This is why PvPer's are Quitting

If you login to the live game, click on your Group Finder icon. Then, select the Player vs. Player tab at the bottom and make sure you are on the Quick Match category.

What do you see?

Currently, the exact same brawl, Battleground Blitz, is listed twice. You can also only queue for this once.

How is this not fixed? If the PvP community cannot even receive this kind of basic attention, how likely is it really that we are going to get improvements to MMR, class/spec balance or improvements to rewards and systems?

This doesn’t feel good at all. I personally, am sick and tired of feeling like a second-class player in this game for choosing to PvP.

PvPer’s quit for numerous reasons. At the end of the day, most can be traced back to the same problem.

An underlying feeling of absolute neglect by this team and hopelessness for the future.


they push pvp as an Esport but wont fix the fundamental problems in pvp , sad really.


This also, is not the first time this exact same problem has happened before. Battleground Blitz has been listed twice not long ago during a weekly rotation and nothing was done.

Not only this, but whenever the weekly rotation includes Deep Six, if 1 player leaves the game, it still ends in 5 minutes! They haven’t ever even reduced the minimum capacity limit for players in this brawl game mode so that the game won’t automatically end…

The list goes on…

  1. No new Battleground for years
  2. Blacklisting Battlegrounds removed
  3. No new Honor Level Achievements past 500
  4. No Gold in PvP. Without World Quests, you can’t even afford repair bills
  5. Lack of Rewards and lack of access to Rewards
  6. Lack of communication/No PvP interviews
  7. Seething Shore still somehow exists
  8. Gladiator’s Coliseum Brawl when?
  9. Tol Barad Epic BG when?
  10. Terrible MMR/Wait time experience for Solo Shuffle
  11. No General PvP Forum to discuss broad design and philosophy

I wonder how many threads I’m going to find like this.


by Blizzards very own survey last fall , pvp was ranked second not far behind m+ as their customers favorite pass time in warcraft , why they put no effort into it is strange to say the least.


In my humble opinion, they have locked themselves into a bad cycle with PvP.

PvP players stop playing when this constant feeling of neglect sinks in. So they leave. Then Blizzard devotes less attention to PvP as the playerbase declines, which then leads to even more players leaving… You can feel it happening in real time.


Can’t lie the op had a fair point. PvP is treated as a afterthought or just a checklist item like “yep we can say our game has pvp”

I think it’s weird to because when introduced the pvp ranks/titles waaay back in the early days mostly everyone seemed to be happy with it. Then they messed things up with different changes and experiments.

And no new bg for years alone speaks volumes of how dedicated the devs are to PvP.

Sure esports wise they are because that’s a money grab.


PvP is not perfect in WoW, but it’s by FAR the best MMO PvP experience, imo. Nothing even comes close. And MOBAs don’t scratch the same itch, either. I think Blizzard knows this, which is why they aren’t too worried about PvP. Where else you gonna go? I also think they’re sort of afraid of making it worse by mistake messing with it too much.


Even if this is all the case, why can’t the PvP Community receive a simple hotfix to put the Arathi Blizzard Brawl back in rotation to override the current bug of having 2 Battleground Blitz brawls?


Do people take random battlegrounds seriously?

I assume that the actual PvP community is doing ranked matches, not worrying about whatever fun brawl is up.


This has nothing to do with fun. Its an obvious bug that should have been hotfixed days ago.


this game is riddled with bugs in all areas, the days of trying to keep this game polished is long gone.


Well it’s all opinion but personally I disagree that wow has the best pvp by far.

It’s nothing special it’s not horrible but it’s nothing special.

Black desert online guid wars 2 have pvp that’s also not super special but can be drcent.

Eve online I haven’t played for ages. But I remember good times with pvp there … years ago.

New world is pretty much pvp they added pve a little more to it but it’s pvp centric. Had a lot of fun in that game with guild v guild . I only left because it lacked richer pve content.

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You should go check out the bg forum. The amount of people raging over premades and internal premade drama in unranked ebgs is pretty large.

Ebgs are basically where 75% of the pvp comm is now. Mostly because it’s funny when people inevitably rage in chat like clockwork.


I’ll take your word for it lol

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I want to log on and do random Bgs. I don’t care about gear or rewards. I just wish for static stats in randoms Bgs. I’ve never liked ranking and Conquest just learned to deal with it.

I would love new Bgs, add Blacklist for bad ones. Hey some days I never want to queue for WSG because I don’t want CTF that day.

The queue needs to be fixed.This premade BS has gone on for far too long. I understand it’s an MMO and yours supposed to play with friends. Yet 40 randoms from trade chat aren’t friends. They won’t see each other again and are just abusing and exploiting a broken system in the game.

Last 3 expansions I’ve come back for a few months and quit because how broken the game is. I PvP only and only like casual PvP. Yet it’s more frustrating now ever before.


For me, I hate WoW PvP. But I absolutely love Old Republic PvP!


I want a huttball rip off in WoW so bad it was the best PvP map in SWTOR


I also love how tanks interact in PvP there. And it always felt decently balanced. Huttball is hilariously fun!


Fair enough! I never played swtor