t complain too much. It was a fun run, even if it was disappointingly short. If I play Vanilla again it will be on a Private Server.

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Enevenness and imbalance is one thing but exploiting the game is against their tos. If players really wanted no changes to the game they shouldnt be abusing it. Players only want #nochanges as a cover to say ’i dont agree with your tos and im going to break your game every way i can to affect every single other customer that also pays for this product’.


That’s the most transparent, obvious strawman dude. But whatever. Have at it. The game is yours now, and those like you. See you at the end when you turn around and berate Blizzard for listening to you because the game is now ruined (e.g. Retail).


Not - its ruined for those who abuse honor bracket stacking and premade av pve zerg rushes. It actually plays better for the majority of those who arnt abusing/exploiting the game for their own benefit.

Last week i couldnt get a single wsg game as horde - this week i have 2 min q times. I played alot of bg’s in vanilla - wsg/ab games non stop any time of the day/anyday of the week - average 10-15 min q times (on Hyjal and then BDF server) and then with the release of xrealm bg’s - those q times became 1-2 mins.

Enjoy your private server, with all of its exploits that you obv want to be part of your game for that advantage.

I don’t even PvP you sperg. PvP is the cancer that helped destroy the original game, and here we are again. Enjoy.

Releasing a different version of AV would have also been a change.

But if you want changes, at least ask for changes that address the root issue, the honor system.

This is false, btw. Any version of AV that existed in Vanilla was/is within the #nochanges parameters.

A frankenpatch is not no changes.

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Yes it is, it’s authentic Vanilla at least. You guys can argue over which version you prefer until forever (or you could have before the patch; now it’s anything goes). Anything up to and including Naxx is fair game.

I personally would prefer the progression changes followed Vanilla exactly, but I’m not interested in PvP at all and so don’t care. All I care is that the wider PvE game remains authentic.

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Well that’s just changing the bar of no changes to mean no changes but the changes you want.

So the devs are garbage, but you are so smart that you could fix everything with a change that would do literally nothing… oh wait sorry it would mean the general would die 10-30% slower. Man that would add literally seconds to the BG…

Conversely, if people like you hadn’t been so set on no changes, we could have gotten a decent PvP ranking system that didn’t encourage the absolute worst behavior.

No it’s not, it’s what it always meant. You guys are the ones who have refused to do the due diligence of research to understand what it is you are talking about.

This modern malaise of misrepresenting something and then dismissing/demonizing your facile version of it is beyond old now.

If you didn’t want to play Vanilla, warts and all, why are you playing? You guys are nuts.


Yes but the behaviour shown in Classic was never in Vanilla either.

Oh yes Av had pugs but not 90%. Same with camping in neutrals. It Happened but never on such a scale.

The difference is we know what content is coming, people know that theer rank 12 or whatever gear is bis forever or till Naxx etc.

In Vanilla we didnt know it. So pvp wasn’t as a hardcore “anything goes” to get honour.

So? This is Classic. You don’t get to pick and choose what parts of Vanilla you like and don’t like. It is what it is. If you don’t want to play Vanilla don’t play it. Warts and all… Or that’s what Blizzard said. Of course the only real disingenuity here is theirs.

The player base has never known anything but entitlement and petulance. That is what led to Retail. Blizzard are to blame for not having the integrity to maintain their own vision.

You only say no changes when you benefit from it. I’m glad they stopped your exploiting.

Who said I didn’t want to play vanilla? If only there were a vanilla to play. We’re playing classic, which I also do want to play.

You aren’t listening. Maybe read again.

It’s hard to hear any real points under all this crying, but if you have any feel free to mention them.