This is what (some of) the Community Council posts about?

Honestly, with how much energy the brain uses to do stuff, with just light daily exercise and alot of mental exercises one could, theoretically, loose weight while geeking out about number crunching!

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Look, you can scroll up, I’ve literally addressed micro nutrients in my like 2nd reply.

You missed it, get over it.

Yeah,it does depend on the person and activity.It is better to have a side off type of diet than a restrictive diet .A person can’t live off of just fruit and greens nor totally of grains and meat<even though I like this I just can’t do it because grains and cereal turn to water within the system which cause water weight, and that causes vitamin loss.


I’ve been low iron most of my life so that’s well monitored.

I never had that recommendation to listen to it. I’m of the everything in moderation generation.

Right, I’m not suggesting white bread or something here. But just don’t eliminate everything.

I didn’t miss it. I saw your very brief allusion to it but it did little for your overall message.

Even whole wheat bread. The one I buy is this from this bakery :

I buy the 100% whole grain with sprouted wheat loaf. 120 Calories, 5g of Fiber for 2 slices, very little micro nutrients. It’s ok to make a sandwich with since it’s actually pretty low calorie as far as bread goes, but it’s really not a good source of anything.

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Also sorry but a life without burgers and pizza is just miserable. I just balance my weekly diet around it and it’s all good.

No offence intended, but isn’t that being highly disingenuous?
On one side you have a simple change in political identity and representation to honour the fallen, and on the other side you have 1000’s of years of genetic diversion.

These don’t in the slightest correlate to similar examples.

Also to forward rebut the inevitable statement on mana addiction and draining, the High Elves became Blood Elves before those situations occurred, and those acts are not what makes a Blood Elf a Blood Elf.


Which is why if I want the vitamins, I go for certain cereals for breakfast, because I can get iron, magnesium, stuff like that from it. And it’s something to start the stomach out with that won’t be hard on it.


Actually, that wasn’t a mistake, that version of the ‘food pyramid’ was created surveying farmers, meaning, it’s entirely based on the diet one would need when working a farm sun up to sun down every day.


The problem like I said, outside of things like All-Bran or Fibre 1, is that most cereal is actually Breakfeast Candy. Like actual Candy in a bowl of milk.

Though I’ve grown to actually enjoy All Bran, topped with chopped fresh strawberries or raspberries.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Cereals spike your insulin even more than white sugar does! You are better off eating eggs, bacon, and a side of fruit for breakfast!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Yeah regular cornflakes is basically sugar water

Yeah like kids cereals, but I can’t even stand those. I use to eat them when I was a kid. I tried my nephew’s before, and it’s way too sweet. I don’t know how I ever ate that stuff.

Well yeah, if you buy the mass produced stuff or toss a ton of sugar on it but cereal refers to the grains (though grains consumed in large quantities aren’t healthy either) and typically have the connotation of being for breakfast.

There are plenty of healthy breakfast cereals!

Though… I typically skip breakfast. Not particularly needed in my line of work. lol

Because they are the joke.

They should be called the SJW council the way they act. I really do not like most of them. 2 of them I like…out of all of them. The CC should be abolished.

Every MVP is better than most CC members.

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Not to mention milk is 100% the best source of Calcium and other valuable nutrients too, and fat isn’t bad, as it’s slow to process meaning less of it can convert to energy for our body because it takes more to break down than simple sugars (re: sucrose/fructose) so whole milk isn’t bad for you either!

-edit- Random side thing here: russet potatos with the skin on are better potassium source then bananas and have alot of other good nutrients in them too while also being less bad for the environment than banana plant cloning and the, more or less, countries run by Big Banana (look up Banana Republics and ignore the store but look for history from the Red Scare Era). Also: eating bananas on an empty stomach can actually damage the stomach lining, so many people drink milk while eating them to counteract the potential harm!


I feel Corn anything is probably something you should steer away from. Well except actual corn on the cob or canned grains of corn.

You’d be surprised. There’s actually very little of it.

Quaker Oats (not the instant kind, the actual boil it in water and it tastes of cardboard kind), All Bran, Fibre 1.

All the “healthy” flakes with dried fruits is still just candy in a box.

I don’t have to worry about insulin myself so it’s safe to eat for me.

Bacon is always best!

Hello, I see you replied to my post. Everyone has to worry about insulin! Insulin is produced naturally in your body and it’s what tells your body on what to do with sugars! Cereals spike your insulin causing your body to store sugars as fat instead of burning them!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!