A couple weeks is too long?
I’m prob minority, but i enjoy the pathfinder for the most part… waiting a year to complete it… not so much. I just play the game and when i earn flight i earn flight. Im not grinding it like the few people ive seen who already have it.
No, not true. It took almost 2 weeks in Legion and almost month in warlords. I got BFA in 7 days flat.
I don’t think you are in the minority.
It’s been over a year with no flight.
Not everyone has the free time to complete pathfinder 2 in 2 weeks. I don’t think I’m in the minority on this.
The year gap has nothing to do with pathfinder. They could add in flying for gold, and there could still be a year gap.
Don’t forget about the year of no flight before you could work on part 2.
You want to get married?
I work NICU.
But this thread specifically was to complain about the grind of pathfinder…wasn’t it?
You weren’t grinding for a year.
You were waiting.
If they changed pathfinder to “buy flight for gold”, I promise you right now there still would have been a year gap.
Not sure I understand you. We couldn’t complete the pathfinder requirements to gain flight for over a year.
I started a thread on that and FIRM believer of having flying sooner rather than later.
Yes not grinding, but like I said, the time to get pathfinder completed is increasing.
Yes. I get that.
I am saying if pathfinder was removed, they wouldn’t have the option to purchase flight for gold for a year.
They clearly don’t want you to fly for a year. They could have released Pt1 and Pt2 much sooner, but they didn’t.
Pathfinder itself doesn’t take long. Your complaint is with the wait to be able to work on it. I am suggesting that because they clearly want you to wait a year, that if pathfinder was removed you would not be able to physically buy flying for gold until now anyways. They wouldn’t give it as an option.
haha sorry already taken.
Is there literally any other game where the players express this sort of constant disdain for being asked to play a game they clearly hate…and yet continue to play it anyway? It makes absolutely no sense to me.
Your username screams ‘Pokemon,’ so I’ll use that as an example. Feeling compelled to play a game, not by choice, but by habit.
As good as this sounds, you would be WAY under geared to go to NAz or Mech. My 408 lock had a hard time till I learned my way around. If you go in there under geared you will get frustrated and give up.
Ummm give up what? And what failed? You do realize it is either this or no flying at all. They aren’t going to just give it out like they did before. Get over it already.
I mean, I’m sure there are plenty of franchises where the fans/players disagree with decisions that have been made, but at least with most of them it’s a one-time purchase. Not a sub that you have to maintain.
I agree. Blizzard doesn’t want flying and they will extend the no flying time no matter what they do with Pathfinder. Pathfinder was just a way to promise customer “you will get flying” and keep people subscribed.