This is what (some of) the Community Council posts about?

I don’t think you understand how much some people care about the issue. lol

Like seriously. Go read the thread.

It is tasteless and Blizzard ought to be ashamed. They are making light of their customers for no reason.

It is directly targeted.


I don’t care how much they care about the issue. Because it’s not an issue to begin with. And they probably care about pixelated tails in a very unhealthy way if they can’t even laugh about their obsession with pixelated tails.

Dude, if I’m saying Mike Ward’s little Jeremy joke was hilarious, you’re not convincing me this is tasteless, like come on. You have 0 chance of even making a dent in my opinion that this joke is fine, and you’re being too uptight about a silly joke.

We’re talking the same customers who bullied a CM into quitting right ?

Just checking.

Clearly. But then again…

So you were already a group, formed from where exactly? An already made friends group? Whoops.

Even got caught already brigading the forums with it, so clearly it’s not ‘just a place to hang out and source citations’.

Oh! You mean the ones that were with the Alliance the whole time - all the way through TBC and all that?

High Elves have been apart of The Alliance since the second war.

You may not have played Alliance side, as i’m talking about the High Elven strongholds with High Elf quest NPCs who go out of their way to mention they’re not Blood Elves.

Blood elves are not High Elves, sorry to say. Blood elves would be offended if you called them high elves.


Eh in my experience different groups of people have different communication styles and sense of humor. A big part of friendship is learning their communication styles, and adjusting to a degree that works for you. Friend A might enjoy insult humor, but Friend B doesn’t like it. It’s pointless to morally chastise them for that cause any number of factors could be influencing that. It doesn’t mean Friend A > Friend B, or that Friend B > Friend A. Or that it suddenly makes one more boring than the other just cause they found a joke to be in poor taste.

I got some friends who are more un-PC, and friend groups who are more on the PC side, and they’re perfectly fun people. I find that they’re more receptive to emotional support and actually show up for me when I’m down. So I love them all the same.

It’s a different story if there’s constant negative interactions/arguments, but that can just as easily happen with Friend A where things go too far, or during a moment where you’re down, you get insulted instead of supported.

But tbh, this is too subjective cause it’s different for everyone.


Exactly, this joke feels like some one going to say, a clothing store, finding a shirt that fits well and is comfortable, asking some one working there ‘hey, do you have this brand but in a hawaiian design?’ and having that staff member laugh and crack a joke in response.

It’s 100% not okay and fits a concept called “Punching Down” for humor.


Says literally all you needed to.

Cool. I am glad you don’t. Other people do.

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If a friend of mine was overly sensitive, I’d just stop hanging out with them. Not something I need in my life.

And those of us who don’t need to send a clear message that we’re OK with this humour.

Why should only your side get to impose their morality on the game ? The sanitizing of a Fantasy War RPG needs to stop.


Seriously, it just takes one person to start a discord, it’s not hard. And it was a few of us, from both sides of that argument who got to know each other in those threads (used to upset some people by starting to talk about recipes when things got heated, but made good friends with one of the at that time elf supporters that way)

You mean the ones that left the Alliance in the time between the core game and the expansion pack?

The ones who got completely screwed over by the Alliance in the 3rd game?

Yeah, keep slinging the fan fic Pawzer. This is not my first time at this rodeo.

Are you gonna tell the eating fel fic next?


There is a difference between glorifying obesity and not ridiculing somebody for being overweight.

Get out of here with that nonsense.

Like… Obviously being obese is unhealthy but there are people that are bullied to the point of suicide over it. I am pretty sure being dead is less healthy than being overweight.


Dude. They’re literally referencing something OUTSIDE OF THE GAME.

It has NOTHING to do with “sanitizing rpgs” and I am the last person that would be for hurting the lore of the game.

This has nothing to do with lore. They are literally targeting a portion of their playerbase and being jerks. lol


Yeah in this case I’d assume there’s just no compatibility. Better not force it.

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As far as actual results inside the game go, it’s only been like 1 or 2 very minor “fluff” changes that no one really cares about - like that obscure “battle chicken” toy from TBC :laughing:

Unfortunately, the devs mostly seem to be ignoring the feedback threads from CC’ers on “core issue” topics that actually matter/people care about

Look how that one CC’er has just had to make a duplicate/repeat complain thread on the same issue of long queue times in Classic, these blues and the dev simply brushed off the issue/provided a “non answer” in his earlier thread

These devs are not listening to the feedback posted by CC’ers, they seem content to just leave the high queue times “as is” and do nothing :man_facepalming: :snail: :snail:

as a side-note, everyone should go upvote the new queue times complain thread posted up by Mispeled


Someone sure didn’t see the link I gave or the mention of the stronghold with high elves in it - You know the Alliance one? :3 No High elves to be seen on the horde side though, wonder why.

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Yeah, just like Rambo and Indiana Jones.

Where have you been ? That boat sailed ages ago.

Yes, it’s a bunch of people using “offense” as a bludgeon against a company. Like the guy above who was demanding an apology from me.

People need to stop bowing down to this new wave of Jack Thompson wannabes.

Not to mention various other illnesses and the medications for them can cause that issue and/or make it much, MUCH harder to undo.

Also: many places only look at height vs weight, that’s not a good indicator on if your are at a healthy weight for your build, the more important thing is you Body Fat Percentage, as Muscle weighs massively more than fat per volume, so you could be ‘overweight’ on a h/w chart but actually super unhealthy for being too lean (not enough body fat percent)

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Hello, I see you replied to my post. I disagree! Not only was the decision of the person in question, it’s something they have full control over! Mocking someone for something they have no control over is a different matter entirely!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

I’m surprised this has gone as far as it has. It was a pretty tame joke. Far worse has been joked about other races.



I hope you realize that shrouding an insufferable statement inside of a ludicrous prose doesn’t shield it from being ridiculous. lol

If you agree with overweight folks being bullied, you’ve got an issue.

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No one is going to mistake someone that’s jacked like 18 year old Arnold Schwarzenegger with someone that’s fat.

Oh jeebus. Next up, how jokes about priests are religious discrimination under the Civil Rights Act.


Man… It’s literally just the fact that a company is making fun of their customers without actually ever responding to the issue raised in the first place.

It’s really not hard to understand if you stop and think for a moment instead of trying to win some irrelevant internet argument. lol

Are we arguing that jokes and bullying are the same thing now? lol

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