This is the most unbalanced I've seen pvp in a long while

And I would prefer if you didn’t constantly harass people in and out of game, or apologize for the times you have!

How do you figure?

Further, are you really gonna try and pretend that you don’t explicitly troll and attempt to instigate by encouraging those disagreeing with those you don’t like? Are you actually going to lie again in front of everyone?

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Why don’t you look at the post above you and be consistent with your accusations. Oh yeah because he’s on your side.

And that’s exactly why I think you’re strange because you try to virtue signal while being friends with some of the most toxic people. You yourself are often passive aggressive in a toxic way.

You’re terrible awful dookiewater

Also ur autistic

Also u made cringe weird comments ab someone’s 4 year old ur sus


I’m not liking any of his posts or supporting him calling you out in this or any other thread.

Further, I have defended you several times in the past and you’ve thrown it in my face. I’ve seen you do it to Seratox, amatox, bramot, kennie, remi, even grandpajim as well.

How do you figure?
I feel like I try to be super helpful on the forums!

Also, why are you dodging the question:

Is that not the same passive aggressivity you’re accusing me of? You literally just did that same thing in this thread. You also do similar things in other threads as well.

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It’s part of your bit that’s why. You pretend to play both sides so you can turn around and mention it later how you’re neutral while constantly siding with your friends in trolling specific users in your harassment.

Like here you are mentioning and bullying Christtel. If it’s not Christtel it’s someone else who you and your buddies like Luke over here like to bully and pick on.

Not to mention you spread lies and rumors about me using classic alts. Get a life man and leave me alone.

It’s fun to pick on you two because you’re both awful autistic loser morons

Qing thousand and thousands of games ev seas and telling ppl to get a life is truly tragic

So you agree Nas is toxic to us? And that he joins in on the bullying.

I speak for me, exhibit A of you being autistic


Answer the question.

I did, exhibit B of you being autistic


I at least respect you for not being passive aggressive.

No, it’s not a bit, and I think you know that.

I’m always happy to help anyone who genuinely asks for it. There are also a lot of people who would rather vent and be frustrated than ask for help or try to learn, which is okay as well!

That’s not the case at all! Like almost everyone, I try to assume good intentions and give people the benefit of the doubt. If they continue to comment in bad faith or behave inappropriately -especially without apology or acknowledgement of wrongdoing- then I’m not gonna continue that same initial good-faith communication.

Absolutely, because the user in question has a storied reaponse of immediately coming to any thread to defend ret paladins, which was contextually relevant to that comment I replied to! And you know that as well, but you’re just making a strawman argument by digging through things out of context.

Swole, I’ve disagreed with just about everyone at some point or another and I’m sure the reverse is also true (I’ve posted a lot), but there’s really only two people on the forums who are universally disagreed with and it’s you and christtel specifically because of your lengthy history of harassment and refusal to apologize or admit any wrongdoing.

Like you did in this same thread; and most comments you make?

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I don’t respect you at all whatsoever


Well I respect you for being yourself.

You need to avoid being yourself


Man swole kneeling to luke. Embarrasing

“I hate you”

“Yes my king (kneels)”

That sounds like some Diddy advice

You shouldn’t give him such lengthy replies, the dude doesn’t want to change he thinks he’s some anime main character standing up to the evil wow elitists.

Says ur bullying christtel but is in several other threads bullying people for being rival in bgb or something. Guy literally can’t help himself punching down and playing the victim when called out


The Dev evoker would say this …

Can you post the data behind this so we stop listening to warriors (Not Luke) talk about how unplayable it is

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