How In the world am I “gimped” by getting flight later than someone else?
Is that WQ going to disappear forever if someone got there quicker? NOPE. I simply wait for the boss to respawn.
Are those minerals going to disappear if someone got there first. Sometimes they do, but that’s going to happen anways just by the nature of the fact that others are able to play the game earlier than me. Should we force everyone to play in evenings? Of course not. That’s how silly your argument is. If you want to be competitive, then do what all true competitors do. Find an edge and use it. Don’t ask for the rules to be changed just for your benefit.
I agree. His skill as an encounter designer is pretty amazing. However, he lacks a lot in every other area of design. Probably because he was a nerd who played this game and his profession is being an attorney. He has game playing experience but no formal training in how to design games.
From a gameplay perspective I don’t like flying and I don’t think it should be in the game. That being said, one of the only good things about the game right now is the graphics and the beautiful zones. Suramar city for example was awesome to see from the sky. I’m not playing bfa and definitely wouldn’t grind another pathfinder. The Wod one hurt me and the legion one finished me off haha.
After I finish pathfinder, I don’t plan on resubbing for a while. Gonna wait until blizzcon to see whats announced. Honestly right now having to push myself to do the dailies in Najzatar. I really hate that zone , its worse then argus. To many holes in the story that doesn’t make sense. The devs aren’t able to create meaningful content anymore and it shows. I just hope the next round of layoffs overhauls some of the devs on the team. Giving fresh devs and fresh ideas a chance to make the game better. The game will never improve if you don’t cut out the source of whats/who is dragging it down. Najzatar is by far one of the worst zones ever.
That is interesting… I stopped playing the game in WOD, long before I achieved Pathfinder. I came back about 2 months before BFA released and just started with Legion (rather than go back to get pathfinder in WOD). Through the course of normal gameplay (some dungeons, all the quests I could find) on one character, I got the pathfinder achievement. It took a few more days of grinding rep in Legionfall, but for the most part, just doing every possible story quest in the game for all the new zones, unlocked pathfinder. I took this to heart and revisited the character that had the most completed quest list in WOD, and realized it would only take a few days of grinding in Taanan…
It isnt that bad for players who do all the quests. I completed Pathfinder part 1 in BfA the same way… i picked ONE character (left my alts alone) for about 5 months (i know, I am slow) and completed pathfinder part 1 without doing anything other than questing and dungeons.
I think for players that refuse to do quests, or do a minimal amount of quests, Pathfinder will always be an issue…
I think each different type of playstyle (questers, pvpers, dungeoneers, raiders, etc) should have their own unique path to the flying achievement.
No, they didn’t. It still involves pointless rep grinds with time gates, isn’t accessible until almost a year into the xpac, and the latest zones seem intentionally designed to annoy customers with how little rep you get from daily quests compared to every other faction in every other expansion ever made for WoW.
For me, it won’t be the pure existence of Pathfinder or not, but how it’s implemented. If it’s another 2-part plan, where you can’t fly anywhere in new content until you complete both, time-gated behind rep grinds, so that flying won’t be available for almost a year, I’m probably done.
I’ll be fine with Pathfinder if it’s either a one-part only thing completely accessible from the start of the xpac, or if completing part one activates flying for the zones available at launch, and then part two activates flying for the new zones added in the accompanying patch. Regardless, flying in new content needs to be available within 2-3 months or so of the expansion starting for the game to remain enjoyable enough for me to continue playing.
ok. So you’re behind what has been near universal displeasure (find 15 things/kick fish), an exceptional soft stance on pvp vendors, which we actually share, and one piece of dissent of catch up gear creep. You win. You’re not 100% apologist.
Explore, Collect 100 Chests, Reputation with 3 factions, loremaster. Loremaster was hardest, since And Justice for Thrall was bugged. Second hardest was 100 chests, since most of them were in impossible locations, pre-DemonHunter. Oh, also garrison raids. That was actually fun.
That is literally exactly what you are doing. The rules are already in place and are fair to both sides. OP is stamping their feet and demanding my way now. If you think early and faster access to reputations, resources, guild recruitment, gold, etc is not an advantage that is quite ignorant.
I’m not complaining about the difficulty of Pathfinder, you’re correct in itself it’s nothing more than a pointless 3-4 week grind. I’m peeved about the nearly 8 months between completing part 1 and part 2 being available at all. That gap is nothing more than spite from the dev team and that’s what needs to go. I’ll begrudgingly accept a part 1 in 9.0 if it allows flying n in the launch zones when completed.
Although my bet is part one will only allow us to use the mount equipment. And part one of 10.0 will allow the use of ground mounts.