I admit that in past few weeks my play time is heavily spent on Pathfinding related stuff. I felt maniplated and hatred, too. I srsly think about giving up several times.
The problem is that the naga zone is a PITA. Mechagon is loads of fun and I hardly miss flying but Natjatar is cringe worthy and I hate it more than Argus, which is saying a lot!
All I’ve been doing since 8.2 dropped is work on Part 2.
I don’t have a lot of time to do everything, so I have to focus on what will give me the most return on my investment.
I did my “dailies” for today, I went to work on my vulpera rep since they might be added but I just couldn’t be arsed. Maybe I’m just getting older but then again there are other games where I don’t mind the grind. For me personally Flying is a creature comfort that has me saying, “It’s only on the other side of the map” instead of “ugh it’s on the other side, up that trail, through those daze mobs and then it’s back down the trail through another daze”. Perspective matters and once I get flying unless there’s an emissary daily I won’t give two figs about mecha or naz.
Indeed, I don’t have much play time, too. And I started over in this region server. I need flying to help my alts team build up. The rep gated achievement is really frustrating and infuriating.

The rep gated achievement is really frustrating and infuriating.
I wouldn’t mind it so much if we got more rep for more things. I feel like we’re getting about half of what we should be getting. At least the Darkmoon Faire is coming up…

I would love to see their reaction on grinding their 1st mount license in classic. In fact I believe its going to be entertaining.
Don’t hold your breath waiting because most of the pro fly crowd has no interest in classic.
It makes it really hard to keep up as a returning player. I quit 8 years ago, came back end of Legion and was lost. I don’t have any Pathfinders even though I play daily. I’m trying real hard to get part 2 for bfa, but still, it really sucks for my alts.

after the Draenor fail
They consider it a success. They are happy with it and it is the norm.
Do not expect any change in how you earn it in future.
Yeah, I’ve decided what I will do in the next xpac is level 1 toon to max level, then unsub until the flight patch and then finish pathfinder. Once I can fly, I’ll level my alts. This 10-12 month pathfinder wait is so frustrating and ridiculous.
Same. if they make me grind pathfinder again i am making ESO my permanent home and it doesnt have flying. Either give us flying like the old days or just get rid of completely. I cant be arsed with Pathfinder again…never ever.
I have been playing alot of FFXIV of late, and the way its doe there is awesome, you have to discover the zone they put swirly things to click on, and you also have to finish the zone main story quests, as they unlock as you go, so by the time you have done the zone story you can flay in that zone, immediately, not stupid rep etc.
It also means you are ground bound your questing time, so you get LOL immersion…
It feel good getting flying in that zone, feel like you have achieved something, and it is fun and plan-able

Don’t hold your breath waiting because most of the pro fly crowd has no interest in classic.
Indeed, I mean kudos to those who’ll enjoy it I’m happy for ya but if I want to travel back to 2004 I’ll boot up Everquest 2.
They should have just given us flying in the two main zones that we had at launch when 8.2 was ready. Then let us do part 2 and then open up flying for the two new zones in 8.3. The new zones aren’t that big and with all the flight paths and whistle it is really easy to get around.

You mean a raid designer running the game? I don’t see the point of refering to him as something he hasn’t been in a decade.
For someone who hasn’t been a lawyer in a decade he can still talk his way around giving a straight answer with the best of them.
Should only be a pathfinder 1 . Like explore all zones like in mop . That’s it . Stop this madness with the time played model . It is killing this game .
You say this, but next patch or next expansion you’ll be grinding Pathfinder, yet again, because you know as well as I do by now that Blizzard will not change how Pathfinder works, and that it is better to get it done now while the content is current and people are doing it actively, rather than later when everyone has moved on and you’re forced to solo because hardly anyone is around to assist anymore.
If I’m just playing vanilla I"ll have a active sub, so before I buy the next expansion I can see if they put flying in at launch with no time gates, I can log my toon and see if they fix class pruning
and all the other issues.
If that isn’t pleasant, I see no reason to buy the expansion just for the “privilege” of grinding flying and being weaker than I was and no perminate new stuff after level 100
Ah, I can relax I now have a viable plan that lets me know where the next expansion stands before I spend money for more frustration.
Classic probably has a year’s worth of entertainment or more for me.
BOOO HOOOO theres nothing wrong with pathfinder
Ok? Anyone can do that. To still refer to someone as something they haven’t been in a decade or more to try to spin the situation a certain way is pretty stupid. Blizzard didn’t put a lawyer in the lead dev position, they put a raid designer of 10+ years in the lead dev position.