This is the most unbalanced I've seen pvp in a long while

Only thing that needs to be fix is Wind walker and Marksman hunter in my opinion everything else seems to be on par. Disc could get toned down, but I’ve been seeing rshams do really well.

Spoken like another npc who believes I even played when the rework happened.

The specs issues go deeper than mere numbers but what do you know, arena or burst players only care about their damage, not the way the spec works, feels.

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Was that not the first season you hit elite albeit in shuffle when that was hyper inflated and every game was a ret 6-0?


You rock!

Yea done with you, waste of time

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He really scraping the bottom of the barrel, huh.


My apologies I guess I made the incorrect assumption that the best season you had meant you were actively playing


I mean its the first week, we have to give them time to tune lol. It isn’t the most unbalanced I’ve seen thats for sure, but there are definitely some imbalances and they already hit some of them in the tuning for tomorrow.

I do think this early in the season we should have tuning friday/tues, as in this set of tuning we got should have went in friday, and then we get another set on tuesday. Would probably speed up their ability to fix major issues. Hopefully they continue to tune though as I think so far they’ve done a pretty good job overall.

Maybe this is why AWC is not announced when it usually is by now, its possible they’ve finally realized that having multiple events stacked up all at once is too much to deal with, and having AWC come a bit later (after rwf ideally) gives them time to tune things without disrupting AWC. They don’t like tuning during competitions very often unless something is really, really bad. Also causes the competitors less stress, as some rwf people like to compete in mdi and i think a couple (or just trill idk) like to compete in awc.

Taking a lot of Ls today I see. First it’s the healer streamer and then everyone calling you out. Unfortunate.

One thing that is odd is that sweeping strikes still does reduced dmg in this mythic+ version of wow.

Don’t let dragon get unscathed, that hover is baloney

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Hey there swole! Still 0 cr man that’s tragic


Ya, it’s genuinely sad how his only forum involvement is to like and encourage posts of people who disagrees with the dozen people he doesnt like and/or logging on a classic alt to do the same thing.


It’s okay, can’t expect much from autists

This is you projecting. You like all the comments that are against me because you’re weirdly obsessed even tho I completely avoid you. A vast majority of your post are trash talking about me or Christtel or some random poster like how you’re doing in this very post I’m replying to.

I like how you can never avoid mediocrity

also ur mom can never avoid calling me late at night it’s tragic fr

Also u and Christel or w.e losers name is are both awful terrible players


I don’t. I like all the posts I agree with, even yours! Feel free to check my profile to confirm this!

Further, you don’t “completely avoid” me. In fact, you had WAY more replies to me than I did to you until 2 or so months ago when kennie pointed it out, which was around the time you started shifting to ignoring and just liking posts of anyone who disagreed with me/kennie/remi/ama etc.

I think the vast majority of my posts are either trying to help people, having conversations about balance, or just socializing, and you’re welcome to confirm that for yourself, too!

You’re not fooling anyone, dude.


No, I think you’re very weird man I don’t like to interact with you. I would prefer if you didn’t talk about me.

I think you’re awful terrible dookiewater at the game

I would prefer if you just left this planet

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there will always be a top and there will always be a bottom the wheel keeps spinning

if you always cry about this it will never be fun