This is what (some of) the Community Council posts about?

i mean one could argue, imagine if you paid money for something that was ok, but not quite what you wanted and you started asking for some improvements. Asking and asking and asking. Not being dumb yelling or anything just kind of, being the “squeaky wheel” and then the people you were asking came out and recited a performance they had written entirely aimed at you, “you wanted x but we’re like NOPE” then they walked off.

Would you want to continue giving that company your money? Would you feel. Satisfied?

The joke isnt aimed at some lore aspect of the race. Its so obviously aimed at player requests for “tails” on the character models. Blizz says no, then comments the players look “sad”. Good optics. I mean i guess its not blizz con folks suggesting alliance people need to die though, right?

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Yo why is this becoming about death wtf


can one person without an absolute dogwater take stand up please?

dear god where are y’all coming from.


I love how we experienced both extremes in a few posts.


It’s a /joke emote. At the very least Blizzard is acknowledging that there are people who want this customization option. OP has a stick too far up their tail-less rear end.

I doubt there are more than a few hundred players tops that care about this so passionately. It’s small potatos compared to the other things that can be improved in the game. OP is a waste of space on the CC.

Oh please. It’s a joke, there’s absolutely no reason to take it personally.

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It’s funny that people like you tell others to grow a thicker skin over what you say but when someone makes an opinion you don’t like you mass false flag them and/or make threats against them to try and silence them.


What’s the tea on that :eyes:

Jokes are only funny when both people are on equal footing. In this case, the players that are upset are not. The company has complete control. That is insensitive and rude. lol

…and this is coming from someone that makes very rude jokes with friends. The context is super important though.

This is not the right context.


That’s not even close to true.

Entirely personal issue on their end.

Oh please spare me the Helen Lovejoy act.

Plus sounds to me like you’re outraged on the part of others, rather than yourself. Makes it even worse.

Tell me you have zero social acumen without telling me. lmao

Most cases of offense are personal but that doesn’t invalidate them. lol

I am not outraged. I am merely pointing out the idiocy of the situation.

Blizzard knew what they were doing and they knew it would annoy some people. The joke is tactless.

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I don’t know dude, people who get mad at jokes feel to me like those who have 0 social acumen. They force everyone around them to walk on eggshells and it’s more tiring than the off colour jokes themselves.

If I had to pick between a guy who makes blond/fat/priest jokes or someone who’s offended every time they so much as hear a stereotype about any group, I know who I’m picking for my friend’s group and it’s not Helen Lovejoy.

Good, no need to spread them eggshells around.

So you would rather hang out with the person that goes around harassing people? o_O

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This is literally about an issue that has been raised for years that Blizzard is making light of for no reason. It’s the context that makes it ridiculous.

Again, context is massively important when making jokes.

No, that’s why I’d pick the joke guy, instead of the offendotron that keeps harassing everyone and eavesdropping on people’s conversation to get offended at what they say.

A suggestion isn’t an issue.

There is a distinct lack of a problem involving the lack of tails on Worgens. It’s not an issue at all.

So the person making “jokes” and going around harassing people…

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Is usually not the one calling employers about mean tweets their employees did.

What are you even on about?


To you, maybe. It’s an issue to a lot of players. A forum thread with 10,000 posts is evidence enough of that.

Is it the end of the world? No. Is it tasteless on Blizzard’s part? Absolutely.