This is why I do not do dungeons

You are correct OP, SM is one of the hardest most confusing areas in the game. Dont worry, it gets better. Once you get to BRD its very straight forward. Just keep leveling and hit up BRD solo. Ez life. :sweat_smile: :joy: :rofl:


It has no map and no way to navigate, every hallway connect to each other. And since the enemies re-spawn, you have no clue where you just came from.


Man, he’ll never see the entrance of Mara. This is why I think he never reached the entrance of Deadmines either, from reading his original post.


It is hard to understand, because what you are now describing means you left the instance (blue portal) back into the lobby and got lost? It sounds like you’re doing this to yourself at this stage.

This is technically incorrect. The area with the two portals and locked doors is the lobby. Each blue portal (instance) leads to a separate dungeon, each of which are self contained and unidirectional.

All this has done is put me off from doing dungeon content.

The dungeons are horrible and people defend how bad they are as if there is no problem.

SM is a pointless area that has no navigation , respawning enemies make it impossible to know which hallway and rooms lead to which place, and no one is going to convince me this place has a boss and any real loot.

Blizzard needs to overhaul this dungeon and have the enemies stay dead.


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There are only 2 portals in this entire dungeon, when you go up the stairs there is one on the left, and one on the right. The rest are locked doors that you cannot open

Enter either portal (Left or right) and you enter a maze of corridors and rooms that all circle back around on each other.

The enemies do not stay dead so it’s impossible to know what hallway you already went down and which ones you haven’t which causes you to get even more spun around. You cannot have enemies re-spawning in an area like this, then try to tell people it’s not that hard to get around, yet it causes people to spend 3 hours getting lost with nothing to show for it, then turns those players off from ever wanting to do another dungeon in the game because this is their experience.

This dungeon is a total mess.

There are more portals behind those doors, which you unlock with a key… from one of the dungeons you can enter. Wow!

Again… this isn’t true. The instances are not connected. I have to assume you’re trolling at this point when you just keep repeating nonsense. I even posted the maps in this thread.

The they need to give you the key. Since they don’t give you the key then it’s not relevant what is behind those doors.

I never said the INSTANCES CONNECT TO EACH OTHER. I said ONCE YOU ENTER A PORTAL THAT AREA loops back on itself.

jeez learn to read.

BTW maps are useless because there is no way to know where you are in the place because nothing is labeled or marked.

You’re meant to like… explore the dungeons. You go into the ones you can, complete them, and wow, you find a key that can open a new dungeon previously inaccessible to you!

Good game design!

Except they don’t loop around unless you’re too stupid to realize you’re going around the same courtyard rather than choosing the one hallway you didn’t come from to continue.

And the map I linked is clearly labeled.

I did, for 3 hours going in circles, No bosses, and nothing but hallway after hallway with a lot of rooms always looping back on itself and doors there is no key to open.

You think that is good game design?..Umm ok

Too each their own I guess.

I’m convinced you’re a troll at this point, but giving you the benefit of the doubt:

  1. Refer to my earlier post about the technical definition of “dungeon”. You’re confusing yourself and other people by referring to the lobby as part of one “dungeon”.
  2. Once you are inside one of the four “dungeons”, they are unidirectional. They do not loop around - you’ll need to leave via the same way you entered (blue portal)
  3. Most mobs do not respawn inside the dungeon unless your group leader is resetting them. Those that do will be much more sparse than usual. You can therefore keep track of how far you have progressed and which areas you have cleared. Mobs will, however, respawn in the lobby.

If you complete the dungeon on the right (the Library), you will get a key that unlocks the 2 middle doors, so you can enter the other 2 dungeons. That makes sense: you can do the library (in a group of 5) at 28, but not the 2 other ones until you are 35.

Nope. No mazes, and no corridors that circle back.

In the instances, the enemies stay dead for 15 to 20 minutes. Then they start to respawn. By 30 minutes they are all back.

Respawns may be a problem if the whole group wipes after 20 minutes – you’ll have to kill the mobs all over again. But they make no difference for navigating.

If you are getting lost, you are in some other dungeon or some other game. The Library is an open courtyard, then one long set of corridors with NO option to go anywhere else. It’s very simple.

So I simply don’t believe your “3 hours getting lost” claim. That is impossible. I think you are an anti-Blizzard shill, making up fake accusations.

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They do lop around and your maps may be labeled BUT THE ARE IN THE GAME IS NOT. press M and the world map opens.

So your maps are useless.

There is no way to match up your map to when you are in the game.

So you are too stupid to realize you’re going around the same courtyard rather than choosing the one hallway you didn’t come from to continue. And Blizzard should overhaul the dungeon for you.

Every single person that says they don’t believe it have manually been invited to my party to come watch an they all decline with some excuse as to why.

So I really don’t care what you believe. I’m not here to appease you.

You are litteraly upset that you got lost in a dungeon, and it inconvenienced you.

Try again later, and learn from your errors.

All i can say, is that what I am reading you post in this topic is the litteral definition of insanity.

You should step back and examine the situation. Maybe then you’d realize that the common denominator in this arguement is your opinion on the subject.

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Lol I’m pretty sure this is a troll post and everyone fell for it.


I do not do dungeons runs because this is what always happens to me when I attempt to do them .

This topic means is that when a game designer puts in an area of a game that is this bad it basically bores the player to the point where a player has been shown that is how dungeons are in the game, then the it turns the player off from a huge chunk of the games content.

There is no try later a smart player isn’t going to have their time wasted by game designers who don’t know the first thing on how to actually make content enjoyable for EVERYONE.

Dungeons are supposed to be a portion of this game, so they need to make it actually doable for EVERYONE, not just the type of players responding in this thread not bothering to see how it is for a player who doesn’t do dungeons runs.

What all of you fail to understand is all this does is turn players off from wanting to have anything to do with them.

The enemies in this dungeon need to stay dead and they don’t, that is the cause of the entire problem I’m having. As long as the enemies in this dungeon continue to respawn, it will cause players who don’t do dungeons to run into this problem and not want to do them.


Thousands upon thousands of other players running and mostly completing dungeons but somehow you are unable. Poor guy.

If you can’t navigate SM just quit the game. Save yourself some time and sanity.