But not all jokes are the same.
Imagine not having a tail.
What he calls “the dojo” I call an “ivory tower”.
No, some like this one are funny. You know what makes them funnier ? When people who lack a sense of humour get mad at them.
That’s at least a +2 on the funny.
Yeah, but I din’t think this worgen joke is a big deal, I think it was just in good fun.
Knowing Blizzard like I do, it is obvious to me when they are being playful or spiteful. To me, this joke was more spiteful than playful. Not the first time they’ve taken this approach though. It all comes down to intent. Can I prove it? Of course not, but that is what I see.
I loved Jaina’s arc in BfA. I’m talking about things like the Jailer storyline and the disconnected narrative, but I think you’re in a snarky mood so I’m not going to elaborate much.
He’s been that way ever since they announced group loot. XD
A joke is in the game about High Elves. If you click on Umbric enough he says:
High elf?! Please! Why would you want to be a HIGH elf when you could look all tragic and brooding?
There was a small fuss. Blizzard did add High elf customization to Void elves. This joke existing isn’t as indicative of Blizz’s future intents as people want to think it is.
It’s worth noting that when it did get brought up, high elf fans were mocked and derided (not without some good reason, but…) so this weird flip on JOKE BAD is hitting limp for me.
I’m not particularly bitter about not being on the CC, I never applied. I do however, dislike special treatment they get like free alpha/beta access and so forth along with some of their choices being questionable. Maizou’s post in the CC area of the forums at least are good enough and don’t generally go on attacking/mocking people from what I see of other CC members though.
Which is exactly why you think the joke is fine because you think being disparaging to others is fine.
But it’s funny how many low post alts come out of the woodwork to push some kind of narrative on topics like these.
The problem is not that it’s ‘mocking Worgen, the in game race’ because it’s not. In game worgen don’t even mention tails from what I can remember, so how can they even be aware they ‘lack a tail’ lorewise? The joke doesn’t target the in game worgen, it targets those who play it and requested for tails to be added for their customization. You know, the thread with over 10k posts.
Are you the same kuwu from EU Argent Dawn or no?
Lol ironic.
Ah yes, ye olde you can’t complain about anything in a fictional game world even if it’s something that targets people and not the fictional game world.
Though that joke was fine because Gasp it both fit the lore and was targetting in-game stuff and not the players.
I swear ya’ll give me real Corpsegrinder on Blizzcon stage vibes.
Ironic given most of your posts on the forums lmao.
Or, and get this, people going to a comedians shows know what they’re in for. It’d be more akin to a Comedian going into a random place and starting to spout all their ‘most shock/offensive jokes’ at people and getting upset people shoo them away.
Oh! So such people are still allowed to speak their mind and have the same type of comedy as before? Imagine that.
Lol considering how many people spout awful stuff on youtube? Nah. More likely to get hit for Copyright than anything else there.
Ironic because it was shown twitter doesn’t have a bias, it all depends on your wording and it just so happens the right loves to attack people in certain ways. :3
Ah yes the old Brewa Strawmans.
True! Like the books banning in certain states especially Florida. :3 (Ah dang that was a right thing again!)
The right sure is doing that, mmhm.
You would be a fan of Rumble, lol.
Generic villain plot to rewrite existence. Cliché. Safe and standard really.
I’ve literally always been like this. There’s no point in wasting time with pleasantries.
Ok sure sure. I’ve just noticed it more ever since the group loot announcement.
Actually, I think that a lot of problems could be avoided if people would stop assuming that everyone who disagrees with them has been mind-controlled by a streamer they’ve probably never listened to.
For what reasons do they feel the way they do?
Does that guy over there feel the way he does because he think it’s going to give him more rewards, even though it means reducing the number players in the game?
I don’t make that assumption myself, and I certainly don’t blame streamers instantly if I feel someone has a certain mind set. I wasn’t talking about just streamers and their fans. I was talking about people in general. A lot of it is how people are raised. People are going to form their own opinions, sure, but how they form them is important so that they can be understood better.
I think I will trust them on cracking a joke, over some hyper judgmental forum posters; who probably haven’t even done a single sit up in 12 years to be honest and who were waiting to capitalize on a bad situation.
It’s a decent topic. This thread shows how horrible the community can be.
Yeah, I’ve seen more than a few people crawl out from the woodwork in this thread making some ironic accusations and assumptions. Not all that surprising, to be honest.
Edit: Hey look, another one appeared after this post!
There are real problems both in the game and in the real world and this is what people are worried about.
It must be nice to have so little going on that this is what is being talked about.
Yep, it’s pretty horrible how some in the community are so sensitive and take Worgen jokes so personally. I like myself a good “how many worgens does it take” joke.
Thanks heavens for the ignore feature.