LOL over flying, just wow
Ion had reached his Peter Principle at raid designer. Send him back.
MoP is the reason we got pathfinder and probably to a lesser extent slowly released content. People in MoP complained that they finished everything in a week or two and then had nothing to do, so the devs released the last islands in MoP with no flying, then were going to not include it going forward, which caused backlash, which ended with the compromise that is pathfinder.
Yes, I do. I was here for WoD Pathfinder and have it, earned it at the time. The only real extra thing was the treasures, and you found those naturally by exploring the zones (which you needed to do anyway for Pathfinder). Heck, even the dailies back then you only needed to get credit for once, and everything provided much more rep that you ended up needing far less repeating of dailies then compared to now. Try again.
In other words it is easier to dictate the rate at which we consume content without flying, which means less work, which means less content, which means more fighting against the pace of the player rather than working with it.
They implemented pathfinder to make things easier and cheaper on their end. Pathfinder wasn’t a compromise but the intended system. Flying was stripped from you, you “bargained” it back, and now you’ve WON a small battle against Blizzard and shown that you can get what you “want” from them.
It was a great manipulative move on their part. They got what they want and ENOUGH of the players feel like they were GIVEN what they wanted to combat the fires started by those that don’t.
Removing flight made zone development easier and made it possible for them to gate our progress MUCH, MUCH, more. To pretend that there was any other motivation is just hogwash.
Not really. It means the same amount of work and content will go farther/take longer. Meaning less “there’s nothing to do”. They can’t make infinite content. The rate at which peoole can consume content, especially if they have a decent amout of time on their hands, is insane, no dev can keep up with that.
But judging from the rest of your post, your tinfoil hat seems to be on too tight.
Pathfinder 2 is just exploration of 2 areas, that’s it. Of course, you must complete the first pathfinder.
I remember SWTOR had this issue. It took four years of development and 200 million dollars to create a game with eight unique ,fully voiced quests lines across 8 professions and players hit Max level within a week of launch. It’s truly ming boggling how fast some players burn threw content.
This is where you are wrong, because if enough people quit, the game will shut down and then YOU will care! but a little too late!
After having to deal with the long wait and grind for pathfinder. Next expansion is gonna have to have something awesome. In order to keep players interested. Delaying flying just shows that they can’t create interesting content without it . Add in the bad writing that Danuser shoved into the game and BFA is far worse then that of wod. BFA lowers the bar even further. Lets also not forget about the layoffs that happened. Alot of the blame could be put on the devs and narrative team for that happening. Not keeping players interested. Yeth/yak guy would probably still be here. Not gonna hold my breath for next expansion. Already bored with the two new zones. Mechagon is more tolerable then Nazjatar.
This just in: You are wrong.
That is all.
Semper Fi!
I normally avoid counter people on the internet but your post is hard to ignore. As a part of WOW ‘s cummuity I do care when other member quit. I have got my account installed the end of BC expansion but have been playing on my partner’s since a few months since classic launched. In fact, we both played Warcraft on CDs before. I don’t like the way they gated flying but I do the content anyway and will get it eventually. My partner hates it and denies to do it. He is continue playing as I can fly him arounnd with 2 passengers mount, otherwise he would quit the game. We have been separated for nearly 10 years now (from some reason) we stay connect and hope we will get back together again.
It is easy tto give out comments and hurt others’ feeling. OP posted it as he/she is a part of this community. You may not care if anyone is quiting as it is just a game to you but this game and community is more than just a game for many of us.
I see no sign that either of these was a response to feedback rather than a part of a plan.
Seriously, how could anyone not know in advance that players would ask for vendors? Players always ask for vendors.
You mean other than people asking for it, and blizzard rolling them out a patch or so later? You can use a tin foil hat if you want, i won’t.
Even the “whales” are getting bored and leaving.
Whales who aren’t playing the game any more aren’t making microtransactions.
TLDR more than 80ish of the posts, thread too long and I have to leave for work.
I personally quit in January when it became apparent that flight would not be available for a while. I intend to play into the next expansion for a month, maybe 2, then cancel sub until flying becomes available again. My reasoning - If all I’ll be doing is waiting for Pathfinder Part 2 to come out, then the day-to-day stuff just feels unrewarding. What’s the point of grinding out WQ’s for caches, playing the auction house, running the occasional dungeon, and working on collecting mounts and mogs from the last 6 expansions if I feel like current expansion has nothing more to offer except a daily grind.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve actually really been enjoying 8.2 for both Nazjatar’s pearl system and Mechagon’s numerous collectables - but I don’t think I would have been psyched enough to play it if flying weren’t the reward. This is my personal opinion and I have no doubt someone will tell me how wrong I am.
Lastly, try not to crap on Ion too much. He’s doing a good job considering how long this game has been out and the technical difficulties of managing a world like WoW, and besides if you were told by people that you do horrible at you job on a regular basis, how well do you think you’d perform your job?
I mean im not exactly a fan of it either, especially as someone that hates rep grinds. BUT I mean it’s really not “that” big of a deal to have flying. I mean it’s nice yea but it doesn’t really prevent doing most things fortunately.
See you in the next expansion where you’ll be grinding Pathfinder like the rest of us.
Pathfinder is the last Stainless steel thread Acti-Blizz has that it uses to keep people playing their game, it removed any creativity they needed to use inorder to keep us happy. The reason they keep pathfinder is that they no longer need to keep people and therefore are able to do layoffs and trim the “fat” to keep the shareholders happy.
The real world $$ saw how much money was in this game and decided to take it over. Sadly
Players quitting over Pathfinder won’t have the effect they hope it will. Knowing Blizz they’ll see it as evidence that players don’t really want flying badly enough, which means they’ll finally be able to get rid of flying completely like they wanted to do in the first place, and there won’t be enough players left to raise a stink big enough that those upstairs won’t notice this time around. That’s the prevailing tinfoil theory anyway but given Blizz’s history and attitude post-MoP it seems logical.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with Pathfinder. It’s time-gating it that needs to stop.