This is what (some of) the Community Council posts about?

so says you

millions of WoW players

I merely said how the forward facing element of the body/gender change is 1 dev. As opposed to 30 other people in agreement (via “likes”) with a community council member standpoint. The 1 has had their alterations made and done. The 30, not so much

Do understand my post has nothing to do with opposing the change. Merely drawing a light on the numbers 1 visible dev vs 30 + OP on the council only sub-forum

But… but I thought…



I’ve had trouble with the “anti” discord people somewhat before as well. I can confirm however unless things have changed since a few months ago that Vulpes is not a part of their discord based on screenshots that were released on twitter involving a controversy with them.


You sound so cool man. But. Are your parents called Ken and Karen? Just wondering since they never seemed to teach you the concept of earning respect by respecting others.


Can you point at what of my posts fits the definition of trolling, specifically? Also again, I know I told you this already, I’m an EU poster. Until the day that they connect the forums, this is the post char you’ll get. It also lets you detect who my alts are because it’s a retail character, to ensure no sockpuppeting or anything else weird is going on - unlike yourself. :3

Clearly you didn’t.

So yourself, given you’re offended for the sake of being offended by the suggestion of an inappropriate joke being removed? :3

Ah, now you’re resorting to the tactic of calling a trans person ‘it’ too. Not surprising.

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I dont support unnecessary extremist censorship. If a joke about worgen tails is really too much for you to handle maybe you need a therapist.


It’s not censorship, though. Perhaps you could figure out what that actually means?

If a joke that’s going at the players and not at the fictional race getting removed upsets and offends you so much, along with supposed ‘censorship’ in an online video game or their respective forums, maybe you should take your own advice first.

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Regardless of everything else

You type super quickly btw, like under a minute and you got everything written up

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I don’t know your life. This is why you’re a troll. Complaining to complain. Figured it out with your private profile.


anyone who uses these three words I know immediately is gonna be rude in some form.



Calling anyone ‘it’ isn’t a good look, but given your penchant about how I supposedly ‘always attack people’ you would have seen all or many of my posts if I ever have. So that’s what I’m referencing. You say you know I’m this or that, but you don’t know that bit? Very interesting.

You’ve done that a lot at me quite honestly.

Roleplaying and general online chatter for a long time does wonders for your WPM though honestly I was able to type a lot faster many years ago.

You’re level 26 and they’re level 50. :woman_facepalming:

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I wonder if all this is a secret agenda to boost therapy sales

Which is sad because until now I never had them on ignore but after this last attack I had enough and they are forever in ignore jail.


You’re level 10.

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I’m level 35.

IDK, I wanted to participate in this silly “stating the obvious” tango :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Nice argument, too bad it adds nothing to the conversation.


Am I the least troll cuz Im level capped and geared?

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no that makes you elitist which means ur moar troll.

gotta only be in cypher gear man.

How is it not? You want to disallow blizzard from making jokes about things that are in reality completely harmless. I could understand if this were a direct joke making fun of a real world race for example, but worgens tails? That can’t be joked about? Yeah, thats extreme.

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