This is why PvPer's are Quitting

You mean a person who treats others like dirt for a portion of those 20 years? Yeah. See you later man. Your number metrics actually don’t mean anything.

I vote to do away with the seperate bg ques and combine them all into one once again. Do away with group queing and specific queing for random bgs. This would eliminate so much bs in random pvp. If you wanna “play with your friends” go do pve stuff so your not ruining other solo players experience.

Edit… Also do away with the conquest cap at the beginning of every season.


M+ is dictating class design as well, which has killed PVP for a lot of WoW PvPers.


I stopped playing when it kept pitting me against far superior players in a broken matchmaking system. I just don’t enjoy pvp when all I am is some feeding little worm for the better players. There’s zero incentive for me to ever pvp when they cater towards people who need a defined end rather than chess combat.

When they stop designing pvp around short matches and burst until you die mechanics, I’ll come back.


Assuming it is the same poll I am thinking of…

That poll was largely skewed to be closer to disinformation. It is basically pointless to pull any real information from for development reasons.

And yet you cited that poll all the time trying to prove that M+ was a popular activity.


Exactly. The reason I made this thread was because I didn’t see any others already, but knew this needed to be said. The current Blitz mistake is the perfect example to help shine a light on this problem.

I see so much feedback on X/Twitter talking about PvP. I know Blizzard has to have seen this bug by now as many have reported it. Now I have this forum post as well.

It’s now Saturday guys and this issue still isn’t resolved.


Blizz has really neglected PVP the last 3 expansions.


Citation needed.

Could you please show me where I was citing this specific poll all the time specifically to say m+ was popular?

I have consistently talked about how that poll was silly. I am pretty sure I even voted raiding, not m+.

Otherwise it’s pretty low to make things up and lie about people to push a narrative.

This doesn’t really affect pvp as a whole, no, there aren’t masses quitting because a brawl is listed twice.

MMR is fine.

We just need class tuning.

after facing my 8th epic bg premade queue sync group in a row last night, i just said to hell with it and went and played something else. as to why i pay 24 a month for this, idk any more.


Look in the mirror.

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There is no problem in Ba Sing Se.


I think Blizz needs to do what Venruki suggests. Have some kind of reward structure that rewards playing not just climbing. Some cosmetics that you can earn through the season, some titles, transmogs. Like overwatch does. You can play only quick matches there and progress through battle pass and it feels awesome.

They really need to do this before WoW gets onto battelpass. I hope it does, because that will inject more new players, and that’s what WoW really needs to feel fresh. It became way too swampy and greasy and top heavy.

Or they could go even more radical and introduce a free PvP only WoW client. Lock everything except PvP content and let people go at it.


level up with pvp only…hell id try that out

As it should be.

Yeah, premades truly ruin bgs.

Honor level and vicious saddle stuff.

PvPers are quitting? Good. How can we speed this up? The faster they are gone the better
It has been 20 years of PvP ruining things for PvEers. Can’t have X or Y because it would confuses the poor PvP babies… Class/item gets nerfed because of PvP
Class cannot have utility because of PvP.

Frankly PvP in MMOs is terribad and anytime a game focuses on it is dumb.

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one could argue sitting in a hallway fighting the same ncps over and over and over is dumb also as the main activity in a mmorpg.


Would love a Blue response to this issue.

Can we get a hotfix to the duplicate brawl this week? Can we expect a fix to it in general so this doesn’t happen again in a future upcoming rotation?

Worried we are going to be stuck with this until The War Within launch.

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