THIS is why I dont run much group crap in current


I mean, I’m impressed. Nobody talks in 100% of my pug dungeons.

Didn’t you post a month ago that you were no longer playing and paying just to post here? I doubt this statement wholeheartedly.


Ive been playing ESO for about two years on and off now. Not ONE single bad interaction with a player yet. Not one.
Happens about half the dungeons I run in current content in WoW.
I’ll admit it rarely includes me, but I dont like seeing them do it to other players either.

yeah…because no one can RESUB for a new patch :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Since you cant stick to the TOPIC here either… :wave: :wave:

Not surprising. More insults from you. And you wonder why people flame you. :thinking:

He sure did! And anyone who tried to have a civil conversation about the game got called a shill.


You should have trained some more mobs to him, so he’d learn not to overpull.

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If you don’t see it then it doesn’t exist :relieved:

I chuck people on ignore all the time, sometimes for good reason sometimes because I just woke up and I’m grumpy but despite the reason if I put you on ignore I no longer have to see what you say :heart:

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If his post count is proof of no-life status, things aren’t looking good for you, either.


Yeah but your big life that you insinuate we don’t have gives you the time to stick around and crap post?

I just find you hilarious in general. Keep up the great work! :rofl:


I never claimed to have one :wink:


No ooking just Blanking :rofl:

I love how every time someone points out your own toxicity and the irony of it, you put them on ignore. As if that somehow makes you right. LOL


I disagree with folks all the time in here and thats fine…but theyre pretty much proving the point of the thread here…DEFENDING the behavior, ATTACKING anyone who mentions it, lmao.
So yeah…there is no discussion at that point to disagree on…and just like the vote kick allows us to not play with anyone we dont WANT to play with…Im not required to see the irrelevance and off topic posts they make.

ANY of them can just CHOOSE not to read or post here…and yet here they are.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Pug run

The rest of us were trying to calm him down, telling him to cut it out and all. I personally wanted to replace him but it was late and we didn’t wanna chance it on a new dps before at least trying to defuse the situation.

I’m glad he cooled it as well, besides that and the bugs the run was basically as ideal as a pug run can be. We were all new to the fights, all willing to watch the guide, nobody was being carried or carrying, very similar dps, got the fights down within 1-3 pulls when they didn’t bug out and never had to replace anyone.

Just that one moment though nearly ruined the whole thing.


13784 posts / 966 days = 14.2 posts per day

Why 966? My best guess at when the forums were opened :man_shrugging:

Do you have to give up your life on the forums for 14 posts a day? Let’s assume he hasn’t been posting since forums launched, at what post per day count does it become life consuming?

You’re right, I do assume everyone’s terrible. But that doesn’t change at all how I personally interact with them. (I can’t speak for anyone else, that’s on them) I just don’t get involved when people are terrible to someone. It’s easy to get the target on YOUR back, even if you’re defending someone else. It happens on these very forums.

But I’m sorry I cannot get on board with the idea that I’m alienating anyone in the game for believing people who play this game are terrible. As far as I’m concerned they are. I wish it wasn’t the case, but there’s nothing to be done about it.

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my bad…misread your post initially. lol.

They joined April 2020 on this character.

Mine Nov 2018. Says on top of profile.

So at that math, I’d say they far exceed your average poster, by, well a lot.

No one is defending it. No one attacked anyone. We are absolutely pointing out your hypocrisy and how bad it is to generalize the ENTIRE GAME OF MILLIONS based off your anecdotal experience.

So can you.

And yet you keep generalizing and ignoring everything I keep explaining. :roll_eyes:

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I’m fairly certain it’s Karmakamelea, I could be wrong though, that toon doesn’t look like it does dungeons… or anything.

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