This is so stupid it hurts

They fixed Double Tap procing it twice. How is Double Tap even slightly different from SST in regards to this? It’s clearly intended to be one cast = one proc. They just haven’t noticed Stomp yet because barely anyone plays BM right now.

One is a talent and 1 is a legendary. Legendaries are supposed to well, legendary. “But they changed this talent, and this other talent” is not proof that SST was not originally intended to proc WS twice. That is just an assumption people have jumped to. I can only speculate as to why people made that assumption, but an assumption it is.


Irrelevant? The point of the legendaries is to add additional effects, not to just implicitly break the rules. Double Tap is a straight up inarguable counter-example over this. They clearly intend it to be one proc per cast. You need to accept that and stop dragging out this bikeshedding.

And as I said before, it doesn’t matter. They compensate with damage both for bugs and for targeted nerfs.

Legendaries by their very nature are supposed to break the rules, that’s why their legendary. It’s not inarguable, if it was in arguable you’d have more than just “well they did this to this talent, so this legendary must follow those rules.”

I mean seriously, if the intention was that WS could only proc once per ability used, you’d think they’d have changed that when they changed the DT double proc. Or the animal companion stomp double proc. It’s not like it wasn’t pointed out to them.

Fact of the matter is they didn’t until this patch. Nothing in the patch notes implies even slightly that it was a bug or unintentional.

Then why try to argue that “No it was totally a bug guys.”


There are/were precisely 4 examples of one cast procing it multiple times:

  • Double Tap
  • SST
  • Stomp
  • Stomp + AC

They’ve now fixed (or “changed”, if you prefer) 3 of those 4 to no longer proc extra. I’d say the evidence is pretty clear that they do not intend for multiple procs to occur from one action. Blizzard is just being their usual selves and being completely oblivious. I’d wager a lot that the reason Stomp currently double-procs (they fixed the AC one, btw, it’s Barbed + Stomp that still exists) is entirely because either no one knows about it at Blizzard, or it’s buried deep down on the list of bugs for their overworked and understaffed QA department, and none of the dev leadership knows about it.

Three :clap: out :clap: of :clap: four :clap:

They’ve fixed 3 of the 4 examples of this now. It’s very clearly their intent, that double-procs are unintended behavior. Removing unintended behavior is the definition of a “bugfix”.

Because it was. Like, you’re calling me on being pedantic about this while trying to semantics-battle your way out of it. Pot, meet kettle.

I’d say the “evidence” you have is 2 different talents verse a legendary effect. And it’s shoddy at best. “Oh they just haven’t noticed this one’s interaction is double proccing yet.” Come off it, you think they don’t know how their own game works? I mean, I know it’s fun to call them incompetent, but if they were as incompetent as to not even know how the basics of their own game work, they’d have all been fired years ago.

3 of 4 examples except 1 example is clearly different. Legendaries are not talents. Legendaries have always behaved in their own way because they’re legendaries. Saying because they changed talents means jack all to legendaries because legendaries are not talents.

Fact. You are making an assumption. You have no real evidence to claim. “But they changed how these talents worked therefore…” is just you assuming.

Ok, Dawn. You just keep on believing that they intended from step 1 for SST to double-proc, and are only changing it because of the damage effect. I guess you do you.

Um…do you not remember the blue popping into the hunter thread 6 weeks after the Wild Spirits revamp and going “wait, what bug” when we asked about Wild Spirits bugs being fixed? Selective memory, apparently.

Ya, you’re right, clearly that intend for double procs, and 75% of those just became the “exception”. Obviously. Makes perfect sense.

You’ve decided that that 1 out of 4 examples is the intended design, and are literally just ignoring all evidence to the contrary.

Anyway, as I said, this doesn’t matter. Bug, intended, they still compensate for damage. So they either are completely incompetent, or they want hunters to be terrible. Take your pick. I’m done arguing this with you, you’re not even listening to reason here. You’re inventing magical exceptions just because you can’t stand to be wrong. As per usual.

And you’ve decided that legendaries have to work like talents. Don’t act like a know it all when you only evidence is “but talents”.

Double tap still procs Wild Spirits twice btw. You just have to be within 20 yards of the target.

Source: Me, I just did it.

Oh, ya, I’m sure that that is intentional. Clearly the devs set out to make it only work if you’re very close to the boss. Clearly.


Almost certainly not.

Regardless, what I stated earlier in the thread still holds. Regardless of whether the change was a bug fix or nerf, it really doesn’t matter. The end result is that MM as a spec is weaker regardless of what we call it. And unfortunately, it has put all three hunter specs down low while we still likely have another 5 - 7 weeks of waiting for the new patch that may or may not address our issues.

So, either way it’s sort of a problem.


I honestly don’t think we’ll ever figure out if it was intentional or not or a bug or not, it’s all on blizzard’s side. Still, bug or not, this fix still caused an unnecessary nerf. Not to mention, all three hunter specs still being at the bottom with no fix in sight. They need to buff hunters across the board.


I can’t help but wonder how they got this incompetent.

Blizzard SUCKS at balance.

My opinion, they will bump the spec wide auras for probably all three hunter specs before 9.1

None of us have visibility of the 9.1 pipeline for hunters. Blizzard does and one has to believe that impacts any balance decisions with current game.

Which leads us back to my opening statement… Blizzard SUCKS at balance

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Spec wide damage auras, it allowed them to be lazy.

They have been abysmal at actually using these to keep the DPS specs tightly grouped (within 5%). Instead we have spreads between top to bottom of over 15% maybe more.

My favorite part of playing MM is how it’s like a mage, only harder or worse and without the PVP viability.


Mechanically, MM is somewhat okay. Needs some massive numbers tweaking, though.

Now listen very carefully.

BMs mains were complaining about balance issues since day one, and many MMs (if not most) here in this forum did not care.

Not only MM players did not care, they shown SUPPORT to Blizzard terrible balance issues regards BMs, and the posts are all over there for anyone who dare to say I’m lying.

Well, guess what? Balance issues are bad, and now it is affecting MMs as well.

So what I’ve seen so far is some BMs (like myself) showing a very big middle finger to HYPOCRITE MMs mains now asking “all hunters” to unite against the balance issues. So you only care about balance when it is affecting your butts, it seems…

“BM is easy so it deserve to do less damage anyway”, I’ve seen so many MM players saying this. So, since MMs are as easy to play as BMs, don’t MMs deserve to be at the bottom too? Double standards?

“You can change your spec if you want to do more damage”.
Well, MMs now are also able to reroll another class, since you guys support the idea Blizzard should decided what we “must play” to be viable in the game.

I’m not “happy” with the whole hunter situation, I’m just saying that BALANCE ISSUES was there before it hurt MM butts, and you guys did not care at all. Now don’t pretend to be surprise.


Made a thread in the development forum. Let your voice be heard.

Lacerate sounds like a cool idea.

10% aura buffs plz.