This is the last time I will grind pathfinder in my life

I don’t mind the meta achievements in Pathfinder, in general. I also understand Blizzard’s philosophy. Nazjatar, on the other hand, makes no sense, and it’s not fun.

I mentioned nothing of the sort. Nothing about changing Pathfinder. All I said was that there’s no excuse for the timegating. Once someone has unlocked the achievement they should enjoy the benefit. What Blizzard is doing makes even less sense when they turn around and offer a flying mount for a six month subscription. If you want to entice players to enjoy a brand new flying mount, why release flying so late into the expansion? It just makes no business sense.

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Fine, no one cares. I’d prefer you go play your carebear games with the rest of the people who can’t stand an open world without superhero abilities.

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Time gating is the entire point. It’s so you can’t skip the main expansion content by flying over it. In fact, it makes more sense to remove pathfinder altogether and just lock flight for x number of months after an expansion comes out. But we all love the fact that doing it unlocks flight on all characters, instead of buying it for each one individually.

I barely play and im like 5 or 6k in mech and 8k in naz, I wouldn’t say it takes thaaat long. I’ll prolly have it by next week for sure lmao

You obviously do, or you would not of even bothered to post in the thread.

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To be fair, they have basically said they didn’t want flying.

I think you should stick to your guns, and NOT replace WoW with another videogame, but rather with something more useful.

Perhaps something which gets you healthier, or work on your education.

You know… change your life, for the better.


I said that about BfA, 3rd strike rule. I “bought” BfA (paid gold) because I was worried WoW’s going to fail the way they’re going but only subbed a month ago (spent a token). I started leveling my rogue, who’s currently 115, for the human rep bonus and being able to sneak past mobs. I wanted to see if I could stomach the expansion with the catch up mechanics but I’m just letting my month run out.

It’s not just flying but it’s a big part of it. CRZ was terrible for a low progression server, the one good thing I had was being able to farm rares and resources easier but they took that away. Random gear takes away planning gear routes and makes me feel like a rat in a maze. They pretty much killed casual PvP, it’s like they want me to quit.

Says no one cares if you quit, but proceeds to post in a quit thread lol.

If you’ve done Pathfinder then you’ve already seen the content. After that it’s just a repeat so what difference does it make if it’s by ground or air?

And of course you would love to remove flying and at least you would be honest about your intentions up front. But if Blizz had done that I suspect that there would have been a LOT of people either skipping BFA or waiting a year before purchasing. I suspect after this latest fiasco a lot of people will be doing that with the next expansion. So less subs, less people playing and less money for more content. Great strategy.


Repeated daily content does not keep me around. Pathfinder rep requirements need to go. It should be account wide X number of quests competed in current content or completing all quest zones. Special mounts and allied races can be the rep grind.

Thats pretty much it. It seems the people who are complaining cant stand a little hard work. Dig in and get it done. Maybe an olden day concept i dont know :smiling_imp:

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I wish they would!

Blizz, I have money!

Put flying in the store! Will buy!

But of course that’s not the point. Point is to leech it away until no one misses it. Development just sees it as the pain section of a transition to a better place.

Soon we will all appreciate their genius. Soon we will all notice that particular s-shaped root right at the base of that one tree by the lakeside. Everything will be alright eventually, so, so alright.

If anyone is interested, there is a current game wherein you CAN fly should you select that power pool. Its old but, comparative speaking, still dern good. Good old fashioned chore-free fun.

Geeze blizz, what happened to you?


I am of similar mind. This is my final expansion and pathfinder.

I may or may not play vanilla.

But enough is enough and the treatment of flying is so far beyond how is should be and so valued by me that I’m hitting that wall.

Well they sucked me back after I unsubbed in WOD< but no “COMPROMISE that isn’t” is gonna work again.

If they fix, and everyone says next expansion if good for playing and they restore flying I"ll be front of the line to buy another expansion.

Trust mostly gone, it’ is gonna have to be seen to even be marginally trusted.


To be fair, the game was relatively enjoyable for 12 years, despite hiccups like cataclysm, WoD is when the game really started to become, time gatey, cash-shop, pruning garbage.

You can’t expect the people who played/payed a game this heavily for 12 years to easily drop it entirely without putting up a fight, which is what some forums threads like these are.


Im not grindin it the first time

That logic is so flawed lol

Wrath and WoD were the only 2 expansions to not add a no fly zone as part of patch content.

Wrath only mentioned because it didnt add any zones at all in patches.

Its hardly a new thing.

its not going to change as much as we want it to

I would love to see their reaction on grinding their 1st mount license in classic. In fact I believe its going to be entertaining.