THIS is why I dont run much group crap in current

“blanking blank blank newbs”

just because someone died in Necrotic Wake.

THIS is why muh communiteez sucks in this game.
No thanks.


I was doing a Necrotic Wake pug on Mythic+ last week, as a Tank, and a hunter insisted on pulling for me, and messed up my route, casuing the key to fail due to a terrible pride spawn.


this was just to mechanix on the last boss. It was seriously nothing to start insulting players over. We won. it was over…but this moron starts foaming in the chat box anyway.
some ‘community’ lmao

should have added that the run was flawless up to that point.
someone apparently didnt jump fast enough or somemthing…died. We still beat the boss pretty fast. It was over and then one of the players went off like a spoiled 5 year old child that mommy took his toys away, lmao


Someone was unpleasant on the Internet?

Better call the FBI and all major cable news networks.


The entire community sucks because a person got annoyed about a teammate dying in a dungeon?


Illidan or Tich?


when you see the same behavior in about 50% of the dungeons you run…yeah. Kinda.
Do you really think anyone would stop running Group content over ONE instance of this, guy?
Pay attention next time. This is “why I quit running group content”…PAST tense…ie its happened before and often.


Pot, kettle, etc


ya know…now i think I shoulda checked. I see a lot of Tich players behaving really badly in group content.

I was doing tazavesh the other day and our warrior dps just absolutely laid into our druid healer for not being able to see their rune color on Hylbrande. Mind you the healer has been one of our better, quicker to pick up on mechanics party members for the rest of the dungeon.

After somehow convincing them to not leave/cool it we discovered that the fight was bugged and the rune was despawning when our druid picked it up.

That warrior was too prideful to apologize to our druid.


The best part is LFR and solo players are made fun of, but who would want to group with people like this?


Or maybe ignore it completely or ignore the person or leave group and re que. this topic really needed another thread……

Stop being so sensitive and move on


It’s not sensitive. It’s human nature not to want to deal with people raging at you. It doesn’t matter how thick your skin is.


No it is sensitive. Human nature is to move on from something that makes them uncomfortable. Sensitive in this sense would be to come to the forums to complain


And to think I used to defend PUGs in here to the death, lol.
Never again.
Y’all are absolutely right. Random players suck a lot of the time and I should just guild up if Im going to run group content

bye bye… :wave:
just ‘moving on’ as you say…so dont take it the wrong way.

No worries. He said to move on since its not a big deal. I took his advice and wont have to see his posts again
I moved on lol
he does kinda prove my point though.


I’ve just left my OWN key because a toxic hunter wouldn’t stop calling everybody’s names and just making everything unpleasant. He wasn’t even top dps or anything, just yelling at everyone for whatever reason.


Not at all. Do you boo boo.

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I had a player in a random BG tell me to ‘go here, do this’.
I normally would have ignored the clown but I thought they had a strategy worked out already so I went along with it.
About 2 minutes into it that same player starts screaming in the chat box because I ‘went there, did that’ just as he had asked, lmao.

He had the entire group so ticked off nearly all of them started screaming at him.
guess they were paying attention to what happened.

Another clown started screaming at a couple players in Legion LFR , cussing them over dying and making his precious candy rump have to run back after we decided to wipe and try again that I finally snapped at him pretty hard myself and pulled out and didnt run LFR again till Legion was nearly over.

Funny part is when you talk about it in here they’ll defend the behavior then try to pretend this game has any sense of community outside of guilds, lmao.


The hunter kept typing “???” and cursing at the tank for I don’t know what? And calling others bot and other things, so I said I’m sorry but I won’t play another second with this toxic hunter and left. He whispered me after I left telling me to … I reported, hope it does something. This kind of behavior needs to be punished with a few days ban at least, IMO.

He was also pulling the mobs and not waiting for the tank to pull. Overall a terrible experience.


This is the type of community Ion is trying to build.

Old content best content.