This is why PvPer's are Quitting

We are getting a new BG in the next expansion and got new arena maps in DF.

That was using PvP as a scapegoat because they knew people like you would eat the excuse up and not question it. It doesn’t actually make sense though, because both lock specs that would use an observer/felhunter don’t, they sac their pets, so the pet isn’t even used in PvP.

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Yeah, they do.

Other games don’t start people at zero.

It’s literally not broken. It slides people to their actual skill level very quickly.

So pre BFA and three expansions you get another… they really care!

Trolls and bads playing RSS at this point in the game don’t represent all PvPers. It makes no sense for you to say we all deserve blizz’s neglect.

There really aren’t many trolls and nothing wrong with being bad. The whole idea with ranked/matchmade modes is to get people games for their skill level.

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You say that they do, but they don’t. Why do they need room to fall, when they could just be seeded where they need to be - at 0 if they are new?

Fortnite does and Rocket League does. Those are popular and successful games. RL is actually a very appropriate comparison because the skill ceiling is so high in that game. By contrast, one of my favorite games, Mordhau - which also has a high skill ceiling - does not. The population of Mordhau is almost nothing now thanks to this. New players simply do not want to get curbstomped right out of the gate. It’s demoralizing to them, and they just quit instead of sticking around. It’s human psychology. Better to let noobs learn the ropes with bot lobbies at the very bottom rung and then work up their way 1-2-3-4-5 instead of punish them immediately with matches they know they can’t win and demote them 5-4-3-2-1. Positive associations > negative associations. MMR as the way WoW implements it is a dated concept and one-game Andies are never going to understand how it can or should be any different.

Honor used to reward both playing and climbing, but then they did away with that concept. I’m still not sure why some people think honor level rewards are anything to chase… but I guess it’s something.

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In the context of his post he was using his experience with trolls/bads in rated to justify everyone (PvPers) being neglected. I think most PvPers enjoy the casual side of PvP - unrated BGs and wPvP. That’s what should be used to draw people in and keep them playing.

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FF14 starts you at 0 too. Destiny uses placement matches to figure out a decent spot to start you for ranked.


IDK but maybe some new rewards/incentives or something. As of now the queues for epic are so long on both sides. So many quit.

Could be because it’s over run with gold sellers and RMT, even warmode. :slight_smile: You can go into warmode in Zaralek and find groups of10+ farming 24/7 Blizz does nothing

Thank you for this. I’m just about to try the Crystalline Conflict for the first time. Looks interesting!

Yeah, I just can’t understand why WoW can’t modernize it’s match-making system.

I find them fine during NA prime time. Are you playing at a different time of day? Also, you won’t get good queues if you’re not max level.

This isn’t a good argument because EVERYTHING from Mythic can be attained by the Average Joe. You just have to be patient.

Castle Nathria is just a mere expansion old-- JUST ONE – and you can go in there with a group, ignore EVERY Mythic mechanic, nuke the bosses, and win. I just did it last night! lol I get the same Mythic rewards, all of them. The ONLY difference is that certain items might be 100% drops when the content is current, and those rolls drop to 1%. But it’s STILL THERE.

This isn’t true for PvP. PvP is put on some fake pedestal as being “untouchable.” You aren’t even allowed access to those rewards on your alts! lol

After two, MAYBE three seasons-- it should all be unlocked. I’m not saying as easy as just put it on a vendor, but SOME path should be available to earn those old cosmetics.

“But … but … I was awesome in Season5!” Dude, no one cares. You want to earn some sort of digital cred? DO IT AGAIN. Do it NOW. Because I have news for you-- STILL no one will care. lol Become a doctor, or an engineer. THAT means something. No one cares that “you smash button gud online.” Get over yourself.

Especially for how bad PvP is in this game. Don’t punish the people who rightfully avoid it.

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Trash rewards for losing really exacerbate this.


I concur, I like Zaralek and still kill anyone who sets foot in the Loamm inn, they even had to add more guards but they should have ran with flying as a theme not just gumdrop dragon. (overall solid Xpac comparatively)

I’ve nearly lost hope in seeing necessary changes to PvP for this Xpac but I have a feeling (copium perhaps?) that Blizz will be willing to look at PvP through a new lens when it comes to the War Within, and if they can nail certain things about the new expansion the influx of returning players alone will draw more attention to the damage that has been done here.


I was responding to the I dislike pvp because it effects pve and transmog.

if your casual the game is constantly being tuned one way or the other and hurting that playing experience.
So with that i was poking fun at the excuse and asking when other 2 big forms of end game are going to get “changed” for the better.

Throughout all of Korrak’s Revenge the quick match finder said players would get a purple box with conquest and etc. Not a single player got a box. How is that not misrepresentation?

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cant they just run BGS