This is why PvPer's are Quitting

Yep? Also trash because you’ll get sub par healers, go 3-3 in placement, then next time get a 0 rated healer that loses 1 then leaves and for some reason now your MMR is 1300. Trash MMR system, trash RMT, bots, cheating everywhere.

The first one is Battleground blitz for level 60, the second one is Battleground blitz for level 70. Didn’t see them announce anything, but I was levelling my alt and saw that.

Weird reason to quit, imo.

There goes blizzard, making Mighty Enemies again.

Look at the subreddit post about the R1 player with all the alts on the ladder. The posts about why he has that many alts on the ladder are really depressing. Also I learned that it’s possible to transfer a character off an account to someone else’s account as long as they have the same surname on that account. SMH.

Logged on today to get the rest of my in-game mail and park my characters somewhere decent before my sub is up, pending War Within’s launch. Saw a guy with the current Glad mount, looked up his PvP records and saw that his account had been Challenger and Rival for years and years and years - until this season. He earned Glad on one character this season, and did it in 300 games with a 75% win rate.

Just saw the hotfix from another thread in the pvp forums. Then followed the link to see the blue note.


we need to have blizzard make 1-2 more epic BGS they have not done that for years

They don’t put effort into it because the leader of wow actually trolls the PvP community and has no interest . His only concern is to make lots of scripted content for m+ with more goo on the ground to avoid. He’s never liked PvP and the neglect is super apparent. We need new

do they still do raids?

i am not sure what effect my game will acquire replying to this troll thread, but battleground is dead because of intentional premades to sort out undesirable players with a corrupt UI. Everybody knows the queue is bull , and most of us avoid it now.
How long did you think you could farm and harass players in fake battlegrounds , till they stopped going all together?
I wish , like every day , somebody would fix it , so I can go to a real, fair, pvp format , but it just gets worse and more corrupt .

PvPers are quitting or converting to PvE only because PvP is 1000% gear based and that’s all you need to beat anyone. Because its gear based it’s one sided battles.

Or came to classic.

At least for now even the rateds in rated gear…don’t walk as gods among mere mortals. Wrath and tbcc weren’t too bad even for the pug random scene either.

Hell even tol barad is new content to some like me. I never saw the place since a late wow comer. It was gone when started.

I am honor capped 2 chars, and I don’t need the commendation since I spam dailies hard. But I’ll still make a run here of my own free will. Just for fun.

Also Ngl, I’ll take SoTA over seething shores. It’s not the greatest bg ever. Far from it even. It’s still better than the crap that is seething shores.

I hate to break it to you, but you ARE a second-class citizen of WoW if you primarily do PvP.

It’s clearly something they only update out of a sense of obligation because 1) its always been a part of WoW and 2) a decent number of players still engage with it.

And I say this as someone who cannot STAND PvP. Even I can recognize that y’all have been woefully neglected for many, many moons.

quitting what

This argument isn’t really relevant anymore when you consider how brain dead easy it is to gear up in PvP now.

If you’re playing throughout the season from the week it starts you should be in the same playing field as everyone else in terms of gear, the only time you’re at a disadvantage is if you aren’t playing for several weeks.

Wonder if retail is all about PVE now…

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Love how you say its not a real argument anymore and then prove it is. PvP is supposed to be about skill, not time invested for gear.

If I were to load up a FPS game I havent played for years, the only difference between me and others would be my skill level. THAT is what PvP is supposed to be.

If you want PvP to be a real thing in this game, advocate for Templetes to return. Tell Blizzard to ignore the Killer archetype of players, and let everyone brawl on equal footing.

Knowledge of class, knowledge of map layout, knowledge of counters, these should be the deciding factors of a match, not who has the higher numbers.


I didn’t prove anything, read what he said. He’s arguing that PvP is all about the gear, 1000% in fact, when clearly it isn’t.

Being a couple of weeks behind others with a few more pieces of Conquest gear does definitely put you at a disadvantage, but the disadvantage isn’t so dramatic that it’s going to be game breakingly unbalanced.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about PvP in WoW it’s that you NEED to have gear, there always has to be something to chase or the game gets very boring very quickly.

I learned this from playing Structured PvP in Guild Wars 2 for so many years, gear in that game is normalised when you enter into a BG and without something to aim towards in terms of gear progression it gets very repetitive and loses all meaning.

You use COD as a comparison, the two games aren’t even remotely comparable with their PvP, WoW is an MMO…it needs to have gear.

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PvP in WoW has been 100% about gear since the inception of the game. You cannot tell me you do not enjoy destroying players whom are statistically weaker than you. PvP in GW2 puts everyone at the same health, damage and resource pools, WoW does not do that, if WoW did that people would flip out and rage because PvP is suddenly fair.


I would suggest a new game or trying out some pve because that’s always been the case.

Exactly. Their laziness will be their undoing though…one day.

One day a competitor will rise to the challenge and blizzard will be caught with their silly little d**k in their hand, like how they fumbled the MOBA genre and let LoL and DoTa take the reigns there.

They push everything as an esport and never fix their fundamental problems.