This is what (some of) the Community Council posts about?

Same question to you, how the heck did jokes turn into harassment ?

Like do you even hear yourself ?

But it’s not an issue. There is currently nothing that can’t be done with a worgen because they don’t have a tail.

The same 3 people chain posting doesn’t mean it’s an issue.

It’s a want, not a need.

No I’m typing. I hear taps on the keyboard.

Look, if you wanna hang out with the guy that likes to call people fat, harrass women with blond hair and make priest jokes that makes the local pastor mad, be my guest. Nothing stopping you.

I wouldn’t want to hang out with you, “offendotron” (as you put them) or the jokester if it meant ya’ll are just going around harassing / hurting people.


Okay. lmao

You can be a goober all you like but it doesn’t change the fact that Blizzard are literally targetting a specific portion of the playerbase with that joke. It’s not cool.

Jokes aren’t harassment. In fact, it’s quite the joke to call it such.

Listen : if you think jokes are harassment, we’ll never be friends and frankly, you’re better off not talking to me, ever.

I’m not politically correct. Never will be.

Guess I know you’re really a Helen Lovejoy now.

Kinda outed yourself there.

No one is a “worgen”. Worgen aren’t real. Distinguish fantasy from reality for your own sake.

No one is targetted by poking fun at a silly tail suggestion.

Good glad we cleared that out of the way. Probably save me some headaches.

Tell that to any HR department. :slight_smile:

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In the right CONTEXT.

Context is the key to a joke not being harrassment.


If your standard in life to pick your friends is if they would pass the HR test, you live a boring existence.

There’s quite the unwritten rule in every job I’ve been in : never tell HR about what goes on in a 5@7 (not that they don’t know, they also like to unwind after a long day).

And this context is perfect for it.

Oh please, making fun of a silly suggestion is never harassment.

If you think this is harassment, you’ve never actually been harassed in your life and you’re making light of actual harassment victims.

If anything, I’m more offended at what you’re hinting here than the joke.

Thanks for that. Truly mean that.

If you had any hope of a debate you just lost it.

Resorting to saying folks have a boring existence because I would prefer to not be picked on after having suffered abuse when I was a child that causes me to go into panic attacks is too much.

The worgen tail joke is funny, I get where people are coming from with it.

Whatever you’re trying to denote here is absolutely not appropriate and a completely different ball of wax all together.

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Is it a fact though?

I mean, maybe it’s just because it’s some of my sense of humor, but I can see that easily being written by someone who wants them too. Kinda like sports fans making jokes about a team they love when they’re not doing well.


Wonder what happened with Orc clans and what not, along with the whole different belf customization stuff going on and ah - some nightborne fixes. Saying one side needs one before the other, is silly either way you cut it.

Alas, High Elves were not available on the Horde, as they were never a Horde race. :3 The horror that Blizzard (and Ion especially) don’t know their own lore and they need fans to remind them about who is alive or not? :3 The horror.

Pretty sure there’s more non-furries doing that, imagine that. But you already showed your hand with the word choice.

An insult is an insult as a, “Joke,” or not. Especially when it’s directed at one’s “customers.” Which Blizzard seems to choose to ignore with pretty unhealthy regularity.

I have the same stance on people getting squelched when breaking EULA or otherwise, but you seem to disagree quite heavily when it comes to that.

The only person that can make you walk on eggshells is yourself.

Of course they would.

Jokes can be harassment, and a lot of people love to do one and then say “It was just a joke lol” afterwards to try to reduce harm or not get in trouble.

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I told you and I’ll say it again :

It should have been clear to you at that point. I’m not going to debate this and this isn’t a loss or win. We just live different existences. Mine isn’t about being mad at every little word that comes out of people’s mouth, especially not stereotypes.

Life’s way too short to fret stupid things like “oh no, they made fun of a suggestion!”

I mean, it’s not even just about it being poor taste in my opinion. It’s just not a funny quip at all, which makes it being poor taste worse.

Humour is often tongue-in-cheek and deprecative, but in a fun manner that isn’t intended to cause offensive, but often to bring light to the ridiculous nature of some offences. (Apologies if that is written too poorly to understand, I hope my message comes across still).
This just isn’t that, it’s ridicule on the thing itself, directly by the opposing party.
It’s not humorous, many won’t get the reference, and those that do most likely will either feel it petty, or for those involved in the dispute, maligned.

I just don’t see any positives :man_shrugging:


Well, that’s still wrong but go on.

Blood elves are high elves still, don’t call out people for not knowing lore because you refuse to admit canon trumps your fanfics.


Whatever you gotta tell yourself.

I want an apology for this statement:

Whatever we discuss or whatever that phrase was 100% not appropriate.

You’re not getting it. I stand by what I said. If your standard in life is to pick your friends on if they pass the HR test, you live a boring existence.

Like who’d want to live at their work 24/7.

It is not, back off to your anti-helf discord you go. If they were already on the horde, why did you make a whole discord about anti-helf but then you’re happy to defend belf? :wink: Whoops.

That’s incorrect, as if they were they would be called high elves haha. Unless of course, you’re now saying Night Elves are trolls of course. :3

Bro. This is not hard to understand–evidently it is for you.

A joke is only funny if it can be enjoyed by the party that is receiving it.

In the case of a group of 3-4 friends it is easy for a joke to land without causing offense.

In the case of a joke with literal millions as the target audience it is a little more difficult to be tactful.

There are players who have discussed this and asked Blizzard for some response on this for years. Them making light of it is not okay in the context.

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Now,I can see what’s this about.Yes ,it is disrespectful when some player wish this and it turns out someone used it as a joke. Does it violate the social contract ,if they signed it could possibly be.


Well in this case, quite a few parties receiving it find it funny.

So obviously, it’s funny.

Humour will always be subjective. Mike Ward made a super funny joke about a guy with a genetic disease. It was quite hilarious. The guy didn’t find it funny and it became the biggest judicial battle over humour probably anywhere in the western world. But it was a darn funny joke.

But it will never be on par with harassment. Like seriously, suggesting making fun of people wanting a pixelated tail on a fantasy video game race is not even remotely in the same ballpark as harassment.

Because a bunch of conspiratorial people with an unhealthy obsession about a game kept making up tinfoil hat theories about us holding the forums under our iron gloved hands in a discord that didn’t exist. So we were polite and made a discord as a joke and just a general hang out place and source of citations and all.

Look, you can just admit you don’t know the blood elf story, you know, like how their name is a reference to the loss their people took and memorializes what they once were as they move on to recover. They’re the same elves that were in WC2 and 3, with a name change, still the same elves. Just because they retconned in a few snotty runaways here and there doesn’t change that.