Yeah they’ve really added a lot. I try not to be a whale. I’ve only bought one mount at half price and the pets that they’ve put up during natural disasters and the make awish pets in past years. This year they didn’t have make a wish so I didn’t buy one.
Well, I’m addressing Blizzard with a legitimate complaint based on my gameplay experience. You, on the other hand, are lurking over threads just expressing your hate against players like me.
And by the way, I didn’t say “im gonna quit”. Im saying “I will never do pathfinder again”, that’s quite different. Learn to read.
People should care when someone quits because they’re frustrated with the state of the game. Especially Blizzard, and especially when it’s the same reasons over, and over.
Just because you’re ok with the state of the game now, doesn’t mean you’ll be ok with it in the future. One day you might be in the OP’s shoes.
See? You’re already moving that line in the sand.
I don’t hate you, I’m just bored by you.
Then you either haven’t tried to do WoD pathfinder, or you forgot about it fast. Legion pathfinder was easy compared to WoD, and bfa’s is even easier than legion’s.
No one can please everyone all the time.
No you’re not. You’re excited by me, otherwise you wouldn 't carefully answer me over and over again, and even carefully quoting me. You’re just another hater.
I’m sorry if having a different opinion and looking at things reasonably, as opposed to calling for a dev to be fired or quit because i disagree with his view, gives you reason to want to bash me.
Ion didn’t create Pathfinder. Tom Chilton did. Ion only continued what Chilton started. In actuality, pathfinder has gotten easier under Ion.
To think removing Ion would remove pathfinder is just silly.
Do you? Do you deserve better? You are paying to play a game you seem to hate, and rather than quit and find something you actually enjoy wholeheartedly, you’re in the forums of a game you seem to despise, bagging on the devs, making threats you will absolutely not follow through on… Explain to me what exactly you think you deserve?
I was not calling anyone to be fired? I was waiting, that’s different. Nowadays people get fired or get promoted so often… and no, I dont’think you’re reasonable.
Oh, I’m sorry, wishing a dev was fired. Not really that much of a difference.
nonono you misread. He only THOUGHT Ion would be fired for the IMPLIED reason of pathfinder (the thing the OP hates) which would presumably fix everything to the OP’s liking and then he could enjoy the game again.
It doesn’t say anything at all about if the OP actually wants it to happen
I don’t hate the game. I’m just saying I will not do pathfinder again. I’m on the forums to voice my opinion, because I live this game when I can fly, just as millions of people.
“explain to me”? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Morrowind does not have flying and its the best Elder Scrolls game ever.
I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you have a differing opinion critical of current state of retail. Prove me wrong?
I think its strange that there is no pvp vendor, not game breaking, but strange. Also i don’t do the new dailies that require a long time to complete (such as kill 15 elites, kick 20 fish, etc), and it would be nice if they’d tone those down like they did the jewel world quest (although unless I’m mistaken they have already started toning those down).
Oh, almost forgot. I have actually been very critical of catch up gear creep.

I don’t hate the game. I’m just saying I will not do pathfinder again. I’m on the forums to voice my opinion, because I live this game when I can fly, just as millions of people.
“explain to me”? HAHAHAHAHAHA

So today while I was grinding miserably two zones that I really hated, and it occurred to me, I deserve better.
In your initial post you wrote you hate the two new zones… ergo, you hate the current game!
I don’t care if you take the time to explain it… i don’t think you have the slightest clue about what you want, much less be able to explain it in a rational, constructive format.
Why does that matter? if the dude likes the current state of the game how is that relevant to whether or not Ion should be fired?
I am highly confused on what you do then. You just level alts to 120 and then farm old mats?