This is the most unbalanced I've seen pvp in a long while

I have never seen such insane damage disparities in arenas in such a long time. I’m seeing devos, ww monks, destro locks etc just pump so far beyond many of the other classes. They aren’t even pressing many buttons. I personally play arms warrior and my mortal strikes are doing LESS DAMAGE THAN LAST SEASON… I’m averaging 650k-800k mortal strikes… that would take 20 to kill a warlock if they didnt do anything or get any heals. I feel like a wet noodle… I ended last season top 500 arms warriors and this season so far im struggling even at 1600. And they’re randomly planning to nerf warrior again for the third time in a week? And not touching windwalker? What drugs are these people on?


Top 500 as a metric :skull: :skull:


I’m literally the highest rated goblin enh shaman in the world. Beat that.

Still S tier because you as warrior pair with ret/lock which are both insane, for ret after Tuesday.

In what world is Ret insane right now? Changes amount to a 5% dps increase. WOW so next week they will do 740k instead of 700k while SPs and Warriors flood the ladder doing 1.2 mill a piece.

nerf warlock, trust me i was the highest rated female mechangnome warrior with pink hair on malganis in the state of New Mexico.


Please, ret can do as much damage as anyone and has holy paladins kit.


I was hoping for dh to be giga OP and the forum was flooded with nerf dh threads so ppl would leave ret alone rofl.

At least with the next round of buffs we’ll do the same dmg as a felguard, it’s a step in the right direction.

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Honestly arms warriors are getting exhausting at this point.

aye man arms is fine fr


Mortal strike is still 40% bigger in PvP than last season between its PvP modifier and base damage/ap coefficient. Other specs had undocumented PvP modifier changes between 11.0.7 and 11.1. Mortal strike probably wasn’t intended to have its 1.55 PvP mod at launch. Martial prowess is the same in PvP as last season and the base damage of mortal strike went up by 66%. Overpower and execute are also both still tuned higher than last season.

Also mortal strike is a thing you get to send a lot as arms. It’s not just the highest theoretical damage that the ability can do that matters. Looking at your details post match and lamenting the 4 worst values from off target sweeping strikes non crits is stupid.

Tell me you havent played windwalker without telling me you havent played windwalker.

I’ve played every melee but rogue past 2200+

Warrior is by far the easiest spec the play. You mentioned not pressing many buttons? Arms warrior has the least amount of buttons in the game.

The well known multi r1 streamers that do tier lists on easiest melee to play. Always put windwalker in the middle of the pack with rogues being the hardest. And warriors are the easiest to play.

That’s because unlike warrior. Windwalkers have several procs they have to watch out for to maximize their damage. Along with several DPS buttons that need to be mixed to maximize damage due to mastery. I have 6 freed up keybinds when playing my warrior compared to my monk.

This sounds like something else is going on. What in particular are you struggling with?

Ww got two nerfs to slicing wind and celestial conduit (their biggest damage abilities) and will LIKELY get a PVE nerf tonight or next monday due to RWF tuning.


Spriest is perfectly balanced. There are many specs tuned far above them like Fury Warrior and MM Hunter

sp is better than both of those?


Top 500 warrior? Is there even more then 500 warriors queuing ?

According to drustvar, there are more dps warriors queuing than anything else.

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The changes on tuesday are absolutely nothing. 10% on a finisher that does does no damage. 40% on a debuff that tivks for 40k right now. Boj getting buffed to deal last seasons damage (because we lost the s1 tier set buffing it).

Those buffs are nothing.


Ya but you wouldn’t be happy unless it was crimson.