Ion was hired as a raid designer, probably due to his work with the old ‘Elitest Jerks’ guild/site. Most raiders would say he was pretty darn good at that. Unfortunately, the Peter Principle decided to make a comeback and he got promoted outside of his skillset and comfort zone. As a result we now have a lawyer running the game, who never really cared for the rest of the game beyond raiding.
You mean a raid designer running the game? I don’t see the point of refering to him as something he hasn’t been in a decade. I also don’t see the problem with someone experienced with the game running it.
He’s a lawyer, who raided in his spare time. Got into raid design, and was good at it. Which explains the focus on raiding the game has now. But the lead for the entire game should be a bit more rounded. This is how companies get themselves in trouble, by promoting people without giving those people the broad experience they need to maximize their chances for success.
Same. Did a couple of the dailies in Naz. Saw the super Mario quest up, and said fruck it lol. Kiss my rear blizz. Not on the right, or left cheek, but right in the middle. Ban away lol. Not like you drove several of my irl friends away from your sucky game when you implemented that fail crz into this game, and your little war on flight starting back in wod, and topped it off by killing pvp, and pve realms with that warmode toggle switch. Been fun chatting with some of you folks on the forums. Good luck to you all.
I think we should have gotten flight after finishing Pathfinder Part 1. There sould only have been one part to start off with.
I understand the developers want us to experience all the initial zones at ground level, but I think we’ve done that hundreds of times already to the point of having familiarity breeding contempt.
Stretching it out to other parts is just pure rigmarole and unnecessary, there’s enough grind and rng in the game already…
I believe that’s the point. The zones are NOT fun without flying. And most likely they are designed to be that way.
The only time I enjoyed navigating around in new zones (even as a tank so no dazing) was when I had the anti-gravity pack in Mechagon. That alone should speak a lot.
I think what really needs to happen is that those in charge need to realize… World of Warcraft isn’t the only game in town. Elder Scrolls Online is not only free to play but has had a resurgence in activity. Final Fantasy is quite popular and for many players a breath of fresh air. Hell even games like Rift are not only still around but seeing new players who are just feeling tired.
I like Warcraft, I like the lore (mostly), I like the classes (mostly) and I like the racial models (mostly). The ONLY reason I’m still around is I’ve got a deep attachment to those characters I’ve created and their stories. I’m not saying I’ll never come back but I am saying that each time I do I feel less and less interested. Instead of “Oh man I can’t wait to see what kinda loot I get” or “Oh this lil place is PERFECT for RP”. I go “Ok so I gotta get my Naz dailies done, then I gotta get my mecha dailies and ugh more <insert seashell/seaweed/whatever> yeah no… skip”.
I don’t mind pathfinder but I want it availible from day one, none of this 6-7 months part one then a delay for part two.
If they did this I wouldn’t buy the game until it was announced and if it takes a year for flying in 9.0 I’ll probably have a new game and not give two hoots about wow. I believe many are in this same boat, once we’re invested in a new title wow is gonna have to have a bombshell expansion to draw any of us back.
I fully agree. If they want no flying in later zones, part 2 can give flying in those zones. But we should have been flying in the main zones no less than six months ago.