THIS is why I dont run much group crap in current

I see :+1:

Enough to be life consuming?

Did you want me to include my own experiences as well? It’s a pretty exhaustive list that could take a very long time. It’s not something I picked out of thin air somewhere. A lot of the discourse surrounding wow has been negative since I started playing. I don’t just mean the words either, it’s people’s experiences that often align with my own. I wouldn’t take a single experience, or even just a handful as any proof, but many experiences over multiple years spanning more than a decade. Yep, I’m judging wow players. Big deal. Lots of people do. It’s not the end of the world or anything.

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I’d say. This epic life they lead seems, well not so Epic.

See I had an epic adventure today, I bought alllllll the iced coffee, all of it! Then met my mom for lunch on a patio because we still can’t eat in here yet.

Do your math again for a year at his post count. How much epic coffee buying time is there left really?

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Getting the impression his math works differently when we’re counting up his hours logged in game. :wink:
Ive got the game open and this forum open every second Im playing…so hes very likely no less “consumed” than I am. lmao

I can’t help but see the irony about a whiny player yelling at players in their group for being “noobs”. If that guy was good, he wouldn’t be in that group to begin with.


13784 / 444 = 31 posts

My days start at 10:30am and end at 3am depending on the topic I can knockout 30 posts in an hour

You know how insane of a post count you’d have to have in order for you not to have a life outside the forums? You’d have to post thousands a day to consume all your time

Yeah, rando PUG players expecting absolute perfection from the runs they’re in need a deep, thorough reality check. You don’t get perfection from PUGs, plain and simple. By electing to join a PUG they’re trading quality for convenience.

And heck, even organized groups made up of players who know each other well screw up on occasion. It’s a normal human thing. People in general need to lighten up.

Yeah it’s ridiculously easy to run up post count when you’re a remote worker with a second screen. The past year I’ve been posting while waiting for my code to compile, no nolifing required.

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I’m in queue in Overwatch :smiley: So I’ll be dipping in and out between matches lol

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it sounds like you’ve had bad luck with groups. i’ve been in one group in the last six months that i remember where somebody was being a big enough jerk to another group member that i actually put him on ignore. otherwise it just doesn’t happen in the groups I’ve been in.

even in m+ keys, mistakes happen. somebody messes up the oil traps in DoS and gets knocked off. everyone laughs while they run back and then we keep going. no reason to get bent out of shape.

from my experience, the toxic players are generally the terrible players

screw up, blame another, disband group


honestly it SEEMS like its players who arent good enough to do real raiding but they think theyre gods gift to the game.
He failed to realize that HIS lack of taking the healers ability into account is what was causing a lot of the problem.
Some of these guys think healers dont have CDs and HPS isnt a real thing, lmao…or that healers dont have a 40 yard max range just like everyone else, for the most part.
So they run outside of that…and he did numerous times…left DPS in his wake of trash that turned on the group…and literally is the one who likely caused the problem to begin with.

As I said…a real raider wannabe, but not as good a player as he thinks he is.
They come in to stink up lowbie runs all the time, sadly enough, ruining the game for everyone else.

I can tell a REAL raider over these clowns in a heartbeat.
They run the thing to perfection. They rarely talk. Everything goes like clockwork. They are OBVIOUSLY watching healer ability and mana the entire run, etc. VERY good players.

The clowns that run their mouth are likely ones that got dismissed from real raiding groups and have it out for everyone else in the game now, lmao


The funny thing is, the average pug dungeoner didn’t used to be too far from that. Their play wasn’t as tight, rotations lacking etc but dungeons were pretty systematic — throw up marks, CC, nuke, rinse and repeat until dungeon complete. If you wipe, run your ghostly butt back and give it another shot.

Somewhere along the line the quality of the average pugger took a steep decline.


I know I loved running PUGs in legion. Some problems here and there, but mostly I could do a few of them in a day and enjoy it.
BFA was entirely opposite. I dont know if it was just different players or what but the behavior was horrible, thats when I was getting like every other run having someone cussing someone for some petty crap and the vote kick coming up for literally garbage reasons.
SLs just seem like it got even worse.

PUG’s are just the worse and those that don’t see the behavior are either the ones dishing the bad behavior or they Don’t PUG period.

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yeah, I personally dont believe a single person who is claiming they dont see the behavior.
They are either doing it themselves, arent paying attention, or have the personality type that just doesnt care.

Nobodies claiming they never ever see this kind of behavior, people are only pointing out that if this is happening more than very rarely, you are doing something to make it happen. Which is what I and several other posters have been trying to explain to you for months now and its very clear that you’re so stubborn that its absolutely impossible to get anything through to you. Like I really want to think you’ll eventually calm down but at this point it feels like i’m trying to stop a guy from sticking his hand in a beehive over and over again expecting a different result.


I think most are just not doing content outside of Guild/Friends. So they don’t PUG often enough to see the behavior.

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I think the quality of player you see in PUGs is a direct reflection of the speed of the leveling experience. Classic leveling takes longer and more of the bad play will be worked out by the time you get to max level (assuming of course they aren’t boosted). In retail leveling is quick so people will be working out their bad play in current content. At least that’s my theory.

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Pretty much why I always preferred running group content with irl friends. Never had to deal with that bs. Unfortunately those irl friends stopped playing this game towards the end of WOLK. Haven’t run any kind of serious progression type of grouped content outside of maybe some LFR ever since. Grouping up with a bunch of rando internet strangers you are sure to encounter those nerd raging buffoons every once in awhile.

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I feel stupid, honestly.
I defended random groups in Legion vehemently. I mean, in my defense they were acting more civilized in the groups I ran. But there was a lot of PUG bashing in here.
I did what THESE people are doing in here…claiming 'it dont happen cuz I aint seenz it muhsef" lmao
BFA and now SLs has taught me that they were right about it.
Maybe we do need to stop that CRZ (?) thing if thats causing the problem, as I think has been brought up in here hundreds of times