This is the most unbalanced I've seen pvp in a long while

Name : Mortal Strike (id=12294) [Spell Family (4)]
Talent Entry : Arms [tree=spec, row=1, col=1, max_rank=1, req_points=0]
Class : Warrior
School : Physical
Spell Type : Melee
Resource : 30 Rage (1) (id=9599)
Range : 5 yards
GCD : 1.5 seconds
Requires weapon : Two-handed Axe, Two-handed Mace, Polearm, Two-handed Sword, Staff
Cooldown : 6 seconds
Labels : 16: Class Spells
: 25: Warrior Spells
: 292
Affecting Spells : Demoralizing Shout (1160 effect#3), Recklessness (1719 effect#4), Overpower (7384 effect#2), Mastery: Unshackled Fury (76856 effects: #1, #2), Single-Minded Fury (81099 effects: #1, #2), Avatar (107574 effects: #1, #4), Warrior (137047 effects: #1, #2), Protection Warrior (137048 effects: #1, #2), Arms Warrior (137049 effects: #2, #3), Fury Warrior (137050 effects: #1, #2), Enrage (184362 effects: #4, #5), Sharpen Blade (198817 effect#1), Archavon’s Heavy Hand (205144 effect#1), Colossus Smash (208086 effect#1), Precise Strikes (209493 effect#1), Precise Strikes (248195 effect#1), Sweeping Strikes (260708 effect#1), Deep Wounds (262115 effects: #2, #5), Executioner’s Precision (262128 effect#1), Deadly Calm (262228 effect#1), Siegebreaker (280773 effect#1), Glory (325787 effect#1), Exploiter (335452 effect#1), Will of the Berserker (335597 effect#1), Battlelord (346369 effect#1), Champion’s Spear (376080 effect#5), Crushing Force (382764 effects: #1, #2), One-Handed Weapon Specialization (382895 effects: #1, #2), Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (382896 effects: #1, #2), Dual Wield Specialization (382900 effects: #1, #2), Sharpened Blades (383341 effect#1), Impale (383430 effect#1), Executioner’s Precision (386633 effect#1), Warrior Arms Set 2pc (393705 effects: #1, #2), Vanguard’s Determination (394056 effects: #1, #3), Strike Vulnerabilities (394173 effects: #1, #2), Crushing Advance (410138 effect#1), Martial Expert (429638 effect#1), Mountain of Muscle and Scars (429642 effects: #1, #2), Practiced Strikes (429647 effect#1), Overwhelmed (445836 effect#1), Brutal Finish (446918 effect#1), Wrecked (447513 effect#2), Lethal Blows (455485 effects: #1, #2), Fierce Followthrough (458689 effect#1), Dance of Death (459572 effect#1), Pay Them Back (1216556 effect#2), Luck of the Draw! (1218163 effects: #1, #4)
Triggered By : Exhilarating Blows (383226)
Family Flags : 8, 9, 18, 25, 52
Attributes : Is Ability (4), Not Shapeshifted (16), Do Not Sheath (18), Initiates Combat (Enables Auto-Attack) (41), Discount Power On Miss (59), Chain From Caster (76), Requires Main-Hand Weapon (106), Aura Points On Client (268), Enforce Facing on Primary Target Only (351), Allow Class Ability Procs (416)
Effects :
#1 (id=5274) : School Damage (2): physical
Base Value: 0 | Scaled Value: 0 (delta=0.05) | AP Coefficient: 5.80492 | PvP Coefficient: 1.1625 | Chain Multiplier: 1 | Chain Targets: 1 | Target: Enemy (6)
Description : A vicious strike that deals $s1 Physical damage and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target by $115804s1% for $115804d.
Variables : $mult=${($max(0,$min($pl-5,15))*8+207)/327}

Best I can do because I no longer have the 11.0.7 builds in GitHub. You can trace back the old AP value for MS in wowhead though.

AP coefficient used to be ~3.497, PVP mult used to be 1.55, and martial prowess is the same because it used to have .33 as its mult when it stacked to 60% but is now .66 stacking to 30%.

3.497 * 1.55 = 5.42035 (last ssn ms)
5.80492 * 1.1625 = 6.7482195 (this ssn ms)

Actual difference comes out to still being ~25% bigger. I did incorrect napkin math in that post assuming that -25% meant that they were taking the pvp mod from 1.55 to 1.30. It is sometimes hard to infer whether they mean additive or multiplicative values by patch notes until you actually look at what they do.

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I dont even know who you are, and thats saying something considering its always the same suspects with their bad opinions. You dont stand out on your own here, not funny, not witty, not skilled.


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That’s Luke, we love Luke. Be gone pest.


Aren’t you a 10.0.7 ret reroll?


never said i was any of those gang all i know is id dookie all over u

thr is not a world where id lose to u man :skull:

Not even worth a ignore.

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i own u on god

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No, no it’s not

You’re literally my favorite poster :rofl:

Hate to break it to you swole but Christtel is a man