This is why PvPer's are Quitting

I remember a dev in WoD saying PvE and PvP was about 50/50, Ion started the dark times for PvP. Now its a shadow of a burned up burned up corpse!

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no doubt , having a lead dev that doesn’t pvp has been detrimental to the pvp part of the game


you need to bring more people in to the game

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Who did I make up things and lie about?

I mean. I know you have created this false narrative about me. But where did I do it?

Heck, despite not participating in PVP I have regularly stated it needs more focus time.

I could see a free-to-play, PvP-only client potentially being a great idea, and a good way for them to also draw in more people to WoW in general.

It’s an idea worthy of a lot of discussion.

Noobs don’t need space to fall. They need to start at 0 MMR against tuned bots just like every other competitive game out there, then rank up and face real players. Players with Duelist or Elite XP on their account in the past 3 expacs need to be seeded higher than the median MMR when they start a season too. Lots of things to fix about MMR.

This game is never going to retain enough new PvPers if players ragequit PvP forever after a 0-6 stomping late in the season because they got seeded at the median MMR instead of where they belong. It’s also making queue times higher, because no new healer wants to heal against a considerably better healer right off the bat. Most of them just quit, and those quitters are also SS leavers who are screwing everyone who just waited 20 minutes in a queue.

MMR might be “fine” for long-time players with reliable partners and a wealth of experience, but for everyone else the system is terrible and benefits only a few while making the median MMR bracket toxic as heck, because newbies are frustrating everyone else with their bad gameplay, and everyone else is frustrating the newbies by curbstomping them so hard they don’t even have the space to learn.


bring in an army of friends

So how long till you want casuals to quit, since the best version of the game is only for key pushers and mythic raiders

Do you feel the same way about casual gamers and Rpers? since the best part of the game would only be key pushing and Mythic raids?


I could fix PVP in this game. A lot of people could if they were hired. I think Blizzard doesn’t address PVP because they can barely handle the PVE side of their game, plain and simple, their plates are beyond full and they can’t afford to hire more help or their masters don’t want to pay for more help because they’re ignorant, a lot of companies and businesses are going under right now because the people who run them can’t figure out what to do and can’t afford to hire new minds, they only know how to liquidate and fire people, they should liquidate their entire studio.

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You want to pvp? Go play LOL or Overwatch and leave us killing virtual dragons.

The story of MMOs is the story of PvP ruining things for everyone else and slowly being driven out. There is a reason PvP focused MMOs never take off

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RPers and casuals dont impact me at all. PVP has regularly been the reason i have less fun in the game, everything from transmog restrictions to nerfs impacting PvEers because of PvP.

Telling people to leave and go do something else is a fallacy. They may not have the money to go play a different game, they may not have the skill, experience, time, will power, they may not want to play anything but WoW.

WoW can have changes. We pay a sub fee. We don’t need to go play another game more than they need to make changes. PVP has been drab for years. It’s more like you’re the one who needs to go.


The devs actually seem to care about PvE so maybe take the hint that your game mode is dead and move on

Agreed- FPS games like “Overwatch” just suck :rofl:

It’s not my game mode lol, I only do M+. Your assumptions plus your bad posts, plus your fallacy usage, plus your no punctuation. I’m gonna move on by adding you to the ignore list. See ya!

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You sure are one to talk.

I"ll bet the average player is under Honor Level 100.

It’s kind of like how the last Achv for mounts is like 450 or something
 and I have almost 850. Except I realize I’m an outlier. The 77 people at Honor Level 500 should also realize: they’re alone without a cause.

The PvP sucks in this game. The worse thing about it isn’t that it it’s unplayable, that it’s abandoned by the Devs, and on and on and on 
 but that there are still mounts and cosmetics tied to it. To think that the only way I can obtain these things is to have to participate in this dumpster fire? 

So you don’t like pvpers because you cant get one or two transmog? what about the mythic players that blizz looks to and makes changes based on high end players? Do you dislike them or is that okay?

You can’t make an argument that devs don’t care about PvP while simultaneously saying that PvP is ruining PvE because devs prioritize changes for PvPers over what you want in PvE. Surely you see how that is contradictory?


When wasvthe last time you got a new BG? Yet they used the PVP clarity excuse when they took away the Warlock Observer this expansion.

So no i dont see a contradiction, PVP is dead and somehow still screwing everyone else.