What do you mean? Legion was way better than WoD. That’s pretty generally accepted. WoD had over a year long content drought.
I would say that’s better than nothing. They aren’t going to overhaul classes mid expac.
I did have a lot of fun in Legion. Legion is also the expansion that killed my Shaman main of 8 years for me with the asinine class changes Ion’s team came up with. These are also the same people who decided they’d try ‘no flight ever again’ in WoD. The same people that developed the exceedingly spiteful Pathfinder system. Ion has been a walking disaster for WoW since the day he was hired.
In all sincerity, I think Blizzard is opting to go for the whales with all the stuff they’re adding to the cash shop over retaining higher numbers of subs. For some reason, the devs really get off on running around the same terrain every time they play and I think they like it so much that they’re willing to let go of our money.
Exceedingly spiteful? It’s way easier to obtain pathfinder in bfa then it was to obtain it in WoD. Also he was hired in wrath as a raid designer. It’s been a disaster for 10+ years?
Gold, rep, zone story complete. Should be able to do any of those to unlock. We need options.
2 ppl in my guild got flying 2 days ago. They learned all the secrets and just ground them out.
Pathfinder isn’t going anywhere, but the grind and time to complete it will keep increasing until Blizzard gets what the want. Basically no flying.
Newsflash: nobody cares if u quit
Cancel then. That’s what I did and many others I play with. Granted flying was only 1 item in the long list of reasons this expac. There have been far better (or worse?) reasons to stop playing this god awful joke of an expac
I am waiting on 8.3 and the announcement that those zones will be no fly zones like Argus.
These two lines are <-------> that far apart.
Pathfinder isn’t necessarily the problem. It’s the fact that there is a Part 2 that comes out way too late in the expansion. That is the part that feels petty.
This pathfinder was easiest out of all of them. Done in 7 days. After you learn the wq’s and your way around it is not hard.
BFA pathfinder was easier than legion and WAY easier than Warlords.
If you enjoy the game but would like to fly, buy the expansion when they announce flying. By that time they will have all kinds of catch up mechanics in place. Getting flying will almost be seamless just by playing the game. On top of that you will see little time gating features so the story will flow pretty well.
Any tips? I’ve done all ym WQs but im finding it isn’t close enough.
Is it true you can grind through pet battles?
So what do you plan to do in game if you hate both of the new zones?
You may think it’s easier, but the time to complete is too long.
Yes do the pet battles, look at wowhead for /way points and how to defeat them. You can do them all with 2 of the same pets, very easy.
Also if you have the quest to get 3k exp across your followers, get that done asap. There is quest chain after that gives a lot of rep.
Also look for rare farming groups and kill some rares.